Tupolev Tu-91 « Bychok » carrier-borne attack (NATO: "Boot")


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24 July 2009
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I'd be grateful if anyone can sort out this problem for me.

The TU-91 is fairly well known and the photgraphs and drawings show the aircraft in the configuration of the first drawing below, however the second drawing shows something different. Accepting that the first drawing is correct, is the second an earlier project configuartion or just someone's best guess from the 1960s ?

Thanks for any help :D

Regards Bailey.


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Hi Bayley!

The picture Tu-91 B is showing the real Tu-91, and the "A" picture shows the artist impression on the aircraft.
Hope, this link proof my statement http://www.airwar.ru/enc/bomber/tu91.html

Dammit!, I was going to post that in the 'Soviet Aircraft Misidentifications' thread......
I've seen that second drawing in Gunston's 'Aircraft of the Soviet Union', page 336.
I agree with Matej, it's an impression based on written/verbal descriptions, I assume.

This is the only picture I have of the Tu-91. It is from my book, "Clipped Wings".



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Same picture in a slightly better definition:


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There are several here, as well as the kit.
Nice pics from airwar.ru - will post translation of article later.


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Against the beginning of the 50th years in the USSR sequential time before the military-political management of the country was raised a question about the creation of the domestic aircraft carriers of different designation.

In parallel with the creation of aircraft carriers it was planned to develop carrier-based fighters, attack aircraft and bombers.

In May 1952 there was given out overall technical task at the point of the design of deck fighter with the turbojet engine, according to which for the aircraft were specified sleduyushchi & basic tactical-technical given:

maximum speed - 1000 km/h;
maximum duration of flight - 2 h; : the service ceiling - 16 000 m;
takeoff and landing with the speed of the ship of 20 units - without the accelerator, with the slow speeds of ship - with the accelerator. During the agitation it is at sea more than 5 marks, at rest and during the damage of deck - takeoff with the aid of the catapult.
Already at the end May (on May 24, 1952.) the minister of aircraft industry M. V. Khrunichev after the first estimations reported to his to associate to the minister of ship-building industry V. A. Malyshev, which when the resolution of government MAP is present, can develop the preliminary design of carrier-based fighter from the six months old period after obtaining of task and refining the operational requirements at the point of the aircraft and that the fulfillment of this target can be charged to chief designer A. S. Yakovlev.

Deck bomber and attack aircraft charged to design OKB, directed by chief designer A. N. Tupolev. In OKB of Tupolev was by this time small theoretical reserve about the design of carrier-based heavy aircraft. Still in 1950. before the brigade Of B. M. Kondorskiy's projects began the work along the deck torpedo bomber- bomber. Aircraft obtained designation on OKB the project "509" (ninth project of 1950). According to project the aircraft "509" had to be flight vehicle with two TRD (turbojet engine) of the type VK-1, close one before the assembly solutions down the aircraft of "81" (Tu-14) and "82" of the same OKB. The wing of aircraft was intended to make by the straight line, which are folded on the consoles. The takeoff of the aircraft, whose mass reached 15 t, had to be produced with the aid of the accelerator with the speed of running of the aircraft carrier of 20 units, takeoff with the aid of the catapult was not provided for. With the design of the machine of "509" maximally were considered the operating conditions of aircraft on the aircraft carriers. In the case of the realization of project it was intended to obtain following basic flight-performance data: maximum speed - 900 km/h, flying range with the bomb load 1,5 t of 1500 km.

Work along the deck torpedo bomber-bomber of "509" did not leave the stage of preliminary design, entire attention of customer gradually was switched down the following project of OKB - aircraft of "507" (seventh project 1950 g.), work on which in parallel was conducted before the brigade Of B. M. Kondroskiy. The discussion dealt for the sake of the project of deck torpedo bomber- bomber, attack aircraft with one turboprop engine of the type TV-2F (TV-2M) power of 6250 bhp for the arrangement on the aircraft carrier of the outer plane of wing it had to be carried out by well-made. After preliminary studies, resolution of general questions of aerodynamic layout and calculations of the assumed aircraft performance was transmitted beside the brigade Of S. M. Yeger for further more detailed study and the coordinations of the systems of equipment and armament.

In the course of design in 1952 in OKB was examined the design of the aircraft of the class of the machine of "507", but with the turbojet engine type TV-12 of 12,000 bhp power and the wing with the sweep angle on quarter-chords 35 deg. Aircraft had to, about the calculations, leave against the speed of approximately 1000 km/h and beside some of degree become competitor the carrier-based fighter, which was being embedded in OKB.

A. S. Yakovlev, preserving in this case the bomber-assault possibilities of the project of "507". The discussion dealt for the sake of the creation of a universal carrier-based aircraft of the type of fighter-bomber, capable of executing the wide circle of the tasks, laid beyond the carrier-based aircraft. Overall sizes and mass of a similar aircraft had to be more than analogous, placed beside the project "507", because of the considerably larger mass of power plant. Work along this aircraft did not leave the stage of technical proposal, and subsequently to a similar version no longer they returned.

Chief designer on the design of the aircraft of "91" (precisely this final designation on OKB obtains new machine) A. N. Tupolev appointed V. A. Chizhevskiy, in the past one of the leaders of bureaus of special constructions. They were appointed after the chief engineers along the aircraft from the brigade of the common forms - B. I. Bogdanov, from the division of equipment - M. G. Pinegin, from the motor division - A. M. Shumov. Unofficially on OKB new project they baptized Chizh-Pin-Bog-15Sh (first three parts - on the surnames of chief designers, number 15- series designation, the following above Tu-14, Sh - attack aircraft). Before the production the aircraft of "91" went as order 194. All works on "91" before the initial stage of the design of aircraft consulted substitute chief designer Sukhoi, based on 1949 until 1953. worked in OKB A.N. Tupolev and had large experience of designing attack aircraft with piston power plants.

At the beginning 1953 the sequential splash of interest before the aircraft carriers to the USSR decreased, and naval aviation changes its requirements at the point of the aircraft. Now the discussion deals for the sake of the creation of the purely land combat flight vehicle, intended for the actions before the coastal theaters of military actions.

On April 29, 1953. left the decision of the Council of Ministers of USSR ╧ 1138-470, on which OKB Of a. N. Tupolev charged to design and to construct the diving torpedo bomber of "91". On June 1, 1953. the command of aviation Navy gave out OKB operational requirements at the point of the diving torpedo bomber with one TVD TV-2M. According to these documents the aircraft of "91" was intended for the dive bombing on the ships, the Naval bases and coast construction; torpedoing in the combat ships and the transports; as the additional task: assault actions on the ships, the transports, the landing facilities and the personnel of landing, and also level bombing.

