US Navy Airgroup composition

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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The US supercarriers (Forrestals to Ford) have had different airgroup compositions over the years.
The arrival of Polaris removed the need for heavy nuclear bombers so the Vigilante became a recce plane.
The demise of the Essex class ASW carriers added Vikings and Seakings to the airgroups.
The end of the Cold War saw Intruders, Vikings and Tomcats withdrawn from the airgroups leaving an all F18 jet force, later an all F35 force.
With China building up its Navy has the time come for another change to the composition of the USN airgroup?
The change is already under way. The USN has had an all-Super Hornet air wing for the better part of a decade, but now they're adding the F-35C and MQ-25. And to be clear, no US carrier has an all-F-35 air wing, that was never the plan.

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