Ukraine Air Defense System Kilchen


ACCESS: Top Secret
1 January 2021
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We are talking about the first prototype in the so-called "minimum configuration" of the air defense system from the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. For all ROC to create a domestic anti-aircraft missile system, in the conditions of appropriate state funding, it takes about 5 years and about $ 270 million. SE "Yuzhnoye Design Bureau" named after Yangel counts on state support in the creation of the Ukrainian long-range anti-aircraft missile system "Kilchen". The corresponding decision can be made by the government in a few months, representatives of Yuzhnoye KB say in an interview with the media.

SE "Yuzhnoye Design Bureau" named after Yangel counts on state support in the creation of the Ukrainian long-range anti-aircraft missile system "Kilchen". The corresponding decision can be made by the government in a few months, representatives of Yuzhnoye KB say in an interview with the media.

"Now the program of development of rocket and rocket weapons in Ukraine is being considered. This project is in this program – the creation of a long-range anti-aircraft missile system. We hope that in the next month or two this program will be adopted, and the project of the Kilchen anti-aircraft missile system will be launched, "said Alexander Kushnarev, General Director of Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. Told the Dnieper designers and about the likely timing of the creation of this complex.


According to preliminary estimates, more than 7 billion hryvnias (about $ 270 million) are needed to create the Kilchen missile defense system and its tests, and one complex will cost $ 150 million. "The government sets the task in such a way that we plan to carry out the development of the system in two stages. The first stage will last three years, so that in 2024 we report on the readiness to conduct state tests, flight tests of the anti-aircraft missile system, I emphasize, not the system, "said Valery Perkov, head of the group of the project department of Yuzhnoye Design Bureau.


"First of all, we plan to develop an anti-aircraft missile system in three years in the configuration minimum necessary for combat work. The second stage will be devoted to the development of system solutions and building the potential of information and intelligence facilities of the complex, which were developed in the first stage. If we talk about the overall course of development work, we see it for 5 years," he added.

The composition of one air defense system "Kilchen", according to the developers, can include six launchers of air defense systems. In addition to them, for the full functioning of the system, six more special vehicles are needed (command center, various radars, etc.). It was also noted that for the development of the first sample of the Kilchen complex and its tests, it takes 5 years and more than 7 billion hryvnias (at the current exchange rate it is about $ 268 million), and one complex will cost about $ 150 million.


The composition of each air defense system "Kilchen" includes, in addition to the actual launchers with missiles, six more machines. "The declared probability of hitting one aerodynamic target is 0.8, ballistic - 0.6. But at the same time, we say that each complex, I emphasize, is not a system, but each individual complex (the minimum number of launch - 3, that is, one batariya - ed.) can work offline. Each complex is capable of simultaneously firing at 12 targets," said Valery Perkov.

At the same time, the declared performance characteristics of the Kilchen air defense system are very ambitious - subsonic aerodynamic targets are detected at a distance of up to 400 km and can be destroyed at a distance of 280 km, supersonic fighters at a range of about 130 kilometers ballistic targets at a distance of up to 44 kilometers (the declared parameters correspond to the "maximum" capabilities of the system).


On KB "Yuzhnoye" claim that they already have the necessary equipment for the manufacture of 400-mm hulls of anti-aircraft missiles "Kilchen", but the creation of the entire air defense system requires the joint work of many enterprises of the defense industry of Ukraine.


One samS (out of 6 PU "Kilchen") according to the plan is enough to protect a large city, for example, the Dnieper with its suburbs. "The integration of the entire project is entrusted to Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. The rocket is the development of Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. Radars are manufactured by our partners in Ukraine - NPK "Iskra", Zaporozhye, "Kvant-radar", Kiev. Control system of the complex - YUZHNOYE Design Bureau together with other enterprises of Ukraine. Production of the rocket - "Yuzhmash". Pavlograd Chemical Plant is involved in the equipment of the engine with solid fuel, the equipment of the warhead. Homing heads for the missile will be created by Yuzhnoye Design Bureau in cooperation with a number of enterprises in Kharkiv, Lviv and Kyiv," Said Alexander Kushnarev. It should be noted that, in addition to statements on the creation of a long-range air defense system from the leaders of the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau, the Luch Design Bureau also presented its proposals to the Ministry of Defense on the creation of a line of anti-aircraft missile systems, which already has specific results in the implementation of missile projects.

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