US Army Reveals High-Tech “Spy Plane” in Stunning New Image of ATHENA ISR Jet.

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has unveiled a new image of the Army’s ATHENA platform, a cutting-edge intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft that aligns closely with the capabilities of a modern spy plane. The photo, released by DoD media, features a modified Bombardier Global 6500 jet equipped with advanced sensors and communication systems, highlighting the Army’s transition to high-altitude, jet-powered ISR technology.

ATHENA excels in high-resolution imaging, using advanced optical and infrared cameras to capture detailed images from high altitudes. ...

In addition to imaging, ATHENA boasts powerful signal intelligence (SIGINT) capabilities. Its sensors can intercept and analyze electronic communications and signals emitted by potential adversaries, enabling it to locate, identify, and characterize these signals for threat assessment and support in electronic warfare.

The ATHENA platform also includes sophisticated electronic warfare (EW) systems, which allow it to disrupt, deceive, or turn off enemy communications and radar systems, thus providing tactical support to U.S. forces on the ground and in the air.

The program bridges the Army's future HADES (High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System) fleet, a planned ISR platform anticipated to enter service by 2035.

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