US DoD AATIP program 2009-2012 - In search of UFO/UFP


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3 June 2011
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U.S. Department Of Defense Video Shows Unknown Object Intercepted By U.S. Navy Super Hornet
Relates to like a21st century Project Blue Book w.r.t to the article - with the secretive millions spent on investigations between 2003 and 2012..

Very interesting

RavenOne said:
Relates to like a21st century Project Blue Book w.r.t to the article - with the secretive millions spent on investigations between 2003 and 2012..

Very interesting


Not really secretive.
BAASS has been the contact organization for aerial phenomena for other government organizations. They pushed until they got a DoD contract as well.

As far as the Navy intercept:
quellish said:
RavenOne said:
Relates to like a21st century Project Blue Book w.r.t to the article - with the secretive millions spent on investigations between 2003 and 2012..

Very interesting


Not really secretive.
BAASS has been the contact organization for aerial phenomena for other government organizations. They pushed until they got a DoD contract as well.

As far as the Navy intercept:

Very interesting information at the link. I like some of the posts in the comments section from people from various platforms involved.
Please read the article below before commenting.

I'm kinda at a loss on this one. I'm a docent at the Museum of Flight in Seattle and this also stumped our group. Given the description one would think that this is a optical illusion, however two separate aircraft observed it at the same time, furthermore it showed up on radar and the planes AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR, which captured video of the object. This probably means the object is real and not imaginary/illusion. If it is real, then what is it, It could be a missile or UAV however it doesn't seem to behave like one as far as any of the Docents could tell. If anyone has a idea of what those pilots saw I would love to hear any suggestions (except alien since that's Bull $h!t)
Arcane said:
Multi-rotor drone?

Going multiple mach numbers and coming down from 80,000 feet? Could we please at least read all the information and watch the videos before speculating?
lucinator said:
Please read the article below before commenting.

I'm kinda at a loss on this one. I'm a docent at the Museum of Flight in Seattle and this also stumped our group. Given the description one would think that this is a optical illusion, however two separate aircraft observed it at the same time, furthermore it showed up on radar and the planes AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR, which captured video of the object. This probably means the object is real and not imaginary/illusion. If it is real, then what is it, It could be a missile or UAV however it doesn't seem to behave like one as far as any of the Docents could tell. If anyone has a idea of what those pilots saw I would love to hear any suggestions (except alien since that's Bull $h!t)

"Swamp gas"

I'd have to read the article again but I think the first phenomenon actually observed at the site was an underwater disturbance of some kind. Gas pockets released from the ocean floor are not that uncommon and the behavior of clouds of "exotic" gases can be quite surprising. Cliché I know but...

Personally I prefer
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest the airborne object is of primary interest. (Though I too wondered about the ocean disturbance.) Also, there were several articles as well as some interesting posts in the comments section at quellish's link.
On the F-18 video at the 1:15 mark the pilot says "its not a F-ing drone bro...look on the ASA there's a whole fleet of them!"

extrememly unusual event. How was this ever allowed to be made public? Is this the slow trickle to eventually admit reality of (possible) UFO's?

The object moves very precisley during the whole incident. And no exhaust plume whatsoever.

I'm guessing the video is a fake.
kcran567 said:
On the F-18 video at the 1:15 mark the pilot says "its not a F-ing drone bro...look on the ASA there's a whole fleet of them!"

extrememly unusual event. How was this ever allowed to be made public? Is this the slow trickle to eventually admit reality of (possible) UFO's?

The object moves very precisley during the whole incident. And no exhaust plume whatsoever.

I'm guessing the video is a fake.

This a Video in Infrared view, this "UAP" could be the exhaust plume itself, from a vehicle !
kcran567 said:
On the F-18 video at the 1:15 mark the pilot says "its not a F-ing drone bro...look on the ASA there's a whole fleet of them!"

Forgive my ignorance (google failed me) what is the ASA?
Mods if this is not appropriate for this forum please delete

An interview with Luis Elizondo who ran the program

You can also see Luis Elizondo in this video below. I'm only sharing this link to establish the connection between Luis Elizondo and Tom Delonge (I must admit I was extremely skeptical until the introduction of the panel @ 7:55)

An interview with the author of the new York Times article "Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program". Take note of his comments at 2:22 in the interview

With the link between Delonge and Elizondo established, this is an interesting tweet.

Here we go again
As long as people maintain that the talk of unconventional propulsion methods are "pure heresy" and degenerate into actively trying to sabotage any dialog, I don't think an honest conversation on the subject can take place.
sferrin said:
kcran567 said:
I'm guessing the video is a fake.

