unknown soviet G.14


Fight for yor Right!
14 January 2007
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Hi all,

please see the picture, my first idea was Gribovski G.14, but it´s wrong. Do you have more info about this aircraft?

Thanks, Maveric


  • Gribowski G-14.jpg
    Gribowski G-14.jpg
    20.4 KB · Views: 273
I think it is a proposal for a powered Gribovsky G-14.

"In addition to built models, there was a project to install a low-power engine the G-14 glider, mounted on a pylon above the fuselage.

There was also a proposal for a G-14 rocket plane utilizing an air liquid rocket engine (RDA-1-150 design)."

Source: http://www.airwar.ru/enc/glider/g14.html

Apologies for the translation but my Russian is not too good.
This project is an ultra-light glider with a muscular drive. Gribovskiy G-14MP (1935-36)
(Including to install a low-power engine)

Mentioned Cy-27 "G-14 rocket plane" called G-14RP (1936) only the project.
It was based on a known G-14 variant with low-wing.

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