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18 May 2019
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it's was planned as clear technical aspect topic about weapons shipments and closely related themes


Britain said on Monday it had begun supplying Ukraine with anti-tank weapons to help it defend itself from a potential invasion, during a stand-off with Russia which has massed troops near the Ukrainian border.

"We have taken the decision to supply Ukraine with light anti-armour defensive weapon systems," British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace told parliament, saying the first systems were already delivered on Monday and a small number of British personnel would provide training for a short period of time.

interesting, what exactly? in UK military stocks was many options
  1. LAW-80 (my guess)
  2. Milan
  3. AT4
  4. NLAW
  5. Carl Gustav
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Unless these are US supplied, I have grave doubts about the UK being able to supply 300 anti-tank missiles of any vintage.
Unless these are US supplied, I have grave doubts about the UK being able to supply 300 anti-tank missiles of any vintage.

NLAW is only semi-guided (it has some inertial guidance to hit moving targets after some tracking time). It's made in the UK (specifically Northern Ireland) and has been sold to several export customers. The UK order was supposedly somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000 rounds. They can spare a few hundred.
Unless these are US supplied, I have grave doubts about the UK being able to supply 300 anti-tank missiles of any vintage.

NLAW is only semi-guided (it has some inertial guidance to hit moving targets after some tracking time). It's made in the UK (specifically Northern Ireland) and has been sold to several export customers. The UK order was supposedly somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000 rounds. They can spare a few hundred.
I'd forgotten that, thanks!
Meanwhile, Russian tankers settle for a conformable fight... At least that's what Mr Putin says:

Where is that song, Chapeau pointu ?
I remember when this whole conflict started it seem like every image of Ukrainian forces showed unmodernized T-80s and BMP-2s. There were none of the fancier T-84 Oplot or other newer AFVs they've offered and in some cases built for the export market. There was also a lack of the home-grown ATGMs and other technologies they've shown off over the years. Everything was Soviet leftovers.

In the years since then has anything changed besides for the "donations" from the west? Ukraine inherited a sizeable manufacturing capability and has shown off a decent number of home-grown systems over the years, are any of these getting to their forces in quantity?
In the years since then has anything changed besides for the "donations" from the west? Ukraine inherited a sizeable manufacturing capability and has shown off a decent number of home-grown systems over the years, are any of these getting to their forces in quantity?

Unfortunately tho, this manufacturing capability and research insitutions are "designed" to work with main customer namely Russia and they may not necessarily be able to "stand on their own". It's very evident in their aircraft industry where they appears to be struggling in churning new aircraft, more than often their existing designs requires Russian made parts.

Ukrainian Govt itself tho appears to be apathetic to their own arms industry despite promising development from industry e.g Air-to air missile ARH seeker. Had their government realized it earlier.. we might seen Ukrainian Sukhois flying with indigenous AAM's but instead they keep making "tried and true" R-27's.
The Dutch Cabinet is open to defensive military support for Ukraine, said Foreign Affairs Minister Wopke Hoekstra in a parliamentary debate on the topic. According to him, Ukraine asked the Netherlands for arms assistance on Thursday. A parliamentary majority supports sending weapons to the country.

Czech Defence Minister Jana Cernochova will propose to the cabinet next week a shipment of artillery ammunition to Ukraine amid fears that Russia could be readying an invasion.

Cernochova said the Czech Republic had picked 152-milimetre caliber ammunition from a list of supplies requested by the government in Kiev.

this boxes contain is 40-mm HV grenades



According to the US administration intends to provide Ukraine with some of the equipment previously owned by the former Afghan Air Force (AAF).

As part of the AMA (American Military Assistance) programme, the armed forces of Ukraine should receive an unknown number of Mi-8 and Mi-17 transport helicopters. At this moment, six Mi-17V-5 and one Mi-8MTV are stored at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) at Davis-Monthan AFB, near Tucson (AZ), also known as the Boneyard.

On 5 January 2022, Scramble Magazine reported on these helicopters and it is well possible that the Mi-17V-5s might find their way to Ukraine in the near future.

The serials of the Mi-17V-5s at 309th AMARG are: 703, 716, 735, 739, 754 and 760.

All these helicopters have managed to leave Afghanistan, carrying Afghan government leaders and military personnel to Termez in Uzbekistan. Later the American authorities have taken custody of at least some of the ex-Afghan military aircraft now scattered outside Aghanistan, the vast majority of which were originally purchased by the US government. The seven Hips have been silently flown to AMARG aboard the Antonov An-124 cargo plane belonging to UAE-based Maximus Air back in November 2021.

In addition to that, at least two other Mi-17V-5 helicopters, serials 708 and 710, have been spotted in Ukraine for overhaul in late August 2021. Their current status is unknown, but these two are most probably still in Ukraine and may also find their way to the Ukraine Army. It is reported that at least five Mi-17s are in Ukraine for overhaul and that these will be handed over first.
Time will tell how many former AAF helicopters will be transferred to Ukraine.

