Unusual boats


ACCESS: Top Secret
14 October 2007
Reaction score
the concepts


this is true ! ;D

Ugh, I hate these websites where you click on a link, and brings you to a new tab, and you have to click on ANOTHER link to get to the story you want to, and it builds up tabs and slows the heck out of your browser!
It looks like a keel-stabilized WIG to me. And what's this electrogravitic drive crap?
And what's this electrogravitic drive crap?

"Here be crazy".


Which, disappointingly, has had the word "Pseudoscience" removed.

Great for VSF, though.

dannydale said:
It looks like a keel-stabilized WIG to me.

Not even that, its a single leg hydro-foil that relies on its ass-dragging attitude for stability.

Here is an unusual boat, that my late father had built, circa early 1950's. It set a new speed record for 266 cubic inch engine/hydroplane class. The holes in the sponsons were for the purpose of stuffing the hull with air-filled rubber bladders, which actually served their purpose. On the first attempt across the lake, the boat porpoised and cut into the water, then sticking in the mud at the shallow bottom. But the rubber bladders helped to free it to float to the surface. It set the record on it second run attempt. The pilot of the boat laid prone, on his stomach, with his chin on a chin rest in front. Some people would ask if it was a "flying saucer" and he would often answer them "Yes." with a little laugh..There is a bit more information on this boat, and several other racing boats of that era, that my father worked on in his racing shop in the Bronx, NYC, NY. You can see these, and old race cars and LOTS of rare vintage aircraft engines and instruments etc, on my website:
Our vintage aero collection held 175 different pre-WWII aero engines, 48 were WWI or earlier, and 19 were the only ones known of their type. They are now mostly in vintage aircraft, replica aircraft or museums..


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