US Bomber Projects 11, US Transport Projects 01 now available


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5 April 2006
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Issue 11 of US Bomber Projects is now available (see HERE for the entire series). Issue #11 includes:
  • Boeing Model 464-40: The first all-jet-powered design in the quest for the B-52
  • North American D-118: A turboprop conversion of the F-82E into a ground attacker
  • Boeing Model 701-218: A twin engined supersonic concept
  • NAA Model 705-00-04: A ramjet cruise missile with a manned rocket booster
  • Northrop Nuclear Flying Wing: A well defended if rather hypothetical design
  • Martin Model 223-11: *almost* the XB-48
  • Boeing B-1: The design that might have beaten the Rockwell concept
  • Bell/Martin 464L: The submission that most closely resembled what the Dyna Soar eventually became
USBP #11 can be downloaded as a PDF file for only $4

USTP 01 And also available, issue #01 of US Transport Projects. Done in the same format as US Bomber Projects, USTP will cover flying vehicles designed to transport cargo, passengers and troops. Issue 01 includes:
  • Redstone Troop Transport: An Army concept for a troop & supplies launcher
  • Lockheed CL-334-1: A small STOL battlefield transport
  • NASA LH2 747: A “three fuselage” hydrogen-fueled jetliner
  • Douglas DC-8-1004: A very clean pusher-prop passenger liner
  • Bell/Boeing/NASA ATT: A wasp-waisted transonic concept
  • Boeing Model 733-94: An early SST
  • Aereon Dynairship: A giant modern airship
  • Boeing Model 473-10: One of the earliest jetliner designs
USTP #01 can be downloaded as a PDF file for only $4

Large format USBP drawings, Issues 07-09 The CAD drawings created for USBP reformatted and rescaled for 11X17 collected in a separate volume. Drawings have in some cases been corrected, improved and added to.
USBP 11X17 07-09 collects the diagrams created for issues 07, 08 and 09, including:
Boeing model 464-25; Boeing Model 828-2; Fairchild N-12; Rockwell D645-3; Boeing Model 701-273-7; Martin Model 223-7; Convair 464L Dyna Soar I; Convair 464L Dyna Soar III; Bell MX Hovercraft; Bell mobile defense platform; Boeing Model 464-27; Rockwell D645-6; Republic M-4.25; Martin MAMBA; Boeing Model 484-2-2 (twin-pod); Martin Model 223-8; Douglas 464L Dyna Soar I; Boeing Model 800-11A; Boeing Model 464-33-0; Consolidated Army Bombardment Type; GE Supersonic System 6X; Convair B/J-58 B-58C; Boeing Model 484-2-2; Martin Model 223-9; Northrop N-206 Dyna Soar I/II/III; Boeing Model 800-15A
USBP11x17-01-03 can be downloaded as a PDF file for only $10
Great to hear about the transport projects ! Though fighters and bombers are interesting,
of course, the filed of the second line aircraft like transports, trainers and so on, often is
a bit neglected, I think.
Great idea, Mr Lowther, to expand the series to new aircraft categories. Unbuilt Projects series keeps my interest high. A relief after Patreon's firsts months which seems a to be a radical departure in contents from APR and Unbuilt Projects. No interesting unbuilt projecst there.
Delighted to read of another in your bomber series, and equally thrilled to learn that a series on transport aircraft is under way. They have all been excellent so far. Big thanks. Will order later today - lunch time now. :)
pometablava said:
A relief after Patreon's firsts months which seems a to be a radical departure in contents from APR and Unbuilt Projects. No interesting unbuilt projecst there.

The "Superfrog"? Supersonic escape capsules? Zenith Star? F-108? "Big Onion"? Gemini "satellite interceptor" and MOL-like stations? Air-breathing booster for the Saturn Ib? "XF-103 descriptive data?" These were all uninteresting? :'(
May be Pometablava was just in bad mood this morning...
May be Pometablava was just in bad mood this morning...


Please Mr Lowther excuse me because, after reading my post again I must admit that "No interesting unbuilt projecst there" was an unfortunate comment. It's not true that Patreon lacks from interesting unbuilt projects.

May be it's me but I still feel that Patreon and APR/eAPR/USBP/USTP are different experiences. Today I ordered/downloaded/opened both USBP11 and USTP01 and experienced extreme joy while Patreon should be comparable but for some unknown reason it isn't.

Possible explanations:

Patreon documents like notes on space technology, regulus report or even XF-103 from Lockheed are more technical than those in APR/eAPR/USBP/USTP series. Space technology has many pages of calculations and mathematical formulae. I'm not an aeronautical engineer and I get lost on it.
I liked very much Manned Orbiting Station and Kistler documents which I found easier to read.

Patreon, to date, has been focused on little known projects while APR/eAPR/USBP/USTP are filled with projects shown only there. APR/eAPR/USBP/USTP is a window to previously unknown to the regular enthusiast issue after issue.

Let's see the next releases...

I have collected every APR/eAPR/USBP/USTP and I'm going to do the same in the future. USTP is a great idea an I'll be happy to see other categories of air/spacecraft explored in future series. I'll stay on APR/eAPR/USBP/USTP but possibly Patreon is not an idea addressed to people like me. Just that.

I hope this time I made a better expression of my concerns. :-\
pometablava said:
May be it's me but I still feel that Patreon and APR/eAPR/USBP/USTP are different experiences.

Well... yeah. APR.USBP/etc. are the boiled-down summaries of what I think are interesting projects. Sometimes hundreds of pages of documentation get condensed down to a few paragraphs and a single diagram.

What I provide at the APR Patreon are the original source documents. Sometimes that means hundreds of pages of pure awesomeness. Sometimes it's hundreds of pages of really technical stuff. Opinions will necessarily vary on just how interesting that is, though I make every effort to select items that I think will be of interest to the sort of folk who are interested in this sort of thing. That's why the $10 patron get to vote one what's coming.

The purpose of the Patron is to fund my efforts to procure the original source documents in the first place*. No source docs, no APR/USBP...

* Note: and to pay the mortgage.

For those unaware: I have a Patreon campaign that has monthly rewards that include a number of documents and diagrams. It's a pretty inexpensive way to get a bunch of Unbuilt Secret Project Goodies while helping to make sure that this stuff is saved and made available.


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The purpose of the Patron is to fund my efforts to procure the original source documents in the first place*. No source docs, no APR/USBP...

Everybody let's fund then ;)
Great work and detailed research as usual Scott. Always appreciated. Too many publications are light on fact and heavy on the "fudge factor" - but not yours. Thanks for the effort!

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