Why would the DoD release a fake video? Where's the upside?

Again, if it were real, there's no way the video would have gotten out. It would be a first.

Disinformation, a great lie to manipulate the public opinion of the entire world perhaps?

Are we a little too trusting of Government? We need to consider that danger.
kcran567 said:
Disinformation, a great lie to manipulate the public opinion of the entire world perhaps?
Are we a little too trusting of Government? We need to consider that danger.

To clarify, you are saying Dave Fravor and the other seven aviators from the Nimitz are liars?
kcran567 said:
Again, if it were real, there's no way the video would have gotten out.
a) There are a numerous UFP/AAV videos released by gov authorities around the world.
b).How exactly does released video 'manipulate the public opinion'?
flateric said:
kcran567 said:
Again, if it were real, there's no way the video would have gotten out.
a) There are a numerous UFP/AAV videos released by gov authorities around the world.
b).How exactly does released video 'manipulate the public opinion'?

You don't think a real UFO video would manipulate public opinion?
The pilots are unable to explain what they see.
It might be disinformation.
flateric said:
kcran567 said:
Again, if it were real, there's no way the video would have gotten out.
a) There are a numerous UFP/AAV videos released by gov authorities around the world.
b).How exactly does released video 'manipulate the public opinion'?

When its a UFO, which obviously the pilots think it is (or want us to think it is)
sublight is back said:
kcran567 said:
Disinformation, a great lie to manipulate the public opinion of the entire world perhaps?
Are we a little too trusting of Government? We need to consider that danger.

To clarify, you are saying Dave Fravor and the other seven aviators from the Nimitz are liars?
Maybe. You think the US military or the Goverment is 100% honest? I have a bridge in China for sale.

When you are in the military you do whatever you are told, especially if you are part of an intelligence or disinformation program, or other black program.
Can you think of a reason to let this disinformation out?
I still hardly can understand your explanation of a government plot here.
Apparently not enough foil in my hat.
There's no need for an elaborate government plot here and I don't believe there is one. This is exactly what it looks like, the military intercepting an unknown, and so-far unexplained object.

Having said that, it's entirely possible this information was released now because it would distract news organizations. Airtime taken up discussing UFOs is airtime not being used for covering other issues, after all.
Sherman Tank said:
Having said that, it's entirely possible this information was released now because it would distract news organizations. Airtime taken up discussing UFOs is airtime not being used for covering other issues, after all.

So what was Obama trying to hide? (It hit the net almost three years ago.)
sferrin said:
Sherman Tank said:
Having said that, it's entirely possible this information was released now because it would distract news organizations. Airtime taken up discussing UFOs is airtime not being used for covering other issues, after all.

So what was Obama trying to hide? (It hit the net almost three years ago.)

That Donald Trump is really an alien from the Planet "Angry Apricot"? Geez, Obama really was a busy man, engaged in all these plots and conspiracies. I hear that the Democrats have a colony on Mars where they keep children for Paedophilia. Do you reckon that is true? How about the Paedophile ring that runs out of a non-existent basement under a Pizza Parlour in Washington D.C.? Perhaps Trump is a Grey with a really bad sunburn? Does his eyes have extra lids?

I wish you'd climb down off your Obama conspiracies mound top.
flateric said:
I still hardly can understand your explanation of a government plot here.
Apparently not enough foil in my hat.

Leaking an authentic UFO video could profoundly change all forms of government, including overthrowing or collapse of existing governmental systems due to corruption or whatever the people are upset about. Especially if real or (hoaxed) ETS are involved. I didn't make the video so I'm not the one with a tin foil hat. War on drugs, war on terror and now a war on ETs, if you don't think there could be mass manipulation of thinking you are naive.
Oh, sure. Still waiting for a collapse of Belgian government after releasing these triangles photos and vids.
I just need another ton of popcorn, probably because for me or DoD UFP is not automatically equals alien spaceship as it does for you.
sferrin said:
Sherman Tank said:
Having said that, it's entirely possible this information was released now because it would distract news organizations. Airtime taken up discussing UFOs is airtime not being used for covering other issues, after all.

So what was Obama trying to hide? (It hit the net almost three years ago.)

Who says it was the executive branch at all?

If AATIP really did collect materiel from UFO's (as claimed by Ralph Blumenthal on MSNBC) an analysis of the isotopic composition of the elements making up the sample should give a clear answer (terrestial or not) on the origin on the material.