The aircraft of "91" had to carry out takeoffs and landings in the daytime and at night, also, before the adverse weather conditions based on the unpaved airfields and the airfields with the limited runways. The fulfillment of combat missions before putting of torpedo and bomb attacks, and also assault actions it had to be achieved both by the single aircraft and before the composition of group due to the conditions of the strong opposition to antiaircraft artillery of enemy.

The aircraft of "91" had to satisfy the following tactical flight requirements:

maximum speed against the height 5000-7000 m of 800-830 km/h;
minimum cruising speed - 300 km/h;
service range with the torpedo of 45-36MAV (1000 kgf) and of 7Ya6- m by the remainder of the fuel - 2100 km;
the service ceiling - 11 000-12 000 m;
maximum angle of dive - 70 ';
takeoff run length without the accelerators - 450-500 m;
mean free path - is 400 m;
the mass of torpedo and bomb load - is 1000-1600 kgf;
crew - 2 people.
Offensive and defensive cannon armament was specified:

forward - 2 X of 23 mm on 100 projectiles or 2 X of 30 mm on 70 projectiles;
back - the stern mobile unit 1 X of 23 mm with 300 projectiles (angles of traverse - along the horizontal of "45", upward +55, downward to -30);
for the control besides the results of shooting - gun camera FKP -2.
The aircraft of "91" had to be equipped for the sake of radar of Kurs before the suspension basket under the wing; by the system of airborne responder - interrogator Khrom-Nikel and Uzel); by protection equipment of the tail of Gamma; by radio stations of the type RSB-5, RSIU-3; by aircraft intercom equipment SPU-ZR; by the blind landing system of "Materik"; by low-altitude radar altimeter RV -2; by automatic radio compass ARK -5; by aerial camera AFA- LA and by other equipment, standard for the front aircraft of the beginning of the 50th years.

Works on the aircraft "91" dispatch against a good rate, practically without the serious failures and the problems. In September 1953. was carried out the model commission for aircraft, on which were solved basic questions with the customer for the layout, the arrangement of equipment and armament. The experimental aircraft of "91" was built at the plant 156 (Tupolev). In April 1954. aircraft was finished. In autumn "91" it was transported on ZHLI and dB Zhukovskaya flight-test and finishing base) and it was assembled. Preparation at the point of the factory flight tests began. The crew was assigned for this: test pilot D. V. Zyuzin instructor navigator K. I. Malkhasyan. Leadership exercised the chief engineer for the tests G. V. Gribakin. Into the composition of the ground crew, which ensures tests, they entered: engineers for the armament M. A. Bazhen, R. A. Engulatov, flight mechanic L. I. Borzenkov, flight attendent A. A. Kuznetsov, motor mechanic A. A. Petrov, metal craftsmen vooruzhentsy V. N. Nikolayev, F. A Bashnin, engineers for the equipment Yu. S. Bolshakov, V. P. Eremin. They participated from OKB before the tests: chief engineer V. I. Bogdanov, the chief engineer for the special equipment M. G. Pinegin, the chief engineer for the power plant Of A. D. Revo, the chief engineers for the armament D. A. Gorskiy, I. I. Tretyakov, metal craftsman -karkasnik A. A. Lipshikov, metal craftsmen -vooruzhentsy V. A. Stepanov, N. A. Bakatin, V. B. Karyakin.

After all fixings and ground checks at the end September 1954. air crew began to achieve running through on the aircraft on the runway of Leahs. On the third running through test pilot D. V. Zyuzin made approach on 2-3 m and glad taxied down the stand. A. N. Tupolev after this makes decision in the direction of the first departure.

On November 2, 1954. test pilot D. V. Zyuzin and instructor navigator K. I. Malkhasyan accomplish on the aircraft of "91" the first official flight. The first stage of factory flight tests continues until January 21, 1955. In the course of this stage were executed 25 flights by the total duration of 14 hours. Before the tests participated the representatives of the institute of ╧ 15 Navy. It was the purpose of these tests:

to produce: the ground-based and flying finishing of aircraft;
to determine fundamental flight performances;
to give the qualitative assessment of stability, controllability and maneuverability of aircraft;
to give the preliminary flying, navigational and engineering estimation of aircraft;
to estimate work of power plant;
to verify the possibility of suspension on the aircraft of bomber and torpedo weapon.
During the first stage tests piloting was complicated by the fact that was very unsuccessfully laid control system besides tuning the number of revolutions of propellers. The engine OF TV-2m was governed by one lever of gas, moreover its tuning of the number of revolutions of screws corresponded to each regime. The tuning number of revolutions of screws was the higher than there was above regime, which assigned the pilot by throttle control. This system normally adapted thus far on the piston propeller-driven aircraft. But the fact is that piston engine has rapid pick-up, and when pilot it applied throttle, it simultaneously and increased tuning the revolutions of screws it was added fuel-. Piston engine very quick-to-accelerate, and process occurred with the increase of thrust immediately after the displacement of engine-control lever. Turboprop single-shaft engine on Tu-91 possessed very slow pick-up in comparison with the piston engines. The fact is that on the gas turbine engine it is not possible to produce the very large supply of fuel for rapid engine pickup, because this can lead down the surging of compressor and stalling of the work of engine, and pilot produced reconstruction of the number of revolutions of screws, moving throttle control without any retarding. Pilot applied throttle - screws has already been disposed down more high rpm, but engine does not hurry to drive away. Screws are governed by the regulators, which know only one: if the real revolutions lower than those, which are tuning on the position of throttle control, it is necessary to relieve screw, to take away blades down the smaller setting angles. After pilot moved throttle control for obtaining the high thrust, regulator knew only one: tuning high, revolutions are small, which means, must "oblegchat" screw, and began "zagonyat" of propeller blade down small angles, and this means that it derived them beside the region, where the screw does not pull, but, on the contrary, it impedes. The sharp dacha of gas for the sake of pilot, for example, under the conditions, close down the landing, led down the unpredictable consequences. Let us assume that at the end landing approach pilot would want to leave down the second circle and sharply applied throttle, system operated so that before the process of the output of engine down the new regime it appeared as far as several seconds the large brake force, when exactly was necessary positive thrust. And if pilot, for example, supported in this case a constant flight altitude, then speed due to the braking had to fall approximately down 40 km/h, and since before the process of landing approach speed already it is sufficiently small, machine can fall down. Naturally, at the point of pilot it was necessary to nose down. But in order to support constant velocity, at the point of it would be necessary to lose the order 40 m of height.

