"Heavy bomber Ant-26 (TB-6) (draft)
At the end of the year 1929 STC UVVS offered KB give the conclusion about the possibility of construction of aircraft carrying capacity of 10 and 25 tons, capable of carrying guns, tanks, and to report them to the main PA entered. In KB were worked out under the specified load capacity options preliminary data on 2 machines. The first var option became the basis for designing aircraft Ant-16 (TB-4), the second-for work on the project "sverhbombardirovshhika" Ant-26 (the official designation of the TB-6). Preliminary estimates in the KB, gave the following source data on the machine:
-wingspan is 55-75 m;
-wing area-650-700 m2;
-Airborne weight-50000-60000 kg.
The estimated period of construction of such machines could determine in 3 CB-4 years. The AIR FORCE soon takes a decision of principle on the construction of Ant-26. Starting from the year 1931 in plans for the pilot the WWC Bureau and construction starts to appear Ant-26 aircraft (TB-6). Expressed interest in the new development and civil aviation. The plan included two versions of the aircraft: commercial passenger and cargo load of 15 tons and with dal'nost 3D flight 1500 kilometers. Civic projects were going in under the instruction(indication) of designated CB Ant-28.
In March 1932 year KB is launching projects. A.n. Tupolev immediately raises the question of the construction of a plant for serial built Ant-26 and the plant to repair them, dimensions to some were supposed to meet the dimensions of these giants. About ektnye work has been carried out "Aviaproektom" and became the basis for the construction of two aviation companies in the country: the factory No. 124 in Kazan and no. 84 in Moscow. The layout and design of the SA moleta Ant-26 was a further development of the Ant-16 (TB-4) in the direction of increasing dimensions, weight and power of the SI's heating installation. The project involved the use of the summer 12 engines m-34, 8 of which were mounted in the wing and 4 in two Tandem rigs over the wing. In da l'nejshem, in connection with the additional requirements of the RA military sshireniju the whole defensive weapon, being under proce project 12 m-34frn engines, in addition, a draft under 6 m-44, took in 2 times more power.
To study issues related to aerodynamics, OLETA himself year 1935 was built double towing fashion l-glider in scale 1/4 natural Ant-26. Its test flight Tania with removing characteristics held test pilot Boris Kudrin. Putting all the work on civilian modification KB General focused on the military option. In the lengthy production started construction of the aircraft. The plane continues to Figo to register in the pilot AIR FORCE plans to build in 1933-1934 (the machine referred to as TB-6-6M44) with the end of construction by December 1935 and then to August 1, 1936 Goda.
In July 1934 year ceased all work on the project with a total airframe technical readiness at 75% and total aircraft-16%.
Project Ant-26 ended the era of pre-war desig Aniyah KB giant slow-moving "bombovozov". The future was for high-speed high-altitude machines able to perform combat tasks under conditions of increased power.
Main estimates Ant-26 with 12 m-34frn engines:
-aircraft length, m 39.0 m;
-wingspan-95.0 m;
-height-10.0 m;
-wing area-754 m2;
normal airborne weight-71000 kg;
-maximum bomb load-24600 kg;
-maximum speed at an altitude of 3500 m-275 km/h;
-maximum speed for TB-6 m-44 at an altitude of 5000 m-250 km/h; *
-ceiling-5500 m;
-ceiling for TB-6 m-44-7000 m;
-flight range-1000 km;
-flight range for TB-6 m-44,
normal with 15000 kg bomb load
-3300 km; *
-with overload on fuel when 15000 kg bomb load-4800 km; *
armament-3 x Oerlikon "
1 x 37 mm cannon machine gun armament-1 x YES
4 x ShKAS
Aircraft armament was to consist of:
-three 20-millimeter cannons "Oerlikon";
-one 37 mm automatic gun;
-one machine-gun YES;
-four ShKAS machine guns (7.62 mm);
-three guns SHVAK (12.7 mm).
*-According to the plans of the AIR FORCE of the RED ARMY in the year 1934"
Mikulin m-34 engine.
Mikulin m-44 engine.
No.3 picture shows this type.http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=18182.0;attach=181077;image
(Without outboard wing turrets.)
3-side view.
ANT-28 had no outboard wing turrets. I can see two type cockpits for ANT-26. One is split cockpit type and another one is single cockpit type. Which is correct?
Another drawing.