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ACCESS: Secret
17 November 2019
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As far as I can see, this is just copy pasted text from Wikipedia, Andrea's Parsch's etc. Not sure I understand the purpose?
Well, as you yourself wrote, all the information given is in different places, and here it is gathered together for this purpose and is convenient and illustrative, which is not always the same on Wikipedia. If you do not need it, then let's wait a while and if no one needs it at all, then simply delete this section.
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As far as I can see, this is just copy pasted text from Wikipedia, Andrea's Parsch's etc. Not sure I understand the purpose?
Well, as you yourself wrote, all the information given is in different places, and here it is gathered together for this purpose and is convenient and illustrative, which is not always the same on Wikipedia. If you do not need it, then let's wait a while and if no one needs it at all, then simply delete this section.
You should at least credit the sources you used. Wikipedia (and other sites) can be accessed by everyone, but that doesn't mean that you can present their content as your own ("Created by Akela Freedom").
You should at least credit the sources you used. Wikipedia (and other sites) can be accessed by everyone, but that doesn't mean that you can present their content as your own ("Created by Akela Freedom").
Legally, I collected information from various open sources, found, processed and prepared photos, formed an HTML table - it all takes time and requires effort. Therefore, I point out that it was I who did this work. I provided this information not on commercial terms. When you or any of you publish other people's sources or photographs without indicating the original sources, for some reason this doesn’t really bother anyone. Therefore, you should not be clever and rant about what I should indicate and what should not. Do not like it - pass by.

And if it bothers you that you are not mentioned there, then you should not worry, because I had no idea about your site and therefore did not take information from there.
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Mentioning sources is considered good manners on this site.
Let's already decide - if this content strongly offends those present here and violates all possible rules, then the moderators should simply remove it. I shared with you handy guides that can be used without access to the Internet. And instead of gratitude, I listen to pretensions from people who most likely have never created anything like this, but know very well how everything should be. :)
Sources are to be mentioned because it helps readers to assess credibility of material. Next, when building on others' work it is polite to credit those others. Finally, it helps moderators to remove copyrighted material when the original author or his/her legal representative has not granted permission for posting same. The administrators have had the occasional altercation with, for instance, Midland in the distant past and things seem to be reasonably peaceful at the moment.
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Sources are to be mentioned because it helps readers to assess credibility of material. Next, when building on others' work it is polite to credit those others. Finally, it helps moderators to remove copyrighted material when the original author or his/her legal reresentative has not granted permission for posting same. The administrators have had the occasional altercation with, for instance, Midland in the distant past and things seem to be reasonably peaceful at the moment.
I understand you, thanks for the clarification. I’m just outraged that no one appreciated the amount of work done - they say "all this is on Wikipedia and why do we need all this."
You should at least credit the sources you used. Wikipedia (and other sites) can be accessed by everyone, but that doesn't mean that you can present their content as your own ("Created by Akela Freedom").
Legally, I collected information from various open sources, found, processed and prepared photos, formed an HTML table - it all takes time and requires effort. Therefore, I point out that it was I who did this work. I provided this information not on commercial terms. When you or any of you publish other people's sources or photographs without indicating the original sources, for some reason this doesn’t really bother anyone. Therefore, you should not be clever and rant about what I should indicate and what should not. Do not like it - pass by.

And if it bothers you that you are not mentioned there, then you should not worry, because I had no idea about your site and therefore did not take information from there.

Andreas' work is incorporated second hand no doubt, probably via Wikipedia etc, nevertheless whole sentences are taken from his work.

This happened to my Russian Avionics website of some years ago. Sentences I wrote in 2003, some in error (as I know today), can be found repeated as fact in a dozen websites.

Not only do I regularly entreat posters to cite their sources, doing so is explicitly in the forum rules.

You are welcome to "pass by" this forum if you don't like the rules.

I'm not saying you didn't invest time and effort in compiling it, but I really don't understand why its a CHM file. Its a Windows Help File format. A live website would make more sense.
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Andreas' work is incorporated second hand no doubt, probably via Wikipedia etc, nevertheless whole sentences are taken from his work.

This happened to my Russian Avionics website of some years ago. Sentences I wrote in 2003, some in error (as I know today), can be found repeated as fact in a dozen websites.

Not only do I regularly entreat posters to cite their sources, doing so is explicitly in the forum rules.

You are welcome to "pass by" this forum if you don't like the rules.

I'm not saying you didn't invest time and effort in compiling it, but I really don't understand why its a CHM file. Its a Windows Help File format. A live website would make more sense.
Well, it turns out the following - I collected information from Wikipedia, which partially contains text that is to some extent present on the Andreas Parsch website and it hurts him a lot. That is, I involuntarily violated his copyrights. And therefore, he claims that I have no right to indicate - that I did the work of collecting, preparing and compiling the data from the illustrated reference books? Well, since this is contrary to the rules of your forum, then there is no problem, remove this content, as I mentioned above. No need, then no need.
And why I needed to create a file in CHM format is easy to explain - you apparently live in a well-civilized place and do not suspect that sometimes there may not be access to the Internet. :)
I collected information from Wikipedia, which partially contains text that is to some extent present on the Andreas Parsch website and it hurts him a lot.
What?! It doesn't "hurt me" at all (it's only a few sentences anyway). The only thing I said is that you should name your sources, even if it's "only" Wikipedia.
What?! It doesn't "hurt me" at all (it's only a few sentences anyway). The only thing I said is that you should name your sources, even if it's "only" Wikipedia.
I understand you and I apologize. I pointed out that the source of Wikipedia and in the documents indicated that I only prepared them and did not have any copyrights to the text or photos, as it seemed. I hope all the rules have been followed :)
The reason I stopped updating the Skomer site in 2003 was that its content was being lifted and used without credit. Oddly enough if the bloke had contacted me I would have given him the latest info on the subject(s) rather than see old and very incomplete information go to print. I does pay to contact the relevant people.

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