In the course of tests they were actually checked:

maximum speeds on the heights;
fuel consumption per kilometer;
data on the rate of climb;
the service ceiling;
takeoff and landing characteristics;
the behavior of aircraft with M = 0,76;
the strength of chassis with landing of aircraft with the maximum permissible mass;
the behavior of aircraft with the suspended bombs and the torpedoes;
the regimes of maximum overloads; the behavior of aircraft from the minimum speed 300 km/h to 670 km/h (about the instrument).
With the determination of flight performance the aircraft had the takeoff masses:

maximum mass with one torpedo of 45-36MAN - 14 800 kgf;
normal mass with one torpedo of 45-36MAN - 13 250 kgf;
maximum landing mass - 13 350 kg.

The service ceiling with the vertical velocity of 0,5 m/s was registered against the level of 11 600 m.

The service ceiling with the takeoff mass of 12 250 kgf - 12 000 m.

Practical flying range against the height of 8000 m with the bomb load 1000 kgf was 2190 km.

Takeoff run length with the takeoff mass of 13 500 kgf - 645 m, mean free path with the landing mass of 13 200 kgf - 710 m.

In the first stage of the flight tests of the aircraft of "91" was made the conclusion about the fact that basic flight-performance data (with exception of maximum speed on the height), and also the possibility of aircraft on the suspension of the diverse variants of bomb, torpedo and rocket armament correspond to the decision of the Council of Ministers of USSR ╧ 1138-470 from 29.04.53 g. and to the operational requirements of aviation Navy from 1.06.53 g.

Designation of the characteristic
Requirements PSM Of n╟ 1138 - 470
Calculation data (OKB)
About the results of the tests

Maximum speed, the km/h 800-830 (against the height 5000 - 7000 m)
800-830 (against the height 5000 - 7000 m)
800 (against the height of 8000 m)
760 (against the height of 6500 m)

Maximum speed in the earth, the km/h


Minimum speed (instrument), the km/h 300


Service range with one torpedo of 45-36MAN, km 2100

The service ceiling, m 11000 - 12 000
11000- 12 000

Duration of ascent down height of 8000 m with one torpedo, at the point of min


Normal bomb load, the kgf

Maximum bomb and torpedo load, the kgf 1600

At the tests was achieved a comparatively low fuel consumption, which made the aircraft of "91" cheap in the operation. For example, in flight down the distance 2100 km with 1000 kgf bombs "91"- y it expended 2700 kgf fuel (for the comparison: in flight down the same distance Il-28 were required 6400 kgf).

Of tests, they transmitted down the second stage of the tests the aircraft, which received the positive estimation during the first stage, which were conducted already together with the customer (plant and official tests). These tests were passed based on the end January 1955. until April 22, 1955. In this stage down the work were connected the test pilots of GK NII VVS (State Red Banner Scientific Testing Institute of the Air Force) Major Sizov Lieutenant Colonel Alekseyev. Tests again confirmed high tactical flying characteristics of new aircraft. The work of aircraft based on the ground strips was also checked. During the plant and joint testing, based on the light hand of ground-based personnel, the aircraft of "91" obtains its second, unofficial designation - "Bychok" About the results of joint testing the aircraft was rekomendovan to the series building.

Practically simultaneously with the works on the aircraft of "91" dispatch works on finishing and tests of the engine TV-2m, which was half from the dual-control aircraft - the twin engine of the Kuznetsovskiy firm of 2TV-2F. One of the engines of this dual-control aircraft (which adapted on the first version of the aircraft Tu-95) was the basis new specially of that developed for "91"- y of the driving engine (TV -2m) very original layout. Engine itself was established before the region of the center of gravity of aircraft, before it there was the flight deck, to the left sat pilot, to the right - navigator. The shaft of engine was passed between them. Before to the nose of aircraft was established the two-step planetary reducer of very original diagram, before which the torque equally was divided between the front and rear screws of coaxial pair. This diagram of reducer was developed in Leningrad before motor OKB Of v. Ya. Klimov. Layout with the engine in the center of fuselage and reducer remote beside the nose section was not itself new. On this layout was executed the power plant of American aircraft Bell "Aerocobra" and "Kingcobra" But there engine was established beyond its points of attachment, reducer - down its, and they were connected by drive shaft. But here reducer and engine were connected together rigidly by pipe with the diameter of 220 mm, and inside this pipe was passed shaft, and this entire the unit (reducer and engine they were started separately, jointing it was produced already on the aircraft) was attached down the aircraft at four points: two pins are in front on the reducer and two- on the engine itself. This diagram, by the way, freed the construction of aircraft based on the perception of the torque of engine, transferred down the reducer. This torque was locked inside the rigid system: engine, union pipe, reducer.

Recently appeared materials about the aircraft Tu-91 both before our and before the foreign press. The very frequently retouched photographs created distorted impression about the layout of aircraft. For example, before one foreign article and even before the periodical of "Mir of aviatsii" inspection glass before the sex of the pilot's and navigational cabs (but these were triangular armor glass with the filleted corners, through which pilot and navigator they could have a good survey downward) were accepted after the inlets of air ducts and respectively retouched. Aircraft came out simply unlike itself down itself. Air duct was one, on to center, immediately above spinner, lower than it, rising in the form Latin letter S, it interesected the pipe, which connects reducer and engine itself. Air intake duct divided flight deck in two sections - pilot and navigator. Engine was single-shaft, i.e. there was a stiffening joint of the shaft of turbine both for the sake of the compressor and for the sake of the screw. Now more frequently adapt engines with the free turbine of the drive of propeller, which is connected for the sake of the gas-producing part of the engine only through the gas circuit. We have the stiffening joint, and the revolutions of output shaft for the drive of the reducer of screw were the same as in compressor. Engine made it possible to produce braking for the sake of screw due to any flight conditions and on the landing for decreasing the mean free path. This was passive braking (active braking - this when screw it is established beyond the negative angles of attack it is given gas and by this it is impeded), when with the introduction beside the braking state engine was converted to idling, beside the minimum fuel consumption, and propeller blades were converted forcedly to the small setting angles, with which were obtained the negative angles of attack of these blades. The incident flow helped seemingly to be twisted screws, the revolving screws created ometaemoy as far as them by area high drag. Before the process of dive with the braking spirally was created negative thrust on the order of 10 t, which made it possible to stabilize aircraft without an increase in the speed against the optimum diving speeds, without the acceleration.

