Unknown model in the MAE


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11 March 2006
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J. C. Carbonel (member here, too !) posted in the aeroforum a photo of a model, that was donated amongst
a number of others, to the MAE (http://www.aerostories.org/~aeroforums/forumhist/aff.php?nummsg=54810 ).
The nearest type, I can think of here, is the Nord 6000, notably the landing gear, which is shown in the long"
position then. The paint scheme somehow suggests a civil version, but those "windows" extend on to the nose
doors. Maybe an early, or an alternative design ?


  • unknown.JPG
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Great find at first my dear Jemiba,

but may be it was from anther Company,I can't ID it.
Cool, a French An-225 (ante litteram) thanks for those gorgeous drawings. :)
Honestly not sure, perhaps it even is an early design of the An-225, but the modeller, Julien Teil may have
had a closer relationship to french aircraft. And at least fuselage and landing gear seem to show a resemblance.
Maybe in the meantime the MAE has attached an informative description to this model ?
that's unique design, It's got TWO wings, is this for better aerodynamic or structural reinforce the main wings ?
Michel Van said:
that's unique design, It's got TWO wings, is this for better aerodynamic or structural reinforce the main wings ?

It reminds me of the Hurel Dubois wing, were the supporting struts actually formed a kind of a biwing, too.
The mystery 6-jet model is not meant to represent a French plane. Notice the flag on the tail, its stripes are horizontal, not vertical as in the adjacent D520.
It's not the flag of Russia either, the white isn't at the top. Nor Dutch, red at top.
I'm not aware of any country using such a flag.
The colours seem to be a clue to me, too, (and honestly, I was thinking of a Russian plane, too :-\ ), but
this seems to be a dead end street. As mentioned in the original thread on the aeroforum, there may be
connection to Ratier/Ratier Figeac, the French compay producing aircraft parts and especially known for its
propellers. But that's here is a jet ...
dan_inbox said:
The mystery 6-jet model is not meant to represent a French plane. Notice the flag on the tail, its stripes are horizontal, not vertical as in the adjacent D520.
It's not the flag of Russia either, the white isn't at the top. Nor Dutch, red at top.
I'm not aware of any country using such a flag.

Iran?? Note also the blue stripes on fuselage....
Jemiba said:
J. C. Carbonel (member here, too !) posted in the aeroforum a photo of a model, that was donated amongst
a number of others, to the MAE

Is it known that the model *wasn't,* say, built by Just Some Guy, or maybe university students? Is it for certain an "official" model?
Orionblamblam said:
Is it for certain an "official" model?

Nope ! But the guy who built it and donated it with several other models to the MAE seems not to have
been a "what-iffer".
Nevertheless, as we have no confirmed relation to the Nord 6000, I've moved those posts here to the Bar.
Jemiba said:
As mentioned in the original thread on the aeroforum, there may be
connection to Ratier/Ratier Figeac, the French compay producing aircraft parts and especially known for its
propellers. But that's here is a jet ...

Actually the posts at Aeroforums only mention Ratier because the same modeller Julien Teil happened to participate to an exhibit about Ratier in 2004 and was portrayed in a book about that company. This implies no relationship with this particular six-jet model.

may be it was from Hurel Dubois,the company was like strut braced wings.
dan_inbox said:
The mystery 6-jet model is not meant to represent a French plane. Notice the flag on the tail, its stripes are horizontal, not vertical as in the adjacent D520.
It's not the flag of Russia either, the white isn't at the top. Nor Dutch, red at top.
I'm not aware of any country using such a flag.

odd, it look like the flag of Crimea, part of Ukraine.

but it could be that's is a french flag put wrongly on Model,
or had they try emulate the Air France Logo with French flag ?

archipeppe said:
Iran?? Note also the blue stripes on fuselage....

It looks like the Iranian flag of5 Feb 1979 - 29 Jul 1980, just the green, white and red bars.

Though maybe the lion symbol is faint and simply doesn't show up on this photo, in which case the 1964-1979 flag.
From the original post at Aeroforums, I read that the model has "Expérimental 1" and "Julien Teil 07" on a fin. I would say that it looks like a what-if, imagined by the modeller. I can't imagine another situation where the modeller would put its own name on the aircraft.
The wing has an unmisteakeble Hurel-Dubois design.


  • Hurel-Dubuis HD31_01.jpg
    Hurel-Dubuis HD31_01.jpg
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archipeppe said:
The wing has an unmisteakeble Hurel-Dubois design.

An Hurel Dubois wing would probably look like that rough sketch, with straight struts, as in the HD.40/45.
Had the idea about HD before, too, but with regards to statics the lower "wing" actually would need a quite
strong spar, too, I think.


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A lower wing that doesn't directly connect to the upper wing, but instead uses a 90-degree vertical "fin" to connect them, loses a *lot* of the advantages. It's just nowhere near as strong for the weight. What you want is something that, seen from the front, is a triangle. You can't deform a triangle at the vertices. What this model shows is basically a square... which can be easily deformed at the vertices. The bending moments at the vertices will be pretty substantial, meaning very strong and heavy structures will be needed.

Translation: Bleah.
... and the vertical parts won't add lift, as in the Hurel-Dubois designs, just weight. The inconsistency
of the windows in the swivelling nose is another disturbing point for me. The builder of this model is
said to have made "serious" models, not just What-Ifs (That's NO affront against what-iffers !), it
is said to be marked with "Experimental 1" and "Julien Teil 07", not very enlightening.
Perhaps the easiest way would be to ask the MAE directly ?

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