Trent 600 MD11-s


ACCESS: Confidential
1 October 2008
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Out of the two airlines which ordered them, one went bankrupt and cancelled, and the other merged with BA and also cancelled.

What was Trent 600 supposed to be like? The fan size was the same as that of Trent 700, and only slightly bigger than the other MD11 engines. But the thrust, at 65 000 pounds, would be bigger than the other MD11-s had (62 000 pounds or less).

How was Trent 600 supposed to compare to other MD11 engines in engine weight, takeoff distance, engine out handling, fuel burn and MTOW?

I find conflicting data.


gives the weight of RR RB211-524L as 13 589 pounds, fan diametre as 95 ins and engine length as 3,8 m.


mentions two Trent 600s, one for MD-11 and the other for B747-800 and B767-400ERX

It gives Trent 600 specification without specifying which variant was meant, as 154 inches long, 97,4 inches fan diametre, 10 400 pound weight.

Which are the correct data?

It makes sense that the second Trent 600 would keep 97,4 inch fan, because that is what Trent 700 already had. It also makes sense that the original Trent 600 would have been smaller at 95 inches, because so it would fit the MD11 nacelles (other engines up to 94 inches).
This: (Metric System)

mentions two Trent 600s, one for MD-11 and the other for B747-800 and B767-400ERX
It gives Trent 600 specification without specifying which variant was meant, as 391cm long, 247cm fan diametre, 4 717kg weight.

Which are the correct data?
It makes sense that the second Trent 600 would keep 247cm fan, because that is what Trent 700 already had. It also makes sense that the original Trent 600 would have been smaller at 241cm, because so it would fit the MD11 nacelles (other engines up to 239cm).

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