Udet Alpensegler

Jan den Das

ACCESS: Secret
27 December 2008
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Hai[/size]In 1927 Udet flew with a special for him build glider from the Zugspitse.
[/size]The glider was build in the former Udet aeroplane factory.[/size]Is there any one who can help me with the following details/materials of this Glider?1. Dimension, also chords from the wing;2. Technical/construction details etc.;3. Drawings;
4. Colors (red fuselage white wings???);5. Other interresting details/materials.ThanksJan
I have found only this pic, no other informations.


  • Udet_Alpensegler.jpg
    25.4 KB · Views: 295
Two more from the web.


  • Udet Alpensegler  movie poster.jpg
    Udet Alpensegler movie poster.jpg
    112.9 KB · Views: 262
  • Udet Alpensegler bungee launch Zugpitze 1927.JPG
    Udet Alpensegler bungee launch Zugpitze 1927.JPG
    73.5 KB · Views: 244
Thanks but thats what I already have.
Its what I am asking, that were I am looking for.
there is a new book, but written in german :
Die Flugzeuge der Udet Flugzeugbau GmbH. Autor Olaf Bichel. Published by Bayerische Flugzeug-Historiker, Ruffinistrasse 5, 85764 Oberschleissheim, Germany or

There is a description of the Alpensegler in german and fotos on three pages.

Kind regard

Friedrich Huggler
Thank you Friedrich

But there is also a no drawings, only the site and he used a picture for this.
He dont know the wing profile.

So there is still a lot to look for and my question still stands.

Thanks again


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