Ukrainian ASAT

World B4

my bad y'all
25 June 2017
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Ukraine doesn’t really have a military application for its access to space, could an ASAT weapon based on an old Soviet missile, commercial rocket, air launch, directed energy, or electronic attack be useful in cutting Russian space assets and forcing them into a better position to face attrition or be brought to the negotiating table on more favorable terms?
I would think by Ukraine knocking out strategic assets like Russian satellites would unquestionably escalate things substantially for various reason. Don't forget that satellite intel be it image or ELINT is used just as much as situation awareness and verification, as that of nav or platform/weapons guidance.
My thoughts are, if Russia was blinded and could not monitor lets say the Lithuanian, Latvian or Polish boarder to Ukraine, not able to determine what type and how many given weapons systems are entering Ukraine, it might prompt Russia to increase the size, scope and depth of it's Special Military Operation as a consequence.

Sorry, I know it's a WhatIf

Ukraine doesn’t really have a military application for its access to space, could an ASAT weapon based on an old Soviet missile, commercial rocket, air launch, directed energy, or electronic attack be useful in cutting Russian space assets and forcing them into a better position to face attrition or be brought to the negotiating table on more favorable terms?
Ukraine doesn't have the infrastructure to pull off an ASAT shot if somebody GAVE them the missile.
Ukraine doesn't have the infrastructure to pull off an ASAT shot if somebody GAVE them the missile
I assume a dew, co-orbital, or da-asat is off the table, but what about dazzling or blinding with a lower power laser, ew assets with exoatmospheric reach, or an air launch from a An-124 or Su-27? Certain targeting info could be supplied by a friendly nation

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