The first versions of the engines, which were established on the aircraft Tu-91 and at the special flying testing laboratory of power plant, had systems for measuring the torque, transferred down the screws, and for measuring the propeller thrust - both positive before the normal modes and negative under conditions of braking.

These systems were it is rapidly and competently created in KB of Pavel Alexandrovich Solovyev in Perm' (then Molotov). Furthermore, at the flying laboratory were made measurement and record down the oscillograph of the blade angles. Upon transfer based on normal operating conditions beside the state of braking propeller blade were passed the angles of the settings, beyond which the incident flow too intensively untwisted screw. It was necessary to pass this zone of intensive spinup from the incident flow very rapidly, revolutions dangerous from the point of view of strength otherwise could be achieved. The differential reducer, which divided the torque between the front and rear screw as any differential, possessed one very unpleasant special feature. Generally differential, as sometimes they joke, this device for the transfer of power from that place, where it can be usefully used, there, where it can do harm as on the automobile, for example. Therefore are done the self-locking differentials. You know that when one wheel falls on ice, it begins madly to untwist. You apply throttle, but the second simply does not pull, because cohesion along the first wheel disappeared. So here, if the speeds of the transfer of the blades of front and rear screws were different, then that screw, which had lower revolutions, transferred selected by it from the incident power flux down the second screw and increased it even without that high revolutions. So that this did not exist, it was necessary to attain the identical speed of the transfer of the blades of front and rear screws. The front screw of "sidel" on the internal shaft of the reducer, which was passed through the external shaft of the reducer, down which was put on rear screw. The blade shifting was produced as far as oil pressure. To the rear screw oil was given through one complete set of the revolving packings based on the stationary part of the engine to the shaft of rear screw, while to the front screw - through two complete sets of the packings: first in this chosen for section of external shaft, and then from the external shaft beside the internal shaft through another complete set of the revolving packings, moreover here the speeds of relative rotation were considerably more, since one shaft revolved before one side, by another - before another. The leakages of oil and loss of pressure therefore were more for the front screw, and the speed of the transfer of its blades was less.

It was necessary to greatly much work in order to attain identical loss of pressure beyond the front and rear screws and maximally close speeds of the transfer of the blades of front and rear screws.

The flying laboratory, where was perfected the power plant of aircraft Tu-91, was created on the base of aircraft Tu-4 - four-engine bomber with the piston engines. Instead of one of the piston engines was established specially for this the prepared version of the fuselage of aircraft Tu-91. Shorter conical fairing stood instead of the tail section of this fuselage.

At the flying laboratory we had to experience work of power plant and lead braking (practically it was necessary it to anew create) system by screw in flight. In this case based on the braking screw the strongly wake of air descended. Powerful disorderly vortex could dangerously influence tail assembly, in particular, down that half of stabilizer, which was located as a result of the experimental fuselage, established instead of one of the engines of aircraft Tu-4.

Power plant was still "syroy" For example, proved to be the undercapacity of the scavenge oil pumps. Engine together with the union pipe was overfilled by oil, oil overheated. In Perm' against the test station this was not discovered because of the enormous capacity of external, bench, oil system. All this it was necessary to alter, but, in any case, they approached the stage, when it was possible to test braking system. Piloted flying laboratory before all flights the pilots Zyuzin and Alasheyev.

With 14 until October 17, 1954. ground-based polygon shootings rocket armament were carried out. The original system of rocket armament, jet torpedoes, rocket weapons, containers were initially checked down the shooting before air on the aircraft Tu-14. Other systems and assemblies of aircraft were checked and were perfected analogously.

After the end of these tests they transmitted aircraft for the joint flight tests at the point of combat employment, which were passed on the naval air station to Theodosius until June 29, 1955. Before the tests both the crews of military test pilots and the crews of plant test pilots participated.

In summer 1955 g. the aircraft of "91" was presented to the management of the country on one of the showings of new aviation equipment. Head of The State N. S. Khrushchev, after seeing under the wing "91"- GO the large number of decomposed NURSov, interested herself before aircraft. Officer, who presented "Bychok", either from the important form of sanovnykh persons, or even at the point of some reasons, telling about the aircraft, take yes and be specified about the fact that the aircraft of "91" substitutes the heavy cruiser, instead of saying: "Zalp Of nURSov is equivalent to the onboard volley of the heavy of kreysera" N. S. Khrushchev reacts down this he instantly and tells that if this is so, that why to us heavy warships, then declares to the lost officer and before that surrounding, that everything, that it they tell, delirium, and is very uncomplimentary characterized Tupolev's machine. But Khrushchev continued: "A this aircraft, o, with the propeller, o, and wing- that straight line, where to us before zh… such aircraft are necessary. No, you me correct perhaps I not that I speak. But what it has speed? " - "900 of kilometers beside chas" - "A where to us before zh… this aircraft, to us supersonic aircraft are still necessary… " All accompanying persons from VVS, Navy and MAP as this was accepted, encouragingly they giggle down the observations of the first person of the USSR and quickly is drawn for itself conclusion - to aircraft before a series and in arsenal not to occur. This episode became prelude to closing of works on the aircraft of "91"

In spite of all these collisions, which very little relate down the technology, tests of "Bychka" continued. Aviation Navy in order to prove again to all that the aircraft good and necessary, conducts still some flight tests about the additional program. These tests were largest and ended in January 1956. (executed 90 flights by total duration 61 hours).

In OKB meanwhile dispatch works on the preparation for series production. Drawings taking into account the requirements of series plant were worked out, the airframe of pre-series aircraft taking into account the specific character of the technology of mass production was built. Before the depths of OKB were prepared the modifications of the aircraft of "91", intended for the antisubmarine defense, training version and aircraft of radio-electronic opposition. All these works had to enlarge the range of the application of "91"- GO, it is essential to increase the series production of machines and to thus reduce the prime cost, and to also grant down fleet aviation universal machine.

The experimental model of the aircraft of "91" in summer of 1956 g. was demonstrated on the airfield Of kubinka of American aviation delegation, which visited the USSR with the official visit. Headed delegation General N. Tuayning. Besides the aircraft of "91" it showed not yet flown "98"- me machine Il-54. All three aircraft experimental, fate of two of them was already solved - beside a series by them not to go (Il-54 "91").

