UK SAR contract goes to Bristows using S-92 & AW189


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
2 January 2006
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The government has selected Bristows to operate the new UK Search And Rescue helicopter service replacing the RAF/RN Seakings and the current contracted Coastguard service using S92 and AW139s.

I think this is the first use for the new AW189 which will be assembled at Yeovil
Stench of new age politics?

Geoff_B said:

The government has selected Bristows to operate the new UK Search And Rescue helicopter service replacing the RAF/RN Seakings and the current contracted Coastguard service using S92 and AW139s.

I think this is the first use for the new AW189 which will be assembled at Yeovil
Bristows already run the SAR from Sumburgh and Stornoway. Spending tax-payers' money is always about politics.

The S92s are faster than the Sea Kings and there will probably merely be a change of coveralls for the RAF crews. If I was to find myself in liferaft looking at an upside-down Super Puma, I won't be too bothered about who is on the end of a winch proffering a strop.

Methinks the only reason this is news is because an HRH will be on the dole soon. Errrr...maybe not.

Ah ha....this might explain why this was a news item on the BBC.

So a foreign CORPORATION (american!) taking search and rescue services? Would they put the same value on people's lives like the RAF flyers before their profits? The RAF SAR flyers would be obviously motivated by serving their country and saving the lives of their fellow countrymen , what motivation to offer a similarly dedicated service this Bristow company has? Would there even be RAF or at least british flyers involved ? This Bristow CORPORATION going to decide now who lives and who dies?
I think this is a bad idea. It shouldn't never be implemented, we're talking here about people's lives versus an american corporation's interests.
lancer21 said:
So a foreign CORPORATION (american!) taking search and rescue services? Would they put the same value on people's lives like the RAF flyers before their profits? The RAF SAR flyers would be obviously motivated by serving their country and saving the lives of their fellow countrymen , what motivation to offer a similarly dedicated service this Bristow company has? Would there even be RAF or at least british flyers involved ? This Bristow CORPORATION going to decide now who lives and who dies?
I think this is a bad idea. It shouldn't never be implemented, we're talking here about people's lives versus an american corporation's interests.

WHAT !!!! - Try doing a bit of research before typing from the hip as it just makes you look a complete prat and could be mistaken for a Troll

Bristows have a long established history in the British Civil Helicopter scene since the 50's. They already provide the Coastguard SAR service to the areas no longer covered by the Military and have done for some years. They are a British company now owned by an American comporation, something quite common in this corporate society, and no different than BAE owning some of the US defence companies !
Aside from your somewhat insulting statement on the professionalism of UK SAR pilots, perhaps you might ponder the following:

Why should the RAF and RN expend time and effort airlifting injured climbers and recreational sailors or drop food to farmers' livestock when their fundamental job is rescuing downed airmen?

If 99% of your trade is civvie why not give the civvies the job?

A reliable SAR service like that maintained by the RAF/RN/HMCG/Bristows allows safe and secure economic activity to be carried around the UK. As part of that activity, I am more than happy to see new, faster types with greater payload and modernised equipment.

You should aim your ire at the lack of long-range SAR cover and on-site co-ordination in the form of the non-replacement of Nimrod.

Personally, I hope I never need the CORPORATE SAR service, but if I do, as I said before, I don't care who's handing me the strop, as long as it's there.

Looks like the Telegraph reads SPF.

Given that the UK coastline could be cut by 50% after October 2014, this could be forward planning (for a change)

WHAT !!!! - Try doing a bit of research before typing from the hip as it just makes you look a complete prat and could be mistaken for a Troll

Excuse me??? If you don't like my stance on this issue and you have valid counterarguments fair enough, but what makes you think you are entitled to insult me? Where did i insulted you or anyone else in my post above mr. Geoff_B ?!

Anyway, i do not intend to get in an argument here out of respect for the owner of this site and his (other) management btw, that's all from me in this topic.

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