United Kingdom first FLIR / LLTV/ E/O developments 1960s??


ACCESS: Top Secret
18 June 2008
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Over the decades, been reading up the likes of American uses of first gen night vision / LLTV / E?o systems during the Vietnam War be it,

Bell UH-1M INFANT (Iroquois Night Fighting and Night Targeting) - LLTV etc

Lockheed YO-3A equipped night vision periscope

Air America 'Quiet One' Hughes 369 with LLTV and FLIR

AC-130A Spectre with FLIR, LLTV

and many more platforms to mention

So what did we here in UK experiment with or put into service in the 60s re first generation E/O FLIR etc, I am aware the old Royal Aircraft Establishment had a Vickers Viscount and Handley Page Hastings with enlarged belly equipped with LLTV in the 70s/80s but anything before that please can anyone shed any light (no pun intended!!).

The RRE did a lot of work on IR in the 1950-60s - mainly linescan and detectors. I believe they were the first to synthesise CMT in the late 1950s. First RRE experimental FLIR (cobbled together from an IRLS) was flown in a helicopter in 1973. And of course, the establishment developed the SPRITE detector. The RAE had an extensive EO programme and flew a 400-element EMI FLIR in a Varsity in mid-1970s. So from what I've read I don't believe there was a UK FLIR flying before the 1970s. But I'm not sure the US had much in the way of a FLIR before the very end of the 1960s either (happy to be corrected on that).
This is good - https://dsiac.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/DSIAC-Monograph-FLIR.pdf

In 1959, a major breakthrough occurred when W. D. Lawson’s group at the U.K. Royal Radar Establishment (RRE) [30] discovered both photoconductive and photovoltaic response in the ternary alloy mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe, or MCT). Although this discovery was a breakthrough, the group was unsuccessful in its attempts to make practical detectors from MCT.
According to U.K. researcher T. Elliott [32], the RRE was required to drop its MCT research shortly after Lawson’s breakthrough in order to devote those resources to developing mid-wave InSb detectors needed for missile seekers because there was no operational requirement for LWIR detectors.
Before clock-driven analog multiplexing techniques became the baseline approach to second-generation FPAs, a clever approach was invented in the U.K. that arguably might have qualified it as one of the first GEN2 devices. Since the benefits of high detector count were widely appreciated, there were various attempts to solve the detector access problem. One of the first attempts was the use of TDI in which the output of any given detector was delayed and summed with the output of a following detector as described previously in Section 5.4.3 for the HAC Discoid Serial Scan FLIR. However, with only bulky analog electronics, delay lines, and many discrete components, that task was difficult. Later, in the mid-1970s, the U.K. was trying to come up with their own version of a Common Module FLIR to duplicate the successful U.S. Common Module FLIR program. Tom Elliot, while at the British Defense Ministry’s Royal Radar Establishment (RRE), Malvern, later renamed QinetiQ, realized that TDI could be accomplished inside a single, extended, monolithic, photoconductive detector to make it appear to be many more discrete “virtual” detectors [32, 47]. The resulting serial output could then be coupled to a single amplifier circuit, thus effectively multiplexing the virtual detectors together. Some called his invention TED (for Tom Elliot’s Device), although the official name for it was Signal Processing in the Element (SPRITE). Figure 7-1 illustrates how it worked. The detector’s bias voltage was chosen so that photoelectrons, formed from a scene pixel, drifted at the same rate the image was being scanned. Accordingly, photo charges accumulated and remained registered with the same scene pixel across the whole detector. When they reached the end, they were read out with a preamplifier. Early versions made in 1975 were 50 µm wide by 1,000 µm long and so appeared to make it possible to have 20 virtual detectors contained within its length. However, charge diffusion resulted in an effective individual detector length of about 75 µm, or more, so this approach did not achieve the same resolution in the scan direction as was obtained by using discrete detectors. By 1980, arrays were built for parallel-serial scanning with eight detectors each of 800 µm by 75 µm. The latter configuration would thus effectively provide a total of about 8x10 elements in an 80-element array while using only one preamplifier and one postamplifier. An equivalent 80-detector U.S. GEN1 FLIR, for example, would have needed four 20-channel preamplifier PCBs and four 20-channel postamplifier PCBs plus a much larger power supply. So the U.S. GEN1 FLIR would have required a much larger package. SPRITE detectors were the basis of U.K. GEN1 Common Module FLIRs, although they might have qualified as second generation. The SPRITE-based U.K. common modules provided high sensitivity and high-quality imagery in a very compact package. Various versions were built and, by 1999, over 3,500 FLIRs were made based on the Class II configuration alone. They were used in the Falklands conflict and in the two Gulf Wars.
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The only reference I've seen of Thermal Imaging I've seen in use in the Falklands was when a Wessex, with a UK thermal camera mounted in the cargo compartment, flew into Falkland Sound/San Carlos Water prior to the first landings and scanned the surrounding area looking for any heat sources, probably to include the 'Fanning Head Mob'. Is anyone aware of any other examples of its use?
UK’s first military standard production thermal imaging sensor in the form of the TICM (Thermal Imaging Common Modules) back in the mid-1970s.
The UK Thermal Imaging Common Modules Class II (TICM II) imager, manufactured by GEC Sensors, went into production in 1982/3

TOGS Night sight (based on TICM) was fitted to the Challenger tank in 1982. So it was pretty new stuff for the Falklands.
TICM apparently started production in the mid 1970s, and was being put on tanks in 1982. You'd have to see what else used TICM, I would suggest the TICM II would be too late for the Falklands.

Both were entirely UK designed with some unique technical features.
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The Barr & Stroud IR18 Thermal Imager was in production early enough to be used in the Falklands. It was also used as the Thermal channel of the TOGS gunsight.
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The UK Thermal Imaging Common Module (TICM) programme defines three classes of module. (i) UK Common Module Class I ( TICM I ) TICM I is intended for applications where low power consumption and weight are the main requirements. The displays used with this module are of the direct view type using an array of Light Emitting Diodes (LED) and the image is viewed directly through an optical telescope (viewfinder). The design in this module is based on using an array of 23 CMT detector elements and the image is displayed on 23 LED elements. This type of imager is mainly portable, an example of which is the Thorn EMI hand-held thermal imager. (ii) UK Common Module Class II (TICM II) The TICM II is intended for use in vehicles and in aircraft mounted systems. The display is a PAL TV compatible image and the scanner operates in the 8 to 14 ^ m band using 8 SPRITE detectors. Each of these is equivalent to 6 discrete elements, which are arranged to perform a serial/parallel scanning. An example of this module is the GEC Avionics/Rank Taylor Hobson TICM II thermal imager. (iii) UK Common Module Class III (TICM III) Any scanner in this class is essentially a scaled up version of the Class II scanners. Very high magnification is required, in which case the telescope length will be much larger than those of Class II.

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