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2 September 2006
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I heard that HDW recently presented a Type 216 submarine design with vertical launcher tubes and a greater displacement than 212/214s. Is there anyone with more details?
Hi orko_8! What about HDW Type-219 proposed to Australian Navy? It is another unknown submarine project..
orko_8 said:

I heard that HDW recently presented a Type 216 submarine design with vertical launcher tubes and a greater displacement than 212/214s. Is there anyone with more details?

TKMS published a drawing of a large diameter silo, vaguely similar in concept to that in recent production Virginia class SSNs.
Hi folks,
today at my local train station I saw through the German military magazine "Strategie und Technik".
There is a three page article in the lastest issue. I took quickly some crappy pictures with my mobile phone. At home tomorrow, I will post them and see if I can translate the text out of the pictures.
Is the TRIPLE-M/MURAENA system incorporated into the design, by any chance?
Typ 216 class
89, 00 meters long
Speed: >20kn
8, 10 meters in diameter
3.000t Deplacement
2 Decks, 10 cabins with up to 6 bunks
80 days at sea
Extra space for Special Forces, divers, teaching staff, Engineers
Crew: 33
The submarine has a “Vertical Multi-Purpose Lock” for UUV’s. mines, cruise missiles, navy divers and Special forces or as extra space for cargo or fuel. The type U216 can also be fitted with the IDAS system and the TRIPLE-M/MURAENA system.
Source: German military & defense magazine "Strategie und Technik", November 2011

According to the Russian military-industrial complex site on November 1 report, recently published “Jane’s Navy World” published an article, Horvath, Germany – German Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (HDW) is developing a new generation of 216 conventional submarines. Information about the new submarine is the first time in September of this year out of the disclosure.experts say, HDW 216 submarine’s development objective is to participate in the Australian Department of Defense under the SEA 1000 program activities at the target. According to the Australian government’s plan, as in 2025 the Navy purchased its 12 large conventional submarines, of which six will be used to replace the existing fleet of old-fashioned ‘Collins’ submarines. Australian Navy’s new submarine made a very high performance requirements, with special emphasis on the new boat should have the waters away from the base of the ability to perform combat missions. Analysts pointed out that the Australian military requirements implies a new submarine base should be able to travel to China from Australian waters operational requirements. Jane’s experts pointed out that 216-type submarines, including a key component of the joint, including methanol fuel cell power plant. Only depend on the fuel cell, the new submarines will be able to continue sailing four weeks underwater with four speed or road 2400 sea miles. In diesel engines, the submarine will be able to continue sailing speed of 10 knots 10,400 sea miles. 216 submarine holding force up to 80 days. The lithium-ion polymer battery can further enhance the submarine’s speed and endurance. In order to lithium batteries, the German side may use a new type of high-power diesel generators. The U216 conventional submarines using double-shell design, full load displacement of about 4,000 tons, the hull length 89 m, maximum diameter of 8.1 meters. Members of the rated load of the boat 33, in addition, the boat also set aside space for the special unit. Taking into account may be used to perform other transport tasks, 216 submarines also made available a special compartment for the storage of materials and equipment.
216 submarine of the main weapons, including six 533 mm torpedo tubes (equipped with 18 fast loading of the torpedoes, can be used to launch anti-ship missiles or laying mines) and a diameter of 2.5 m multi-purpose vertical launch system (capable of firing cruise missiles). In addition, the rear of the boat can also carry a miniature underwater SDV conveyor.
Source: http://www.9abc.net/index.php/archives/68059


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fightingirish said:
The type U216 can also be fitted with the IDAS system and the TRIPLE-M/MURAENA system.
Source: German military & defense magazine "Strategie und Technik", November 2011

Hi folks, today at my local train station I saw through the German Navy magazine "MarineForum".
There is a four page article in the lastest issue January 2012. I took quickly again some crappy pictures with my mobile phone.
More info and pictures will follow next year,errh, I mean next week. ;)


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Thanks for the photos! Note the 9-bladed screw (although how accurate something like that would be in public literature is of course anybody's guess), didn't the British dabble with that at some point, presumably before they introduced pump jets?
A little off topic but what ever happened to the Type 210mod?

vajt said:
A little off topic but what ever happened to the Type 210mod?


about the Type 210 mod see : http://www.dmkn.de/downloads/2b/4c/i_file_327379/u_boot_klasse_210mod.pdf
abou the current status (from http://devianzen.de/2012/01/21/thyssen-krupp/ ):
"folgende u-boot-modelle werden momentan geplant (the following types are at the planing stage in the moment):
- 210 mod (1000t-klasse) - 216 (3000t-klasse) - a26 (spezialboot für schweden) "

That means ... not very much actually, I think !

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