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Unless these are US supplied, I have grave doubts about the UK being able to supply 300 anti-tank missiles of any vintage.

UK stockpile of AT weapons is actually pretty large. Colossal numbers of Hellfire L in stock, lots of R and P model too. NLAW available in huge numbers, Javelin stockpile is also reputedly big. The RAF also have a rather large number of Brimstone. Then you've also got AT4 CS and LASM and Matador that are good for light armour and structures.

Pity all the TOW, MILAN and Swingfire are would have been amusing to send the entire lot to the least 20,000 missiles...they could have fired them at individual Russian soldiers...

The UK order was supposedly somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000 rounds. They can spare a few hundred.

Apparently c2,000 NLAW have been delivered. The intiial order was over 14,000 NLAW minimum. Some people have reported that further orders have been placed.

I'm surprised we haven't sent the remaining AT4 CS that were the interim weapon between LAW80 and NLAW. A fair few were fired in Afghanistan but there should be a decent stockpile. LAW80 have long since been disposed of however.
I'm surprised we haven't sent the remaining AT4 CS that were the interim weapon between LAW80 and NLAW. A fair few were fired in Afghanistan but there should be a decent stockpile.
I would suspect that what stocks were left, along with a lot of other stuff, was gifted to the ill-fated Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
I would suspect that what stocks were left, along with a lot of other stuff, was gifted to the ill-fated Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

I actually doubt it, UK didn't maintain huge stockpiles in country and it would be cheaper to arrange finance for weapons that they were familiar with like RPG rather than shipping them over.
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21 January the DoD was shipment additional Javelins and in the first time M141 Bunker Defeat Munition SMAW-D

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A British military instructor trains Ukrainian service members to use the next-generation light anti-tank weapon, NLAW, supplied by Britain, in Lviv, Ukraine. Ukrainian Defence Ministry/Handout via REUTERS

There aren't many weapons that could be furnished and sufficiently trained with to have any effect. Javelin is rather complex to use but was already in Ukrainian inventory. NLAW from what I gather is fairly point and shoot, so that can be easily absorbed. Outside these weapons, donations of former Soviet equipment, or at least copies of Soviet equipment, are probably the best aid.

I rather doubt any of the former Yugo republics, which have significant ammunition production capabilities, will be willing to sell at this time.

As far as AT-4 and NLAW, aren't these so old they are timing out of Western inventoryies? At least for the initial batches of NLAW? I'd think they would be hitting their sell by date and the AT-4s already de-mil'd or donated.
There aren't many weapons that could be furnished and sufficiently trained with to have any effect. Javelin is rather complex to use but was already in Ukrainian inventory. NLAW from what I gather is fairly point and shoot, so that can be easily absorbed. Outside these weapons, donations of former Soviet equipment, or at least copies of Soviet equipment, are probably the best aid.
Agreed - there is no point saying "here is the latest newest weapon system...which you have no experience go be ready to fight". That's a disaster waiting to happen. There is a reason it takes time to properly train people and introduce new systems/platforms.

As far as AT-4 and NLAW, aren't these so old they are timing out of Western inventoryies? At least for the initial batches of NLAW? I'd think they would be hitting their sell by date and the AT-4s already de-mil'd or donated.
I had the same thought. I hope this isn't a case of some of the Western nations trying to offload old equipment.
There’s probably a lot of possible things going on here including just putting pressure on Ukraine and the West without intending to actually invade. The West has generally shown themselves to be a complete mess these last 5yrs and both Russia and China are taking advantage of that. Such does not need to involve actual invasions but rather just ratcheting things up a bit to see what happens. Then there are also domestic politics in Russia to consider along with economic aspects…
Javelin is rather complex
As someone who has had a go with a Javelin simulator, is it really? I've hit a hull-down MBT with one and I'm left handed! (Yes, yes I know there is a difference between simulator and live fire in the field - you really don't have to point it out!).
Javelin is rather complex
As someone who has had a go with a Javelin simulator, is it really? I've hit a hull-down MBT with one and I'm left handed! (Yes, yes I know there is a difference between simulator and live fire in the field - you really don't have to point it out!).

I've not used one but I've heard end to end maintenance and operation is more complicated than say a point and shoot AT-4/NLAW/RGP-XX. But in any case it is a weapon the Ukrainians are familiar with; they've been receiving them for a couple years now.
Via TankNet:
A gun is a gun.

Yes, a modern weapon would be preferred to an antique. But I dare *anyone* to take a .45 ACP round from a 1928-vintage Thompson to the noggin and then go on about antique weapons being obsolete.

Antique anti-armor weapons could well be useless, as armor has advanced considerably. but thehuman body remains largely unchanged. Throg clubbing a mofo upside the head with a club is still an effective way to get a face-to-face with Crom.
These articles are written to send pity. In fact, Ukraine has an incredible amount of weapons. Factories are still destroying surplus weapons and the US continues to pay for this destruction.
Which weapons are being destroyed? How many? Where?
Until 2015, the destruction of small arms was official information

Destroy old ammo now

Later I will post a file with information about the surplus weapons that were offered for sale
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