Unidentified Convair Transport Aircraft

Mark Nankivil

ACCESS: Top Secret
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13 June 2007
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Greetings All -

On EPay, a GD/Convair artwork for what appears to be a C-141 or C-5 type aircraft:


I'm leaning towards a C-141 type based on the cockpit section and windows....

Enjoy the Day! Mark


  • s-l1600.jpg
    180 KB · Views: 583
  • s-l1601.jpg
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Convair/GD Transport Artwork

Good Day All -

Not sure if this is CX-HLS or the C-141 program/proposal:


Enjoy the Day! Mark

(Pictures see above)
My dear Mark,

I think it was a CX-HLS proposal,that's because the aircraft seems a larger than or for
C-141 competition,and we know for CX-X,the proposals came from;

- Boeing
- Douglas
- General Dynamics/Convair
- Lockheed
- Martin Marietta
The cockpit windows and their scale make me think of a smaller aircraft than a CX-HLS aircraft. An artist concept so you never know...

Enjoy the Day! Mark
Looks like an externally blown flaps STOL transport design from the short engine pylons and large drooping flaps.
And the camouflage and large number of wheels for its size would also point to a tactical STOL usage. The airfield it's taking off from doesn't seem to be too substantial either.
I see an operational C-15 based upon the McDonnell Douglas prototype YC-15 AMST. -SP
If one could put a year on this illustration
perhaps the search for more info would be easier..
The Convair designation list shows a
designation 20 number for a
large 4 engined double deck transport aircraft.
lark said:
The Convair designation list shows a designation 20 number for a large 4 engined double deck transport aircraft.

Did you post that list somewhere?
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