Tzoli's Colourised Photos


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Senior Member
1 February 2011
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I've recently coloured that old photo showing the Shinden in front of it's hangar:
Tzoli said:
I've recently coloured that old photo showing the Shinden in front of it's hangar

Not bad! It's quite a difficult exercise, not so much because of the aircraft itself (colors are usually well documented) as the background, which has to look realistic. I think the color on the door windows kind of spoils it, especially since there's a window left uncolored. Otherwise it's nice. I think the yellow on the leading edge is a little too bright — but I know, too, that yellow is very difficult to do, because if you don't make it bright enough it doesn't look like yellow at all! So congrats... and keep it up!
That Windows is not left out. I've intentianally coloured that way as it looks like it was broken and some sort of paper was put there. Hard to know to be sure as on the original photo it's only lighter in colour.
I also thought they are some sort of shutters not windows, but maybe I'm wrong.
Then why the 3 on left are light in colour while the 2 on the right darker?
The yellow colour in my opinion are just right.

Original Photo:
Tzoli said:
The yellow colour in my opinion are just right.

The hue is right (much better in fact than the roundel, which looks too pink by comparison). It's just that it's too saturated, too bright compared to the rest of the image and to the original black and white. As I said, having colored aircraft photos myself, I know from experience that yellow is VERY tricky.

I hope you understand that my remarks were meant as positive criticism (the kind I so often expect for my own work but hardly ever receive, unfortunately).
That's what can make us improve.
I appreciate it. But not agrees to everything :)
Wow thanks! Colored Shinden is very beautiful.
"Then why the 3 on left are light in colour while the 2 on the right darker?"

I think that difference in shade is caused by the sunlight reflecting on the window panes causing some to look lighter/darker than others.
Two of my coloured photos of the Boultan Paul Defiant:

I know they are both real photos. What I am saying is that the recolouring done on the first looks much more realistic than that on the second. It was meant as constructive criticism.
GTX said:
I know they are both real photos. What I am saying is that the recolouring done on the first looks much more realistic than that on the second. It was meant as constructive criticism.

And what you find inappropriate?

First one based on this:
Second ones on this:
GTX said:
Never mind. If you can't take constructive criticism...
You nothing said anything constructive! Just told that the 2nd one not looks realistic for which I asked what is you find not good...
Now who can't take constructive criticism?
The second colourised image does not look like real life whereas the first does...what is confusing about that? :eek:
Actually, I'd say that while Tzoli's first picture could pass for a period color photo, the second one has more of a vintage postcard-like (i.e. colorized from a B&W original) feel to it. The color shades are a bit unrealistic, but the artistic effect is good.
CostasTT said:
Actually, I'd say that while Tzoli's first picture could pass for a period color photo, the second one has more of a vintage postcard-like (i.e. colorized from a B&W original) feel to it. The color shades are a bit unrealistic, but the artistic effect is good.

I agree. That is kind of what I meant by my "more realistic"comment.
Its the vibrancy of the markings in the bottom photo that ruin it. Everything else is just fine. Its JUST the markings. Tone them down some and let more of the photo bleed threw. Right now the markings appear almost flat and that's what's making them the photo look off.
The second looks like the result of a bad day at the cigarette card printer.

But most of all, why bother? Nothing is learned and no points are elucidated
by the completely subjective colorization of old photos. They add nothing to
this thread.
Just seen a TV documentation with mostly colour footage from the early '40s and actually
the colours looked a bit exaggerated there, too. So, Tzoli met the look of the film material from
those times quite good, I think. That colour fidelity isn't up to nowadays standards is clear.
I agree these pics don't belong in the main forum sections. This is more appropriate.

A colourised pic could have value e.g. for book cover art (in lieu of a painting or CGI) where a colour picture isn't available.
Yes, I agree with GTX. The colours of the second are to clear and to glare... The first look´s real. Great work and thanks for posting. ;)
The small circle in the roundels on the upperside of the wings should be red, I think, as the
Defiant probably never wore the late SEA theatre type roundels. But from my own experience
I know, the udging colours from a b/w photo is VERY difficult and without further clues nearly
impossible. Tzoli did a great job, just some smaller corrections maybe would be beneficial and
that's what our clues are meant for.
But I like the idea of the vintage post card, which would even make colours authentic. It's just a
matter of an appropriate slogan then, maybe it even could correspond to this time of the year ? ;)
(Tzoli, I hope, you don't mind me using your picture, it was just for illustrating my idea. A picture says
more, than thousand words )


  • Xmas-Card.jpg
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The first looks like a true color photo, the second one looks like a painting or lithograph print. Nothing wrong with either IMHO but the second simply does not look like a color photo, but a painting.

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