Two Dudes in Jetpacks Fly Along Side World's Largest Airliner


Senior Member
21 April 2009
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Could you bring the aircraft down with an RPG?
bobbymike said:

Could you bring the aircraft down with an RPG?

If the plane obligingly remained at low speed with flaps down they could probably each carry a Canada Goose and throw them or kamikaze themselves into the engines, but I don't really see the point.
cluttonfred said:
bobbymike said:

Could you bring the aircraft down with an RPG?

If the plane obligingly remained at low speed with flaps down they could probably each carry a Canada Goose and throw them or kamikaze themselves into the engines, but I don't really see the point.
Don't all planes 'obligingly' do this when landing?

Isn't there modern day 'kamikazes' called suicide bombers?

The point would be to bring down a commercial aircraft, I think this JUST happened somewhere?

It would be a very difficult thing, no doubt, for a potential jihadi to acquire this technology, train with it to the efficiency of these guys and execute the mission BUT I'm sure when several Saudi born citizens on expired student visas were taking flight lessons in the US no one was thinking two of the largest building in the world were in jeopardy either.
cluttonfred said:
This is a ludicrous premise and I have far better things to do with my time. Out.
Yes because I ASKED you to read and respond to the first post. ::)
bobbymike said:

Could you bring the aircraft down with an RPG?

From a jetwing? No. That's about as likely an intercept as a MiG-21 killing an SR-71. In the video, even with the A380 cooperating, those jetwing pilots are probably struggling to stay in the shot.
Jeb said:
bobbymike said:

Could you bring the aircraft down with an RPG?

From a jetwing? No. That's about as likely an intercept as a MiG-21 killing an SR-71. In the video, even with the A380 cooperating, those jetwing pilots are probably struggling to stay in the shot.
In theory could a MG-21 shoot down an SR-71 when it was landing?

Yes I 'get' that would never happen why I stated 'in theory'
Heck, with a little practice, *I* could hit an A380 with an RPG while it was landing and I wouldn't even have to fly, just need to be sneaky.

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