'Tuuli' Prototype fast assault hovercraft

Well, Hovercraft development seems to have hit a dead end with the US Navy's LCAC being the final iteration. There was some discuss about development to improve the swaying movement of the craft and even 'tanks' but that as that.The same seems to be for Ekranoplans or WIGs.
The Tuuli-mess was a sad thing indeed as if completed it would have represented the ultimate coastal naval warfare thinging and would have given us a truly innovative and unique class of warships. It would have been ideal for finnish coastal enviroment with rough archipelago and rigged coastline and shallow passageways.

The reason why it was abandon was the idiotic desicion to make tradditional naval operations of securing the sea traffic as the primary mission of Finnish navy. There is no idiocity in the doctrine itself, its just that the finnish navy isen't build for do such role. The new doctrine would require western type frigate-focused fleet, but now the hamina class which was intended to serve as a flotilla leader for the Tuuli class are now suddenly given roles of frigate or corvette, when the ship clearly isen't such a vessel. Aside this the Hämeenmaa class minelayers have been rebuild with bowramp deleted to give them better seekeeping qualities so another vessel mented for completely different roles is sacrified with the need of "blue water" navy.
Tuuli should be at the Upinniemi naval base, but I don't think it can be viewed by outsiders. It is currently up for sale. Several countries have been interested, but only a few days ago it was reported that no buyers have been found so far (http://www.kouvolansanomat.fi/Online/2008/07/12/Ilmatyynyalus+Tuulille+ei+ole+l%F6ytynyt+ostajaa/200825544532/4 (link in Finnish, I couldn't find a news article in English)). ISTR there were rumors that at least three countries were interested, which may have included Egypt and Nigeria. The craft was tested by potential buyers in autumn 2005.

I remember seeing a nive pdf of Tuuli (aka T2000) a few years ago with internal arrangement three-view drawings, but can't find it now. Could have been from the manufacturer's site.
amsci99 said:
Well, Hovercraft development seems to have hit a dead end with the US Navy's LCAC being the final iteration. There was some discuss about development to improve the swaying movement of the craft and even 'tanks' but that as that.The same seems to be for Ekranoplans or WIGs.
Tuuli was based on the LCAC IIRC.


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this is tuuli sad.
i quite like this craft and never expected it to end up as a "secret project"
Tried looking for 3 views at the manufacturer's (Aker Finnyards of Rauma) website but there is no mention of the ACV. Would really like to look at how the VLS missiles were placed. I believe the Norwegians had great success with their SES, the Skjold class.
Well, you can see the mine dispenser in action in SteveO's photos :)
Short low quality clip of Tuuli
Little more is here http://www.foils.org/01_Mtg_Pres%20dnloads/ACV%20Devels%20Brian%20ForstellCDI050609/ACV%20Developments%20to%20SNAME-IHS%209Jun05.ppt


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