uk military aerospace projects


Interest in uk aerospace projects 80s onwards
26 August 2011
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How come it is easy to find info about the development of USA aerospace projects but for ones in the UK? Well the past and future development of typhoon and bae ucav projects being a exception but for everything else such as stealth versions P.112, P.115, P.116, and P.1230 except P.125 to P.112 it is a pain or I am not looking in the right place or is info released quietly so it is that I over look it.
The US still has (well, had!) competitive tendering. The UK has had a monopoly since the 1980s, which might explain it.

The P.112 morphed into the P.125. Others you mention had stealth coatings and only very brief looks at stealthier versions.

If you visit archives you can dig up more. Posting online is complicated by copyright more than secrecy sometimes.

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