In the same year on the sequential showing of aviation equipment of "Bychok" again it falls on eyes To n. S. Khrushchev. Machine as far as air they outdistanced based on one of the airfields, where it was located further from the eyes of high authorities, who solved, that to aircraft not to be. Aircraft took the very neparadnyy form, it arrived directly based on the range, where it bombed and shot, but to "navesti marafet" did not have time, so it stood that smoked also before the inflows of oil. Khrushchev at this time throws altogether only one remark: "On still here? " are all. Fate "91"- GO finally is decided, the theme is shut after some time. And this in spite of desperate attempts at the management OKB and the senior military representative of the plant Of s. D. Agavelyan's ╧ 156 to save this unique aircraft. The reorientation of Soviet military programs down the rocket thematics already began, reduction of armed forces occurred, fleet was deprived of large warships, and to the highest army and naval command it was not to "Bychka" Before them stood the new tasks of survival and adjustment to the nuclear-missile doctrine of the end of the 50th - beginning of the 60's.

After the trip of the delegation Of n. Tuayning before the USSR before the western aviation press appear the approximate figures of the aircraft of "91" On the specification of NATO it obtained the designation of "Boot" - "Bashmak", since it they there carried down the class of light bombers for the fleet, which was completely correct; therefore code designation began down the Latin letter of "V" The first photograph "91"- GO appeared before the western press somewhere against the beginning of the 60's. On the photo the aircraft was before foreshortening 3/4 based on the starboard, with the suspended containers NURS. Prior to the beginning of the 90's this it was only from the published photographs of machine. On the basis it during almost 30. years were done the very approximate tracings of aircraft, which briefly gave idea about "Bychke"

After the end of works concerning the thematics the aircraft of "91" even some time was found at rest BY ZHLI and dB, and then soon beside one of the pre-holiday harvestings it was of "utilizirovan" very unique method - several times the tractor passed on it. The living history of "Bychka" ended on this, and it remained only before the recollections of its creators and before a very small quantity the miracle of the preserved documents.

According to its tactical flight data the aircraft of "91" completely corresponded to the aircraft of battlefield, which with the normal confluence of circumstances, in the case of its entering beside the troops, could successfully compete with the unarmored fighter-bombers before the version of use for the direct air support of land and sea forces.

The experience of the local wars of the 60's forced servicemen to return to the concept of the well protected and heavily armed, comparatively low-speed aircraft. At this time to someone it is alien beside the head, that this machine, as Tu-91 it can be useful. This flash of interest was very short-term - povoroshili documentation, they had a talk about the possibility of the installation of more high-powered engine (NK -12). On this the matter ended since this was made already before the 70's, when appeared attack aircraft Su-25 and A -10, beside some of degree the developed ideas, placed beside "Bychke"

Brief technical description of the aircraft of "91"

General concept

Aircraft of "91" - two-place diving torpedo bomber with one TVD of the type OF TV -2m. It was intended for the actions based on the limited takeoff and landing areas before the coastal areas, the water areas of seas and oceans, which surrounded the USSR, on the surface ships and the submarines of enemy, and also for the reflection of amphibious operations.

The aircraft of "91" could carry out in accordance with this:

dive bombing on the underwater and pinpoint targets;
torpedoing on the surface ships;
assault actions on the personnel of landing and on the landing floating crafts;
level bombing through the waterborne targets and the purposes in the front strip.
The impact armament of aircraft, which accomplished these operations, was placed on the common points of suspension under the fuselage and the wing. Weapon system ensured the arrangement 1200-1500 kgf of bombs before the diverse variants - three reactive torpedoes of the type PAT-52 or one usual torpedo before the low altitude version of the type of 45-36MAN or before the high-altitude version of the type of 45-36MAV with the parachute. Was provided for the suspension of aviation sea mines by mass of 500 and 1500 kg.

For the support of assault operations before two suspension containers could be placed eight NURS of the type TRS-212 either 36 pieces TRS-132 or 120 pieces TRS-85. The assault impact of one aircraft of "91" on its effectiveness corresponded to the onboard volley of the heavy cruiser with eight instruments of the caliber of 203,2 mm.

For the protection of crew from the ground-based fire forward fuselage section, where flight deck was located, it was the armored housing, made from alloy APBA-1 by thickness from 8 to 18 mm. the combination of steel armor, aluminum armor and bulletproof glass it made it possible to ensure the necessary protection of crew with the very small mass of armor (550 kgf).

The chief characteristic of aircraft was use TVD of the type TV -2m (equivalent horsepower 6250 e. hp, it was planned to bring it in the future to 7650 e. hp), established behind the flight deck. The reducer, which stands before the forward fuselage, was set into rotation with the aid of the long shaft, passing through the flight deck between the work sites of pilot and navigator. Reducer revolved two coaxial propellers, that were twisting themselves down the opposite sides. Air intake to the engine was made from the front from below. Exhaust gases were derived down the sides on the sides of the fuselage through the double exhaust nozzle.

By interesting structural element were basic steadfast the chassis, which had the lever suspension of wheels. The feet not only were turned sideways with the harvesting, being removed beside the wing center section, but also they gathered themselves in this case, occupying before the retracted position very little place. Taking into account comparatively small maximum speeds, for the aircraft they selected straight wing. However, for decreasing of harmful interference and guarantee of the necessary volume of wing center section for positioning before it the chassis to it they gave sweepback on the leading edge of 20╟.

The installation TVD, the light specific wing loads and good aerodynamic characteristics made it possible to obtain large operational speed range, good takeoff and landing characteristics, flying range 2100-2350 km without the external suspensions and 1600-1900 km with the maximum combat load.

The aircraft of "91" was adapted for the high-speed dive (diving speed 700-750 km/h) and for that braked with the aid of the propellers (diving speed 500-550 km/h). The stagnation dive made it possible to use aircraft against the very low altitudes with the output down the low-level flight.

With the small takeoff mass and comparatively small sizes the aircraft of "91" made it possible to solve the very important tactical missions of the direct support of the connections of the army and navy.

Construction of glider.

Airframe of aircraft - all-metal monoplane with the low wing. The wing of aircraft consisted of following major portions: center section with the spread of 2,2 m, that has sweepback before the plan past the leading edge of 19╟ 12 ' 45 " and transverse V=0; two detachable wing sections, which have sweepback before the plan of 8╟1'30 " and dihedral = of +5╟ 23 ' 30 ". The tail end of the wing was occupied throughout entire spread for the sake of flaps and ailerons. Flaps slit, which were being advanced back on the arched rails. Maximum flap angle of 40╟. Wing construction was carried out from the alloy V -95 and D16TNV.

