Unknown pre-1963 US missile designations

Vahe Demirjian

I really should change my personal text
28 February 2013
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Has anyone been able to find official records relating to the "missing" missile designations ASM-N-9, AAM-N-8, RTV-N-14, GAR-7, GAR-10, G-11, A-20, A-21, A-24, and A-26? Andreas Parsch has considered the possibility that the Diamondback and Hopi were designated AAM-N-8 and ASM-N-9 respectively given the timeframe in which those designations would have been assigned, but he's been unable to track any records for the other missing designations. Would anyone be interested in filing a FOIA request to find out if those designations were ever assigned or not?
That's an interesting subject and equally interesting suggestion... Only thing is, I doubt that if Andreas failed to find anything in his previous FOIA requests, there is much left to be discovered some 65 years later...
Vahe Demirjian said:
Would anyone be interested in filing a FOIA request to find out if those designations were ever assigned or not?
I did that years ago, and the requests returned nothing. On the other hand it's always possible that I asked the wrong sources (although that's not too likely).
To give you clues about whether or not the Nike Zeus A received a military designation in the 1947-1955 US Army missile designation system, info on the early development history of the Nike Zeus A is available at this link:

Since Douglas was awarded the contract for the Nike Zeus A long after the Army abolished its 1955 designation system for missiles, it is very unlikely that the Nike Zeus A was even given a designation in the 1947-1955 system.

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