US Navy Needs Fast Missile Craft — And LCS — in Persian Gulf


Donald McKelvy
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14 August 2009
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"US Navy Needs Fast Missile Craft — And LCS — in Persian Gulf"
By Luke Tarbi on April 14, 2014 at 9:08 AM

Fast Missile Craft FMC for Egypt

The Navy’s Fifth Fleet in the Persian Gulf doesn’t have an effective long-distance missile for ship-to-ship engagements. The Navy’s plans to eventually position eight Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) in the gulf by 2018 will not alleviate this problem, given current armament and design.

(Tarbi wanted to use the Arabian Gulf instead of Persian, but the guidance of the Associated Press is that Persian Gulf is the correct term. We we won’t go into all the strategic, political or religious reasons that some –especially in the NAVY — want to call it the Arabian Gulf. Suffice it to say some folks don’t like giving Iran that much perceived influence. The Editor)

USS Coronado Littoral Combat Ship LCS sea trials

As the Pentagon reduces the deployment of Carrier Strike Groups (CSGs) in the Gulf from two to one, the deployment of escorting cruisers, destroyers, and fast attack submarines will decrease as well – leaving Fifth Fleet commanders with significantly fewer assets in any future surface engagement. Fortunately, an affordable US-built Fast Missile Craft (FMC) is now on the market, and its purchase and incorporation into Fifth Fleet would provide commanders with permanently forward-deployed assets that are capable of taking the long-distance shots that an aircraft carrier’s accompanying cruisers and destroyers once assured.

Fast Missile Craft Can Augment Fifth Fleet

In 2013, the US delivered the first of four Fast Missile Craft (FMC) to the Egyptian Navy under its Foreign Military Sales program. If more were purchased by the Pentagon for use in the US Navy, they could significantly strengthen the Fifth Fleet’s forward-deployed presence in the Persian Gulf.

Built by VT Halter Marine in Pascagoula, Mississippi, these 204-foot ships are only slightly larger than the 179-foot Patrol Crafts (PCs) that currently patrol the Gulf – but pack significantly more firepower. The most notable improvements include the addition of the 76mm OTO Melara cannon, akin to the Navy’s Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate, as well as eight Harpoon ship-to-ship missiles (SSM). Equally as significant is the fact that the entire vessel is outfitted with technology familiar to today’s Navy sailors, such as Raytheon’s Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) and Rolling Airframe Missiles (RAM), Lockheed Martin’s Combat Management System (CMS), and Sperry Marine’s Integrated Bridge System (IBS). Furthermore, while the LCS is projected to average about $448 million per ship, the FMC is currently being delivered to Egypt at a cost of approximately $322.5 million.

If purchased for the US Navy, the presence of FMCs in the Gulf would have several beneficial strategic effects. First, the full-time presence of the better-armed FMCs on patrol in the Persian Gulf would partially relieve the need for cruisers and destroyers deploying to the region, freeing up those assets for use in the Pentagon’s strategic repositioning to the Pacific. Operational integration with U.S. Air Force assets in nearby Qatar and United Arab Emirates (UAE) could also offset the FMCs lack of an offensive anti-air capability.

Second, because the FMCs carry the Harpoon SSM, their forward-deployment would increase the missile range of indigenous Fifth Fleet surface assets from 5,500 meters today to over 125 kilometers, giving commanders a permanent offensive anti-surface capability in the region. Third, because the FMC is $125 million dollars less than the LCS, a combined FMC/LCS purchase and deployment model would allow the Pentagon to realize greater savings while delivering more effective strategic options to commanders in the region. As most Navy shipbuilding initiatives suffer from initial setbacks and cost overruns, the FMC program is already up and running within the United States – it may be time to take advantage of it.