Semimonocoque fuselage. Before its front part the flight deck was arranged, were established engine, front landing gear strut, two fuel tanks, oil tank and the suction air duct of engine, which goes from the nose edge of fuselage. Before the aft fuselage section were placed the tail assembly, stern remote cannon installation, exhaust pipes of engine, four fuel tanks and basic equipment.

In the construction of cab for the protection of crew from the splinters of anti-aircraft shells was introduced the armored covering from the plates by thickness from 8 to 16 mm from the material APBA-1. The overall mass of armor - 568 kg. before the fuselage construction widely adapted casting from the magnesium alloy mA -5 (body of fuselage, the cover of lamp and non-load-bearing structural parts), and also alloy V -95 and D16TNV. For installation and dismantling of engine from above the fuselage was a large hatchway. Before the forward section there were three special triplex glass before the lamp of pilot even two special triplex glass below, to the right and to the left. The lamp of flight deck was carried out from the organic glass, besides triplex the glass pointed out above, with the right and left flaps.

The tail assembly is arrow-shaped. The angle of stabilizer setting could be changed on the earth. The elevators and turning had a overhang balance and trim tabs.

Control system besides aircraft is rigid. The control run by the elevators and direction is dual. The control run by ailerons is dual on the fuselage and is single on the wing. The trim tab of right elevator had cable control and duplicating electrical. The trim tab of right elevator was connected for the sake of the system of the automatic weapon of dive. The rudder trim tab had electrical control and simultaneously it worked as Flettner control. On by right and leftist ailerons were established the Flettner controls, furthermore, the Flettner control of left aileron could work as trim tab from the electrical mechanism. Control system besides aircraft was equipped for the sake of the mechanism of the locking of controls at rest. The flap control was accomplished with the aid of ball type screw jacks, set in action through the general transmission from the electrical mechanism.

Chassis of aircraft was carried out according to three-wheeled diagram. The main struts of chassis were established beyond the center section and were removed before it on the spread down the side of fuselage. Size of the basic wheels of 1050x300, pressure before the pneumatic tires of 7 kg/sm2. Front landing gear strut was arranged under the flight deck and was removed back on the flight. Beyond the front landing gear strut were established two wheels of 570kh 140 with the pressure before the pneumatic tires 6 kg/of sm2. For guaranteeing maneuvering aircraft on the earth during the taxiing the nose wheel strut of chassis was made controlled from the hydraulic system. Before the aft fuselage section was a retractable protective heel. Control besides harvesting and landing gear lowering is hydraulic, the emergency release of chassis air from the pneumatic system.

The hydraulic system of aircraft was intended for:

administration besides the turning of the nose wheel strut;
the brake control of wheels;
administration besides harvesting and landing gear lowering;
administration besides release and harvesting of the units of rocket projectiles.
System worked from the hydraulic pump, established on the engine, normal pressure before the system was 80 kg/of sm2.

From the pneumatic system they were set in action:

the system of the pneumo-recharge of guns;
the emergency release of chassis;
the discharge of the covers of the lamp of crew;
the installation of the depth of the motion of torpedoes PAT;
control besides the cranes of antifreeze system.
System fed from the compressor, established on the engine, operating pressure before the system 150 kg/of sm2.

The power plant of aircraft consisted of the turboprop engine TV -2m with the coaxial three-bladed propellers AV-44 by the diameter of 4,4 m (development OKB -120);

The gas-turbine part of the engine was connected by outrigger shaft with the planetary reducer, which set in action two coaxial propellers.

The fuel system of aircraft contained beside itself to 3410 kgf of fuel (kerosene T -1). Fuel- was placed before six fuselage and wing center section collapsible propellent tanks. The lubrication of engine was achieved by an oil system. Oil radiator with the air duct was located on the left side center section.

The fire prevention system of aircraft included the system of the filling of fuel tanks for the sake of inert gas, the system of the extinguishing of fire in the fuel cells and system of the extinguishing of fire in the engine compartments. Systems are automatic carbonic acid.

Aircraft was equipped for the sake of the ejection seats of crew, which ensured the vertical velocity of abandoning aircraft 20-22 m/s with overload 16. of armchair they had the shielding shutters, which protected face of pilot and navigator from the air flow.

The flight equipment of aircraft consisted of:

automatic radio compass ARK -5;
gyro-fluxgate compass DGMK-ZM;
low-altitude radar altimeter RV -2;
electrical gyrocompass EGPK-48;
two gyrohorizons AGI-1; ;
speedometers KUS -1200;
altitude indicators vd -17;
variometer VAR -ZO-3;
air position indicator NOT -50b.
The radio communications equipment of aircraft was included:

KB of radio station RSB-5;
VHF radio station RSIU-3;
aircraft intercom equipment SPU -5.
Radar equipment of aircraft was similar:

equipment for interrogation and identification of "Uzel";
range-only radar of the stern cannon installation of "Gamma";
suspension radar of "Kurs"
The systems of aircraft fed from two direct-current generators of the type GSR- of 12000V, beside the buffer to the generators was included on the storage battery of 12SAM-25. Alternating current they ensured two converters PO -1500, one basic, the second - reserve. Aircraft network was carried out by single-wire.

For the checking of the results of bombing before the aft fuselage section beyond the being rocked installation was mounted the aerial camera of the type AFA-BA/40R.

Aircraft was equipped for the sake of the oxygen system of high pressure. The pilot and the navigator had himself oxygen apparatuses of the type KP -16 and parachute instruments of the type KP -23. Systems fed from six balloons, established before the aft fuselage section.

The leading wing edges, tail assembly and the air ducts of engine had air-heat de-icing system with the selection of hot air from the compressor of engine. Front inspection glass of pilot and navigator, and also lower glass were equipped for the sake of electric-warming. Propeller blades protected from the icing by liquid system. On the front inspection glass of pilot stood "dvornik", down which antifreeze was given.

