UK Nuclear rocket.


ACCESS: Secret
29 August 2008
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Oblique reference in Spaceflight, to UK 1950’s interest in Nuclear powered rocket. Date wise fits in with the active RAE; RAF’s manned military spaceflight development programme. Has any one details references please?
Official UK work on Liquid Hydrogen propellant started circa1951?
There is a document in the PRO at Kew, giving some information on the use of nuclear power. I could put it on a CD for you as it too big to post. In conversation with Roy Dommet; he told me that they had a proposal an Atomic powered Blue Streak, which would have been a very "dirty" missile, rendering the blast area untenable!
DarkLord, are we talking here about British Nuclear powered ICBM similar to the YaRD OKB-456 !?
The report deals mainly with the propulsion, I had a conversation with Roy Dommet researching a book I am planning to write. It was a design for a single engine (nuclear) to be fitted to the blue streak. A warhead would be fitted but it was thought that the explosion would be greater if the engine was taken into account. The range would have been IRBM/ICBM. I am not familiar with the example you quoted.
Was the idea reduced warning time, or to enable the final stage to remain and manoeuvre in orbit until a target became available (I presume it was a two stage design with the conventional Blue Streak as the first stage)? Or was it just simply a range extender?

As for the question on the OKB-456: YaRD ICBM (Encyclopedia Astronautica)
Grey Havoc said:
Was the idea reduced warning time, or to enable the final stage to remain and manoeuvre in orbit until a target became available (I presume it was a two stage design with the conventional Blue Streak as the first stage)? Or was it just simply a range extender?

As for the question on the OKB-456: YaRD ICBM (Encyclopedia Astronautica)

Nope, That's single stage rocket with a Nuclear engine that is GROUND LAUNCH !!!
The Idea behind it is to get warhead so fast as possible to target and as Bonus a very dirty nuclear explosion, thanks to Nuclear engine.
are there any schematic drawings or further information on a possible nuclear powered Blue Streak ?
Greetings. Vonbaron here.
I am doing research on Operation Falstaff ,which was part of the Chevaline development project 1968-1979
Would anyone have any information what occurred at Woomera?
Are there any schematic drawings or information on the Falstaff rocket-Stonechat moto/PAC system?
Was there nuclear component testing done?
Sincere thanks
Have you got this?

I’ve been told a few anecdotes.
Greetings Thank you no i have not read this
Appreciate the information
What are the anecdotes that you have heard ?
Sincere thanks
Like you there are many stories abound, but little facts. Still can not believe that after 50years ,both the Australian and British governements still have not de-classified the files.There must have been more going on than just testing the PAC system?

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