
Phormer Phantom Phixer
22 March 2013
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I am often amazed at what this group comes up with on otherwise unheard of projects. I was wondering if anyone on this forum has any information (drawings, additional details, McDonnell reports, etc) on any of the following proposed F-4 variants:

Models 98AJ and 98AL:
These models were to have a hinged nose so it could translate downward in flight (these models had larger radomes to accomodate a 40-inch (AJ) or 54-inch (AL) radar dish). I don't know if they moved down as part of a look-down feature or if it was to afford the pilot a better view over the radome when landing. (anyone have a copy of McDonnell Report EN-160?)

Models 98BN - 98BS:
Any information on the Navy's "Attack Spectrum" specifications would be helpful. These were very interesting proposals, especially 98BQ which was to have two radars - a 14-inch dish track radar and a 17x36 inch dish for search, target aquisition and ranging. I was wondering how they would accomodate the two dishes in the nose. (anyone have a copy of McDonnell Report 7515?)

Models 98CE and 98CF:
These models were interesting because they were proposed to have the engines (J93 in the 98CE and TJ50 in the 98CF) as pod mounted engines. I am trying to figure out how they proposed to do this.

Any help would be very much appreciated!
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