The cannon armament of aircraft consisted of three guns TKB-495A (AM-23). Two guns for the shooting forward were established before the outer planes of wing, ammunition - 200 projectiles down the stem. The fire control and besides aiming with the aid of the sight of the type PBP-6M produced pilot. One gun was placed before the stern remote installation with the ammunition of 300 projectiles. Control and aiming by a gun accomplished navigator with the aid of the periscope sight pp -2 and the range-finder of "Gamma"

The bomber armament of aircraft ensured the external bomb suspension of different calibers before the normal version to 1040 kgf, before the shifting - to 1500 kg. as it was already said above, the diverse variants of torpedo load were provided for besides the bombs. Under the fuselage across the axle of aircraft on the central beam were hung up the bombs FAB-1500, BRAB-1500, torpedoes TAN, MAN and MAV, and also mine before the overall sizes 1500 kgf of bomb.

The beams before the following two versions were fastened under each detachable wing section on the pylons:

odnozamkovye beams for the suspension FAB-500 either RAT-52 or AMD-500;
four-locking beams under four bombs FAB-100 or down two FAB-250. The beams of these two versions could be hung up under the fuselage.
Level bombing was achieved by a navigator with the aid of the vectorial(ly)- synchronous sight of the type OPB-11R. Dive bombing was produced as far as the pilot, who took aim with the aid of the sight PBP-6M.

Powerful rocket armament was established beyond the aircraft. Single-time guides for the unguided rocket projectiles were connected by groups and were placed beside the special containers, which had streamlined shape. Two containers were hung up on the pylons down each detachable wing section. Upon transfer based on one caliber NURS on another was produced the replacement of containers. The versions of load NURS were described above. Aiming and shooting rocket projectiles conducted pilot with the aid of the sight PBP-6M.

Modification Tu-91
Span of wing, m 16.40
Length of aircraft, m 17.70
Aircraft altitude, m 5.06
Wing area, m2 47.48
Takeoff mass, the kgf
the normal takeoff 12850
the maximum takeoff 14400
Type of the engine 1 TVD OF TV -2M
Power, e. hp. 1 X 7650
Maximum speed, the km/h 800
Service range, m 2190-2350
The service ceiling, m 11000
Crew, the man 2
Armament: three guns TKB-495A (AM-23) - two guns for the shooting forward before the outer planes of wing, ammunition - 200 projectiles down the stem, and one gun before the stern remote installation with the ammunition of 300 projectiles,
Bomb load 1050-1500 kgf - across the axle of aircraft on the central beam of bomb FAB-1500, BRAB-1500, of torpedo RAT-52 either of 45-36MAN or 45-36MAV, mine before the overall sizes 1500 kgf of bomb,
On the pylons:
before two suspension containers Of nURSy: 8khTRS-212 either 36khTRS-132 or 120khTRS-85, odnozamkovye beams for the suspension FAB-500 either RAT-52 or AMD-500; four-locking beams under four bombs FAB-100 or down two FAB-250.
The flying laboratory, where was perfected the power plant of aircraft Tu-91, was created on the base of aircraft Tu-4 - four-engine bomber with the piston engines. Instead of one of the piston engines was established specially for this the prepared version of the fuselage of aircraft Tu-91. Shorter conical fairing stood instead of the tail section of this fuselage.


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Anti-submarine version of the aircraft "91" (with extended cockpit for a third crew member).
In the photo 2772 from the threads
http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,5808.0/all.html ... well-appreciably difference


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To me, the picture "A" could well be an attempt of a reconstruction from a low quality photo,
or an artist impression. All the typical errors, I'm often making by myself are there: Wrong fuselage
length/wing span relation, wrong angle of leading/trailing edge, completely wrong relation between
fuselage height and width and the tail gun is completely missing. I would assume, the drawing was
based on a perspective drawing from ahead and with low inclination. Could have been mine ! :-\
Firstly, thank you all for your comments and information! :D

I've also learnt from another contact that the 3 view under debate, was originally published in "The Observers's Soviet Aircraft Directory in 1975". This almost certainly puts it in the best guess class.

Regards Bailey.
Bailey said:
Firstly, thank you all for your comments and information! :D

I've also learnt from another contact that the 3 view under debate, was originally published in "The Observers's Soviet Aircraft Directory in 1975". This almost certainly puts it in the best guess class.

Regards Bailey.

Oh, hey, good point.

Let me check my Observer's Book of Aircraft (s)

"In the course of design in 1952 in OKB was examined the design of the aircraft of the class of the machine of "507", but with the turbojet engine type TV-12 of 12,000 bhp power and the wing with the sweep angle on quarter-chords 35 deg. Aircraft had to, about the calculations, leave against the speed of approximately 1000 km/h and beside some of degree become competitor the carrier-based fighter, which was being embedded in OKB."

"A. S. Yakovlev, preserving in this case the bomber-assault possibilities of the project of "507". The discussion dealt for the sake of the creation of a universal carrier-based aircraft of the type of fighter-bomber, capable of executing the wide circle of the tasks, laid beyond the carrier-based aircraft. Overall sizes and mass of a similar aircraft had to be more than analogous, placed beside the project "507", because of the considerably larger mass of power plant. Work along this aircraft did not leave the stage of technical proposal, and subsequently to a similar version no longer they returned."

"The experience of the local wars of the 60's forced servicemen to return to the concept of the well protected and heavily armed, comparatively low-speed aircraft. At this time to someone it is alien beside the head, that this machine, as Tu-91 it can be useful. This flash of interest was very short-term - povoroshili documentation, they had a talk about the possibility of the installation of more high-powered engine (NK -12). On this the matter ended since this was made already before the 70's, when appeared attack aircraft Su-25 and A -10, beside some of degree the developed ideas, placed beside "Bychke"."

Someone knows more about these projects powered by the TV-12, NK-12 or 2TV-2F turboprop and can help ? Informations, drawings, data etc. ? ?TU-91 with NK-12?
Many greetings
It remains to get acquainted with the project 507 if you can see the photos of models or 3 projections would be very grateful.
Model of Tupolev Tu-91 from USSR-Russian Aviation & Space Collectibles (Alex Panchenko)..

10.5 inches length hand made model of exotic Tupolev`s Tu-91. Naval attack bomber. The operational need for the Tu-91 disappeared after Stalin`s death, when the ship-building programme was cut back and the carriers cancelled. Moreover, there were more pure political troubles. There was a competing Ilyushin`s project, and Ilyushin`s team was considered to be more skilled in this class of aircraft. Another trouble was that Tu-91 was demonstrated to N.S. Khrushchev with rocket armament option, despite it was known that Nikita Sergeevich always was skeptical about efficiency of air-surface rockets... (Damn it, what CPSU leader personal skepticism has to do with such a choice? Is he a military expert of any sort?) The Tu-91 had a powerful turboprop in the mid fuselage, behind the cockpit, with split exhausts behind the wing roots, driving a big three-bladed contra-rotating propeller. It had straight wings, but slightly swept tail plane and fin.



