Unknown Pe-8 Derived Projects


Crazy Researcher
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19 December 2006
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Found these in a collection of drawings related to the Pe-8:




Anyone have any idea of what these are and specs?
I must admit that the top two look more like Tu-4 derivatives (although with different engines). The bottom one is a Pe-8 variant - maybe a variant of the Pe-8/ASh-82FN?

Whilst on the topic of Pe-8 variants, here is an interesting one I came across - a Pe-8 engine testbed:



"I must admit that the top two look more like Tu-4 derivatives "
And I was reminded to the first Il-18 ...


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GTX said:
Whilst on the topic of Pe-8 variants, here is an interesting one I came across - a Pe-8 engine testbed:




The picture seams to me at first look, if it was PS-ed.
The turret under the nose of the lower one makes me think of the Tupolev Project 66 transport. The tail looks similar to the DC-4, IMHO.
These planes are never built Tupolev Pe-8 derivatives. The first one is a passenger plane, with a B-29 cockpit and a tail inspired at B-29 one. Second is a military transport and the third was a bomber projected as a Tu-4 backup. Petlyakov was Tupolev close friend.


The picture seams to me at first look, if it was PS-ed.

The picture is from Bill Gunston's "The Osprey Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft: 1875 - 1995". The only information is that there was a "...testbed for aircooled engines, esp ASh-2 and VD-4K".


Looks like it'd require more than just a B-29 cockpit. Certainly an entirely new fuselage. This could also be why the transport version is reminiscent of the Project 66 B-29ish transport.

Pepe Rezende said:
These planes are never built Tupolev Pe-8 derivatives. The first one is a passenger plane, with a B-29 cockpit and a tail inspired at B-29 one. Second is a military transport and the third was a bomber projected as a Tu-4 backup. Petlyakov was Tupolev close friend.


Whilst on the topic of Pe-8 variants, here is an interesting one I came across - a Pe-8 engine testbed:


  • Pe-8 (engine testbed).jpg
    Pe-8 (engine testbed).jpg
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  • Pe-8  (ASh-82 FN) in color.jpg
    Pe-8 (ASh-82 FN) in color.jpg
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  • C767.jpg
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Thanks for the profile - it looks to be the same testbed that I posted a photo of above.


In Soviet Secret Projects: Bombers Since 1945 the first chapter discusses how Andrei Tupolev indicated support for further development of the Pe-8 with the Nyezval and Myasischev OKBs merged into his own OKB and to modify the bomber with alternative powerplants to increase its peformance and to determine the best powerplants for Tupolev's own "Aircraft 64".

AM-43 engines with TK-300 superchargers are mentioned as being Tupolev's choice as these Mikulin engines were under consideration for "Aircraft 64".
In termination of the subject.
In 1944 OKB I.NEZVAL has prepared the draft 48 local planes on the base Pe-8.
For base was will take pre-war project Petlyakov's ANT-53 (fundamentally changed fuselage with leave of the wing Pe-8 and motor group with introducing the scheme three-wheeled carriage with nose wheel)
Existed project of the variant of the bomber with load 6000 kg.

Since July 1945 after enabling OKB Nezval in тupolev's structure and begin work on B-4 (Tu-4) of the work on subject of the passenger plane were discontinued.


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  • ANT-53 II (transp. & bomber).jpg
    ANT-53 II (transp. & bomber).jpg
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  • Model of the plane ANT-53.jpg
    Model of the plane ANT-53.jpg
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Unknown Pe-8 Derived Projects

In second half 1943 in initiative order in OKB is begun work on deep modernization Pe-8 , by improvements his(its) аerodynamics introducing the high-altitude engines of the reinforcement of the bombing arms.
Modified Pe-8 was uncared-for in production at the factory 22 already at the end 1943. He has assigned the factory indication a plane "T". At March 1944 plants has stopped production Pe-8 and his(its) modification plane T. Background of experience Nezvalya was realized in OKB Tupolev.

