Uganda Domestic Helicopter

cluttonfred said:
Nothing wrong with trying to realize your dream!

This guy appears to only be on track for an eventual terrible fatal accident.
He’s already given himself really serious injuries.
So I can’t really agree with you Cluttonfred.
There have been a bunch of vids on YouTube showing this sort of ill-conceived, ill-produced, ain't-never-gonna-work aircraft (and even spacecraft) efforts from Africa. They seem to be little better than modestly updated cargo cultists. A lot of the vids have been collected by people and organizations with ideological purposes that would be considered a tad politically incorrect.
I find it sad that people like this get so far without being guests in a nice hotel with soft wall paper etc. One flew over the cuckoo's nest alright.
Foo Fighter said:
I find it sad that people like this get so far without being guests in a nice hotel with soft wall paper etc.

For that to happen, the people around them would have to conclude that they're nuts. But there is a multi-level problem with that. firstly, these sort of things seem to generally pop up in sort of the "backwards" rural areas... places where they have access to modern tools and materials, and see aircraft with some regularity, but the actual science behind how things work is lacking.

And then at another level... here you've got people with actual college educations denigrating "western" science in favor of "decolonized" science which includes calling down lightning bolts on your enemies via black magic:

In such an environment, someone slapping together the worst helicopter ever is hardly going to be considered crazy.
Can contributors lay-off the dubious political BS please.
Orionblamblam said:
Foo Fighter said:
I find it sad that people like this get so far without being guests in a nice hotel with soft wall paper etc.

For that to happen, the people around them would have to conclude that they're nuts. But there is a multi-level problem with that. firstly, these sort of things seem to generally pop up in sort of the "backwards" rural areas... places where they have access to modern tools and materials, and see aircraft with some regularity, but the actual science behind how things work is lacking.

And then at another level... here you've got people with actual college educations denigrating "western" science in favor of "decolonized" science which includes calling down lightning bolts on your enemies via black magic:

In such an environment, someone slapping together the worst helicopter ever is hardly going to be considered crazy.
I thought that brand of post-modern "social justice science" was a thoroughly western concept. Have we exported it to the 3rd world already? I'm sure it will do wonders to help progress these countries rather than actual engineers. It's surely doing a great job back here. ::)

Driving across a bridge in 40 years will be quite an experience once these "alternate math" types are designing them.

But if this man wants to try to build a helicopter I'd say let him without locking him up or condemning him as crazy. Unfortunately I doubt he has access to the necessary resources to do so. Then again the Wright Brothers started off with a bike shop so who knows. He should really be a bit more careful though judging from the lack of distance between his head and the spinning rotors.
Colonial-Marine said:
But if this man wants to try to build a helicopter I'd say let him without locking him up or condemning him as crazy. Unfortunately I doubt he has access to the necessary resources to do so. Then again the Wright Brothers started off with a bike shop so who knows.

Do not underestimate the Wrights. They were not just a couple of knuckleheads who fixed bikes... they were *professional* mechanics who spent years studying the issues of flight. They built a series of wind tunnels and models and attacked the problem with scientific rigor.

The Wrights of course had the advantage of growing up in a culture steeped in the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. The western scientific tradition is the best basis for doing very complex things... like aviation.

Additionally: as well meaning as this wannabe chopper pilot is... take a look at his welds. A craftsman, he is not. That is another common feature of these sort of projects: the construction is just plain shoddy.
My reason for judging folk like those above harshly is quite simple. If I do something completely stupid like they are and can only kill myself that is a simple risk. When I start doing something this stupid and can potentially kill or maim others. it becomes an exercise against the greater good and SHOULD be stopped, full stop..... Admiration for those who without proper education do anything that can endanger others is worthless and of itself dangerous. The other half used to like watching the talent shows where gormless and witless want to be's pretend they can sing or whatever. One of the judges apparently told a contestant that they were going to give the best advice the contestant would ever get, "You have no talent, go home and get some new friends, anyone who says you have talent and can sing is no friend".

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