Patrol Craft and LCS Are Outgunned

The Navy plans to station 10 Cyclone Class PCs in Bahrain by the spring of 2014. Originally designed to support special operations teams, the lightly armed PCs typically undertake coastal patrol and maritime interdiction missions. The Pentagon recently funded the PC Modernization Program in an effort to match the PCs’ capabilities against the small fast-attack boats favored by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN). This modernization included weapon improvements, such as the addition of a newer gyro-stabilized Mk 38 Mod 2 25mm autocannon and laser-guided AGM-176 Griffin SSM. However, these weapons only have max ranges of 3,000 meters and 5,500 meters respectively – meaning that the PCs may be better able to defend against a swarm of incoming fast-attack boats, but still remain severely outgunned by the frigates and corvettes of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy (IRIN).

The new LCS only offers a modest improvement in potential surface-to-surface engagements. Similar to the upgraded PC, the LCS also includes the short-range Griffin SSM for defense against a small boat attack. The installation of the Mk 110 57mm cannon is an improvement over the PCs’ 25mm gun, giving LCS captains the ability to take on surface targets at an effective firing range of 8,500+ meters. However, due to weight concerns and design limitations, the Navy’s staple 76mm cannon and Harpoon SSM were not included in the LCS’s current configuration. Thus, the eventual forward-deployment of LCSs in place of PCs will only result in approximately 3,000 additional meters of offensive range capability – an insignificant distance when viewed in light of the US Navy’s last surface engagement in the region.

A History Lesson

Operation Praying Mantis, the last major surface engagement in the Persian Gulf, took place on April 18, 1988; this event also marked the surface Navy’s first exchange of long distance anti-ship missiles fired over the horizon and without a line of sight. In one incident, three US ships engaged and sunk an Iranian missile boat with six standard missiles (SM-1s), one Harpoon missile, and guns, but not before the Iranian ship launched and barely missed with a Harpoon missile of their own. Later, in a separate surface engagement, another US ship launched a Harpoon missile at an Iranian frigate, striking its bridge and rendering it helpless against the finishing blows of US aircraft.

Towards the end of the day, a third Iranian frigate was severely damaged by American aircraft and had to be towed back to port. In “Decision at Sea: Five Naval Battles That Shaped American History,” author Craig Symonds describes this decisive surface victory as one that “demonstrated the extent to which American technological and operational superiority had outpaced the rest of the world”. In one day, the US Navy crippled or destroyed three of Iran’s principal fighting ships because they could fight ‘over the horizon’ and coordinate with lethal air power.

Those lessons should be remembered by fleet planners today. The US Navy must remain prepared to engage Iranian surface combatants at sea and at range, and not solely plan to defend against small fast-attack boat swarms in the littoral. Deploying the FMC in tandem with the LCS would provide Fifth Fleet commanders with this long-range capability, in addition to maintaining the multi-mission benefits of having the LCS in the region.

Luke Tarbi, a former Navy officer who served in the Middle East, Asia-Pacific and sub-Saharan Africa, is a member of the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs and the U.S. Naval Institute


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The author of the first article seems to have forgotten what happens to FAC-Ms when they face airpower with competent C4ISR support. We don't need a symetrical counter to Iranian missile boats because we have an excellent asymmetric response -- effective airpower.
TomS said:
The author of the first article seems to have forgotten what happens to FAC-Ms when they face airpower with competent C4ISR support. We don't need a symetrical counter to Iranian missile boats because we have an excellent asymmetric response -- effective airpower.

The question arises; Can the United States Navy still field effective airpower?
TomS said:
The author of the first article seems to have forgotten what happens to FAC-Ms when they face airpower with competent C4ISR support. We don't need a symetrical counter to Iranian missile boats because we have an excellent asymmetric response -- effective airpower.

Or if you wish to think asymmetrically, shore-based or off-shore oil rig/platform based tube artillery batteries firing laser guided shells or alternately, Griffin-ER batteries.
The USN isn't exactly in the best of health these days, as you are well aware.
The USN has some issues but airpower really isn't one of them. A carrier airwing is still the most powerful air force most places it goes.
Abraham Gubler said:
Grey Havoc said:
The question arises; Can the United States Navy still field effective airpower?

