US Battleship Coversions 1942 to 1965

it was a little expensive

Extremely expensive to be fair.
I got a copy of it and the contents are very interesting thus an enlarged edition would be very welcome.
I was going to buy that book a few years ago, until I saw the author bothered to insult people in the comments section. That was the end of any thought of supporting him.
Are the drawings and paintings still all extremely pixelated like his other books? I have his US BB book and almost all of the artwork looks like low-res internet versions of JPEGs that were blown up for the book. BIG let down to an otherwise nice book. I got it mainly because I like his paintings and the fact that he addresses the what-if subjects as well as the real world ones. The size of the book is really too small to worry about art theft so I really don't understand the poor quality of the artwork.

I've seen the original Conversion book and thought it a neat book for the subjects it covered. Saw a few of the new paintings for the expanded version and it looks better with many new conversions included along with some little known ones it seems. I'd say worth it if you can find it for a decent price.
Nobody has read or just take a look at it?

The first edition was so poor that I'm not going to buy this if I'm not sure that it worths the money.
I've been reading the first edition again and looking for aditional info at Friedman's Battleships and Cruisers volumes. I can't find many conversions out of the Iowa and Alaska classes already illustrated in the Mr Scarpacci previous book.
Amazon's tells about a naval missile guide included in the book. I'm not really interested on that as a plus to buy the book.

I have a lot of doubts about the contents of the book. Can anybody give us some light?

Many thans in advance
i have seen it on @ about 17 € but i don't know about his content , if there are only images and nothing technical data or not because i interested also to technical data !

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