Found these in a collection of drawings related to the Pe-8:
Anyone have any idea of what these are and specs?


Anyone have any idea of what these are and specs?
GTX said:...
Whilst on the topic of Pe-8 variants, here is an interesting one I came across - a Pe-8 engine testbed:
The picture seams to me at first look, if it was PS-ed.
Pepe Rezende said:These planes are never built Tupolev Pe-8 derivatives. The first one is a passenger plane, with a B-29 cockpit and a tail inspired at B-29 one. Second is a military transport and the third was a bomber projected as a Tu-4 backup. Petlyakov was Tupolev close friend.
RyanCrierie said:Found these in a collection of drawings related to the Pe-8:
borovik said:Insofar I know no. (emanant from abovementioned monograph) In connection with small increase the nacelles (full retraction carriage) were an improved conditions and in booth including new vitrescence but on composition and accomodation defensive cannon arms corresponded to Pe-8 4M-82.
That is to say there stood all same underwing shooting installation with gun UBT.
(Evan I apologize for its english)
almost ten years ago ...blackkite said:Hi!
Nezval' Plane T? What is this? Modified Pe-8?
Oh!!borovik said:by the way ... it is today (27 December 1936) -80 years ago, made its first flight ANT-42 / TB-7 / Pe-8.