LOL. You're serious? LOLOLOLOLOL!

Isn't the US Navy the only Navy on earth that can field effective airpower? Isn't the Navy like the 5th largest air force in the world?
bobbymike said:
Abraham Gubler said:
Grey Havoc said:
The question arises; Can the United States Navy still field effective airpower?

LOL. You're serious? LOLOLOLOLOL!

Isn't the US Navy the only Navy on earth that can field effective airpower? Isn't the Navy like the 5th largest air force in the world?
5th is a bit low. The Navy-Marine Corps team's combined combat air power is rather great.
Grey Havoc said:
The USN isn't exactly in the best of health these days, as you are well aware.

I don't know what you are trying to get at? The USN still has 1,762 combat aircraft in service (Hornets, Orions, Seahawks, etc) plus training, transport and support aircraft. Which makes them the third largest air force in the world. Russian Air Force has 2,267 combat aircraft and the PLAAF only as 1,647 combat aircraft in service.
Abraham Gubler said:
I don't know what you are trying to get at? The USN still has 1,762 combat aircraft in service (Hornets, Orions, Seahawks, etc) plus training, transport and support aircraft. Which makes them the third largest air force in the world. Russian Air Force has 2,267 combat aircraft and the PLAAF only as 1,647 combat aircraft in service.

Leaving aside quality, supposed size does not automatically equate to actual quantity. The Fall of France in WWII is a good example of this. And you might be surprised on how those USN equipment and manpower figures break down. A fair few of those 'combat aircraft' for instance are permanent residents at Davis-Monthan, and include the remnants of the S-3, F-14 and A-6 fleets. Given time, you might be able to restore some of the S-3s to duty, but the rest? Probably a better chance of finding an ice cube in hell.

Naval Aviation, and the United States Navy in general, have been living on past glories for at least the last eight years, and probably longer. Unfortunately, that's not an uncommon phenomenon these days. And the state of the USMC is not much better, if that.
bobbymike said:
Abraham Gubler said:
Grey Havoc said:
The question arises; Can the United States Navy still field effective airpower?

LOL. You're serious? LOLOLOLOLOL!

Isn't the US Navy the only Navy on earth that can field effective airpower? Isn't the Navy like the 5th largest air force in the world?

No that would probably be the US Army. ;D
sferrin said:
bobbymike said:
Isn't the US Navy the only Navy on earth that can field effective airpower? Isn't the Navy like the 5th largest air force in the world?

No that would probably be the US Army. ;D

I'm not even going to touch that with a barge pole...

Grey Havoc said:
A fair few of those 'combat aircraft' for instance are permanent residents at Davis-Monthan, and include the remnants of the S-3, F-14 and A-6 fleets.

None of them are as I did not count any of those types, any stored aircraft, any written off aircraft, etc.

Grey Havoc said:
Naval Aviation, and the United States Navy in general, have been living on past glories for at least the last eight years, and probably longer. Unfortunately, that's not an uncommon phenomenon these days. And the state of the USMC is not much better, if that.

You have no idea what you are talking about. The USN has been putting carrier air wings to sea and maintaining the same standards of serviceability, personnel quality and being introducing some cutting edge new systems since 2006.

If you are going to keep making these arguments you can do it to yourself from now on. I’m out.
The USN could blat most nations, let alone a bunch of little boats in the Persian Gulf. I'm always worried when people start denigrating their own military forces for political point scoring. Are they really that pessimistic?
Just let's say that the United States Navy has seen far better days and leave it at that.

Getting back to the topic at hand; What is your opinion of the Baynunah large FACs (officially classified as Corvettes) that the UAE are bringing into service?
Grey Havoc said:
Getting back to the topic at hand; What is your opinion of the Baynunah large FACs (officially classified as Corvettes) that the UAE are bringing into service?

Looks more like an OPV, the hull is optimised for sea keeping rather than speed.
Helicopter accommodations, ESSM, fitted for but not with mine warfare gear, credible sensor suite, looks like the definition of a light corvette to me.

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