I fear that from Tom Delonge's tweet, both he and Ralph Blumenthal are actually referring to a Linda Moulton Howe's fragment rather than something that was actually collected by AATIP. "Roswell samples" sent anonamously in the post to independant UFO journalist/researchers is a rather misleading claim that AATIP collected materials from UFO's
Kadija_Man said:
sferrin said:
Sherman Tank said:
Having said that, it's entirely possible this information was released now because it would distract news organizations. Airtime taken up discussing UFOs is airtime not being used for covering other issues, after all.

So what was Obama trying to hide? (It hit the net almost three years ago.)

That Donald Trump is really an alien from the Planet "Angry Apricot"? Geez, Obama really was a busy man, engaged in all these plots and conspiracies. I hear that the Democrats have a colony on Mars where they keep children for Paedophilia. Do you reckon that is true? How about the Paedophile ring that runs out of a non-existent basement under a Pizza Parlour in Washington D.C.? Perhaps Trump is a Grey with a really bad sunburn? Does his eyes have extra lids?

I wish you'd climb down off your Obama conspiracies mound top.

LOL! Wow. Knee-jerk much? I'm not the one who claimed it was a conspiracy designed to turn eyeballs away from current events.
flateric said:
Oh, sure. Still waiting for a collapse of Belgian government after releasing these triangles photos and vids.
I just need another ton of popcorn, probably because for me or DoD UFP is not automatically equals alien spaceship as it does for you.

On top of that when it originally showed up online it wasn't like it was on CNN, the NY Times or whatnot. If they were trying to setup a takeover by the Reptilians they sure did a shit job of it.
Sherman Tank said:
sferrin said:
Sherman Tank said:
Having said that, it's entirely possible this information was released now because it would distract news organizations. Airtime taken up discussing UFOs is airtime not being used for covering other issues, after all.

So what was Obama trying to hide? (It hit the net almost three years ago.)

Who says it was the executive branch at all?

So what were they trying to distract people from? Surely you have a notion or you wouldn't have said so.
I find the whole Iranian take on things interesting- there are similarities between their experience and the USN in this case. Perhaps if people start to report footage or interviews taken in other countries of interest to the US, it might change things a bit.

UFO does not = Alien.
mrmalaya said:
I find the whole Iranian take on things interesting- there are similarities between their experience and the USN in this case. Perhaps if people start to report footage or interviews taken in other countries of interest to the US, it might change things a bit.

UFO does not = Alien.

How did Iranians get into this thread? ???
sferrin said:
flateric said:
Oh, sure. Still waiting for a collapse of Belgian government after releasing these triangles photos and vids.
I just need another ton of popcorn, probably because for me or DoD UFP is not automatically equals alien spaceship as it does for you.

On top of that when it originally showed up online it wasn't like it was on CNN, the NY Times or whatnot. If they were trying to setup a takeover by the Reptilians they sure did a shit job of it.
I thought it was front page New York times? A credible Navy pilot, footage of unusual maneuvers, sea level to 80,0000 feet in seconds. Unless it is a black program it can only be "reptilians". Certainly not natural phenomena Lol.
Real ufo, black program or disinformation. Pretty much only options it could be.

Don't think they are trying to scare people with this story, but it could be first step to let this info out.
Again, why did Navy release this video at all?
Guys, there is clearly an interesting phenomena that was captured by various US military sensors. Investigation of the properties of the phenomena (be it natural or a intelligently controlled object) is a topic that is worthy of scientific research. I would suggest speculating about the motives of any intelligent controller (If one exists) is rather pointless at this time and not worthy of this forum.

As I've tried to highlight in my 2 previous post on this thread, the big claim here is that AATIP have actually collected material from these phenomena! Quite a claim, lets see what (if anything) comes next. Personally I'm skeptical about how accurate this claim really is.

I was rather shocked to see former Skunk works Deputy Vice President Steve Justice introduced as a member of Tom Delonge's "to the stars academy". Is anyone familiar with Mr Justice's time at Skunk Works?
I am guessing the two voices in the video are pilot and weapons operator on the same f-18 so they are looking at the same display. If it had been two f-18's and seeing the same thing, I would be more inclined to think the object was real and not an artifact such as a spec of debris sitting on an intermediate image plane in the optical train.

The sensor boresight angle shifts from around 50 degrees to almost 0 degrees while the aircraft maintains a left bank turn. It would have been useful if the sensor was not in track mode (I assume the vertical bars bracketing the object are a track mode symbol) so the object moved around on the detector plane. That would also rule out a bug splat or spec of dust on an internal lens/mirror. The rotation movement of the object almost looks mechanical like an image derotator prism (which would mean the spec would be on the prism and the prism located at an image conjugate). Not enough info but the last odd thing is the inversion in thermal signature from hot to cold in the immediate area beyond it.

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