Neither these two projects , nor similar projects plane "DVB 202" and
"DVB 302" OKB Myasischev, nor bomber "64" Tupolev, were not viable after Stalin comes to a conclusion - copy B-29.

Source: V.Rigmant << TB-7 , ANT-42 , Pe-8 >> 2002

P.S. Before war existed the projects of the use TB-7(Pe-8) as plane of the carriers in system "Zveno" (Section). /Pe-8 + 2 I-16/ /Pe-8 + 2 MiG 3/


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  • Arrangement and model of the nose part of plane T.jpg
    Arrangement and model of the nose part of plane T.jpg
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Did this redesign retain the remote-controlled barbettes in the inboard wing engine nacelles?
Insofar I know no. (emanant from abovementioned monograph) In connection with small increase the nacelles (full retraction carriage) were an improved conditions and in booth including new vitrescence but on composition and accomodation defensive cannon arms corresponded to Pe-8 4M-82.
That is to say there stood all same underwing shooting installation with gun UBT.
(Evan I apologize for its english)
RyanCrierie said:
Found these in a collection of drawings related to the Pe-8:

From top to bottom: project of transport aircraft and project of long-range bomber.
borovik said:
Insofar I know no. (emanant from abovementioned monograph) In connection with small increase the nacelles (full retraction carriage) were an improved conditions and in booth including new vitrescence but on composition and accomodation defensive cannon arms corresponded to Pe-8 4M-82.
That is to say there stood all same underwing shooting installation with gun UBT.
(Evan I apologize for its english)

'Twas clear enough, thanks. My error, anyway, 'twas another four-engined heavy-bomber that had the remote-control barbettes in the wing, some time after I posted I remembered that the Pe-8 had the wing gun positions. If I'm understanding that quote and the drawing correctly, the proposed developed vesions still had those, just in much cleaner installations. Is my understanding correct?
To be honest, I have no data about using of such barbettes ever on Pe-8 or its redesigns, I mean these located in the wing. There are were ones with gunners in the engines' nacelles (rather behind them). Though they planned to put one remotely-controlled barbette below the fuselage right at the head of "T" bomber furhter modifications. It's accordingly to Rigmant's book which is very detailed.

Anyway, I will dig into my own archives more carefully and then post, if any "news". :)
Don't worry about it, I was really off (tired). The four-engined heavy I was thinking of wasn't even Russian, it's just that I'd first read about it and the Pe-8 in the same book.

here is anther drawing to Petlyakov Pe-8 as a transport aircraft projecty,with
anther project called Aircraft "T".

"Летающие крепости" Сталина. Бомбардировщик Пе-8


  • T.png
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  • Pe.8.JPG
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almost here is an early drawing to ANT-42.

same source


  • ANT-42.png
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Re: Odd Soviet bomber

Nezval' Plane T? What is this? Modified Pe-8?



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Re: Odd Soviet bomber

Little larger images.


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Re: Odd Soviet bomber

blackkite said:
Nezval' Plane T? What is this? Modified Pe-8?

almost ten years ago ... ;)
Thanks a lot borovic-san. :)

Please enjoy ANT-42 prototype pictures, Pe-8 drawings and movie. Sorry for off topic.



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by the way ... it is today (27 December 1936) -80 years ago, made its first flight ANT-42 / TB-7 / Pe-8.
borovik said:
by the way ... it is today (27 December 1936) -80 years ago, made its first flight ANT-42 / TB-7 / Pe-8.
Oh!! :eek:
Wikipedia says that Pe-8 used follwing engines.
M105(1,200hp), AM-34(with M-100 engine for supercharger drive), AM-35A(1,350hp), M-30Bhttp://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=9116.0;attach=570033;image, Ash-82(1,700hp), M-82FN



  • AM-35A engine.gif
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  • Ash-82 engine.gif
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  • ACh-30B engine.gif
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