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Images of project of "507" I do not.
There is a little more information about it less "successful" competitors (in Tupolev's KB) - a parallel project "509".
maximum take-off weight of 15000kg
max speed-900km / h
combat load-1500kg
Engines 2 x VK-1
from: Wings over the sea. B. Rigmant, M. Saukke, S. Soloviev.


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borovik said:
Images of project of "507" I do not.
There is a little more information about it less "successful" competitors (in Tupolev's KB) - a parallel project "509".
maximum take-off weight of 15000kg
max speed-900km / h
combat load-1500kg
Engines 2 x VK-1
from: Wings over the sea. B. Rigmant, M. Saukke, S. Soloviev.

Wow, wish I had seen these when I wrote my book on this subject.

Great pictures...
"Recently there have been material on the Tu-91 and in ours, and in the foreign press. Very often retouched photographs created a false impression of the layout plane. For example, in a foreign article, and even in the "World of aviation" magazine sight glasses in the floor of the pilot and navigator booths (which were triangular armored glass with rounded corners, through which the pilot and the navigator could have a good view down) were taken for air intake inlets and accordingly retouched. The plane turned out just unlike himself. The intake was one in the center, directly behind the cook spinner propeller, below him,..."


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Okay, to clarify then, in the image attached below, a front view of the Tu-91 that
I got from airwar.ru, the areas coloured red are not air inlets, but are windows for the flight crew...



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Some more pix


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robunos said:
the areas coloured red are not air inlets, but are windows for the flight crew...
another proof of 'authenticity' and 'quality' of Panchenko models...
I wonder how a COIN version of the Tu-91 would have performed in Afghanistan?
Pictures from Air Fleet No. 22 (3.2001):


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One last picture from the same article, depicting the control panel:


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borovik said:
Images of project of "507" I do not.
There is a little more information about it less "successful" competitors (in Tupolev's KB) - a parallel project "509".
maximum take-off weight of 15000kg
max speed-900km / h
combat load-1500kg
Engines 2 x VK-1
from: Wings over the sea. B. Rigmant, M. Saukke, S. Soloviev.
Wow great find, and a good looking design!
But can someone please verify for me whether this Project '509' is a Tupolev design or is it another
Design Bureau's??

Pioneer said:
can someone please verify for me whether this Project '509' is a Tupolev design or is it another Design Bureau's??

'509' was definitely a Tupolev study, yes.
Stargazer2006 said:
Pioneer said:
can someone please verify for me whether this Project '509' is a Tupolev design or is it another Design Bureau's??

'509' was definitely a Tupolev study, yes.
Thank you for the conformation Stargazer2006 RegardsPioneer
Pioneer said:
Thank you for the conformation Stargazer2006 RegardsPioneer

No problem. The '509' was already mentioned here: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,850.msg173556.html#msg173556
Bailey said:
I'd be grateful if anyone can sort out this problem for me.

The TU-91 is fairly well known and the photgraphs and drawings show the aircraft in the configuration of the first drawing below, however the second drawing shows something different. Accepting that the first drawing is correct, is the second an earlier project configuartion or just someone's best guess from the 1960s ?

Thanks for any help :D

Regards Bailey.

From L + K 25/1972,

here is the Tupolev Tu-91,you feel the fuselage is more thick than actually built.


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Hi Tu-91.

"After the death of Stalin in 1953, the planned fleet of carriers was cancelled, but development of the Tu-91 continued as a land-based aircraft, the design being revised to eliminate wing-folding and arresting gear. It first flew on 17 May 1955, demonstrating excellent performance, resulting in production being authorized. However, after the aircraft was ridiculed by Nikita Khrushchev when inspecting the prototype, the Tu-91 was cancelled."


I found strange Tu-91 three side view drawing. ??? What is this? Early plan?

Tu-4LL engine tst bed.

"Tu-4LL (94/1 Development) – a special modification of the aircraft type Tu-4 (Bull) who performs the role of an airy rehearsal room 7 650 hp turboprop engine type Kuznetsov TV-2 m. The mentioned motor torque, with the help of long shafts, a pair of 4.4 m-opposed propeller AV-44 and became a prototype battle unit of the aircraft type Tu-91 (Boot). The use of long shaft in the drive unit at the fact that it has requested its installation was for a cabin crew (with the seats next to each other). The only specimen of the special Tu-4LL (94/1 Development), Tu-4 conversion (Bull) (s/n 230501) and complete installation of the front and middle part of the fuselage of Tu-91 (Boot), which was fitted with an aerodynamic cover, zahroceným end as a right of the internal engine of ash-73TK. Motor type TV-2 m used the small kapsovitý air collector located directly underneath the propeller spinner and one pair of side exhaust pipes. Because while it directly above the wing trailing edge. In addition to the above, the special Tu-4LL (94/1 Development) was marked by the installation of slender oval air traps the oil cooler on the leading edge of the wing, directly next to the fuselage of Tu-91 (Boot) with the tested engine, and tripods, tubular construction with sensors the flight data on the rounded glass top of the fuselage."

Scale model.


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moin1900 said:
"The experience of the local wars of the 60's forced servicemen to return to the concept of the well protected and heavily armed, comparatively low-speed aircraft. At this time to someone it is alien beside the head, that this machine, as Tu-91 it can be useful. This flash of interest was very short-term - povoroshili documentation, they had a talk about the possibility of the installation of more high-powered engine (NK -12). On this the matter ended since this was made already before the 70's, when appeared attack aircraft Su-25 and A -10, beside some of degree the developed ideas, placed beside "Bychke"."

Someone knows more about these projects powered by the TV-12, NK-12 or 2TV-2F turboprop and can help ? Informations, drawings, data etc. ? ?TU-91 with NK-12?
Many greetings

One would think this would require considerable modification or even a full redesign. The TV-12/NK-12 is 1.7 times heavier than the TV-2 and about 14% larger. The 2TV-2F weighed even more!
I found strange Tu-91 three side view drawing. ??? What is this? Early plan?

This drawing is just an estimate of what the Tu-91 looked like, before actual images became available from the former Soviet Union.

Thanks, Blackkite, for the images of the testbed, new to me... :)

robunos said:
This drawing is just an estimate of what the Tu-91 looked like, before actual images became available from the former Soviet Union.

Thanks Robin!! I understand. ;)

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