US Naval Base Norfolk received oil products with direct delivery from Russia

Off topic:
Order Carnivora
- Suborder Caniformia
- - Family Canidae (dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes)
- - Family Ursidae (bears)
- - Family Pinnipedia (seals, sea lions, walruses)
- - Family Mustelidae (martens, otters, badgers, weasels)
- - ... more
- Suborder Feliformia
- - Family Felidae (cats)
- - Family Hyenidae (hyenas)
- - Family Herpestidae (mongooses)
- - Family Viverridae (civet cats)
- - ... more

Bear, seal and dog are all Caniformes, but a bear is not a dog. Neither is a seal.
Hyena, mongoose and domestic cat are all Feliformes, but a hyena is not a cat. Neither is a mongoose.
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allegedly it isnt carrying oil, but fertilizer, which isn't sanctioned
In reality, most of the exported Russian oil is refined in India before being bleached for use in the Western world. Everyone knows this, but business is business. Lenin said that the capitalists would sell him the rope with which he was going to hang them.
In reality, most of the exported Russian oil is refined in India before being bleached for use in the Western world. Everyone knows this, but business is business. Lenin said that the capitalists would sell him the rope with which he was going to hang them.
India buys below the established limit of $60, and even in rupees, which are difficult to convert to Russia. But such pirates buy at a higher price and in dollars. Direct complicity in a crime.
India buys below the established limit of $60, and even in rupees, which are difficult to convert to Russia. But such pirates buy at a higher price and in dollars. Direct complicity in a crime.
Belonging to the group of non-aligned countries (even if they use MiGs in their air forces) seems to be good business.
Short-sighted. By shaking the global security system, you provoke your neighbors to make claims against you.
In my opinion, the only thing that economic sanctions against a country achieve is to promote the black market, but the politicians who decide to apply the sanctions manage to save face without the need to initiate other types of hostilities.
In my opinion, the only thing that economic sanctions against a country achieve is to promote the black market, but the politicians who decide to apply the sanctions manage to save face without the need to initiate other types of hostilities.
Of course not. Naturally, sanctions create a lot of difficulties and losses. What is also critically needed is political will and determination to strictly control their use.
The myth about the ineffectiveness of sanctions is a thesis of Russian propaganda with which they are trying to influence people so that they do not support their politicians in this.
Please note how Russian participants in this forum immediately tried to flood this topic. Oh no, they are very hurt by the sanctions.
biber550 with such zeal for our rules based world order and the totally benevolent overlords ruling it maybe you should volunteer to fight Russkies in their "limited military operation". You could become the hero we all deserve!
biber550 with such zeal for our rules based world order and the totally benevolent overlords ruling it maybe you should volunteer to fight Russkies in their "limited military operation". You could become the hero we all deserve!
I am a junior sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Commander of the control section of the 82 mm mortar battery. I have been fighting since 24.02. 2022. Started in Kharkov. A simple volunteer without any military training.
I had to defend my home from the russian army.
biber550 with such zeal for our rules based world order and the totally benevolent overlords ruling it maybe you should volunteer to fight Russkies in their "limited military operation". You could become the hero we all deserve!
Do you prefer a world order where a stronger country, simply on a whim, can attack a weaker one, rob, destroy what generations have built, kill people, ruin destinies, destroy the self-identification of the people?
This is an evil war. No honest soldier should be dishonored. I was wrong. I am sorry.

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