Turkish Helmet Integrated Cueing Systems


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
15 July 2020
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Turkey's Aselsan is developing various Helmet Integrated Cueing Systems for Helicopters and Fighter Jets ; In this thread I'll post updates from their developments

AVCI - Joint development between Aselsan and Thales and used in the T-129 Attack Helicopter

AVCI-II - In development an improvement over AVCI GEN-I HMD to be used in Turkey's T-929 Heavy Attack Helicopter
Some pictures of the combiner for AVCI-II
AVCI II HMD < - > HMD being developed for TFX


Color screen and digital night vision technologies will be used for the first time in the system, which was developed as binocular (two optical channels) and viewfinder reflective. In this way, color-specific groupings (friend, foe, etc.) can be made in the symbology information.

A hybrid (optical-inertial) system is designed as a head tracking system. The inner helmet will be specially produced for the pilot in terms of both comfort of use and proper viewing. For this, the head structure of the pilot will be scanned and the inner helmet will be processed according to the data generated after the scan. The visor will also be personalized according to the pilot in terms of oxygen mask and face form compatibility.

Headphones will have active noise suppression (ANR-Active Noise Reduction) technology, and the pilot's awareness will be increased by transferring the 3D sound from the aircraft's internal speech system in stereo. The image obtained by using high-precision line of sight information from the 360-degree image created by the electro-optical systems on the aircraft will be projected onto the viewfinder and will provide a sense of use as if the aircraft does not have a fuselage.
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TULGAR System is a helmet-mounted display system designed by ASELSAN for fixed-wing platforms. It incorporates digital night vision, color display, and precise head tracking technologies to enhance the pilot's awareness of the aircraft's capabilities and the mission area.

System Subunits:
• Helmet Unit
• Electronic Unit
• Head Tracking Module

Thanks to its advanced optical design, the TULGAR system provides a wide field of view and high-resolution images reflected onto the visor to support pilots during the mission. The helmet unit is made of lightweight composite materials and an inner shell customized for the user to provide an ergonomic solution to pilots. Active and passive noise-canceling capabilities prevent noise from the platform and other sources from reaching the pilot.

The integrated digital night vision capability of the system enables it to be used without requiring any changes to the helmet unit during both day and night missions.

The TULGAR System is suitable for fixed-wing platforms and is ready for use in challenging environmental conditions due to its durable design.

General Specifications:
• Lightweight helmet unit
• Color display
• Interior helmet structure shaped according to pilot's head
• Digital night vision
• Hybrid head tracking system
• Active noise cancellation
• Compatibility with wearing glasses
• 3D sound compatibility
• 40°(Y)-32°(D) field of view

• ARINC-818-2 Video Interface
• Display Port Digital Video I/O Interface
• Serial Interfaces (RS-232/RS-485/RS-422)
• Discrete I/O Interface
• MIL-STD-1553 Interface

Physical Specifications:
• Helmet Unit Weight: < 2.1 kg (including oxygen mask)
• Electronic Unit (EU) Weight: < 5 kg

Technical Specifications:
• Power Input: 28 VDC (Nominal)
• Power Consumption: 140 W (Nominal)/190W (Maximum)

Environmental Conditions:
• Operating Temperature (EU): -40°C/+70°C (Fan Cooled)
: -55°C/+95°C (Climate Controlled Air Cooled)
• Storage Temperature (EU): -55°C / +95°C

• MIL-STD-810G W/Change 1
• MIL-STD-461G
• MIL-STD-1472G
• DO-254
• DO-178C

3D Audio Technology is a technology that enables communication channels and voice warnings to be transmitted to stereo headphones with spatial cues in avionics intercom systems.
ASELSAN's 3D Audio Technology is based on HRTF (Human Related Transfer Function). 3D Audio is created spatially based on the location information of the warning and the head movements of the pilot. So the sound is transmitted as if it is coming from above, below, right or left.
Thanks to 3D Audio technology, the pilot's environmental awareness increases, response time and workload decrease.
Radio separation is created using 3D Audio. Communication channels are transmitted to the pilot from different angles so that the pilot can easily distinguish between channels.

3D Audio Features
• Real-Time Operation
• Radio Separation
• Directional Warning
• Global Positioning
• Reduced Response Time
• Reduced Workload
• Increased Environmental Awareness
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