Tom Cruise is last of his kind !

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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I think its more of a conscious decision of this: What is the point where older male actors make the transition from lead actor to the supporting role. That point was rapidly approaching when he asked himself absent of good looks and endless late night talk show appearances, what would it take to keep yourself on top of the game. I think he answered that question when he decided to strap himself on the side of an Airbus A400M. The man is pretty much fearless now.
He also seems to enjoy genuinely what he does.

Which seems to be something of a rarity. Every now and then you see a performance where it's clear the Acting Unit is having a blast doing what they're doing, and no matter how objectively bad the Entertainment Product is, their obvious enjoyment elevates it.

And then you see something where the Acting Unit is phoning it in, and you can't change the channel fast enough.
Well, you have to ignore the whole BS scientology thing though, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope it was something like a "deal with the devil" sort of thing and it's helped him out.
Well, you have to ignore the whole BS scientology thing though,

"Separating the art from the artist" is a talent a lot of people don't have. Hollywood has a number of religious weirdos... and a *lot* of political weirdos. If you didn't watch anything starring or directed by or produced by some freak with a penchant for promoting Stalinism or Maoism, your TV would remain forever dark.

It's strange to watch people babble on about how they support Ukraine *now,* but also support the ideologies and economics that led to the Holodomor. You have to just shake your head, sigh, and then watch them pretend to be somebody else. Just recognize that they, by definition, live in a world of fantasy and pretend; the same factors that make them good (or at least good enough) actors also make them prone to believing and promoting nonsense.
Even Queen Elizabeth the First did not want to make "windows into men's souls".
If I disliked people for their beliefs I would have missed some very agreeable friends over the years.
Well, you have to ignore the whole BS scientology thing though,

"Separating the art from the artist" is a talent a lot of people don't have. Hollywood has a number of religious weirdos... and a *lot* of political weirdos. If you didn't watch anything starring or directed by or produced by some freak with a penchant for promoting Stalinism or Maoism, your TV would remain forever dark.

It's strange to watch people babble on about how they support Ukraine *now,* but also support the ideologies and economics that led to the Holodomor. You have to just shake your head, sigh, and then watch them pretend to be somebody else. Just recognize that they, by definition, live in a world of fantasy and pretend; the same factors that make them good (or at least good enough) actors also make them prone to believing and promoting nonsense.
Yes but then you have people like this in Hollywood who are just criminals.

I'm sorry but Tom Cruise, all due respect to his craft skills and passion, there's a reason why he was a meme for a long time due to his interviews.
i was revering on statements of Isra Miller, Jennifer Lawrence and Alyssa Milano etc...
They surpass even the most crack up Tom Cruise interviews by far, very far, too far...
30 Para jumps a day. 6 consecutive motor bike/Para jumping out of a cliff... Man this is crazy. Think at the wear on the body.
And then, you have to make it right according to plans!?!

It will be a long time we see an actor like him again, with an industry willing to invest with quality results.

It does make the Mission Impossible films unique from an action perspective because you can actually see close up that it is the lead character involved in the action rather than choosing shots to disguise the use of a stunt person.
It will be a long time we see an actor like him again,

Nah. Soon enough, Digital Tom Cruise will be starring in a remake of "Gone With The Wind" with Marilyn Monroe and Yul Brynner.
Hey, about thatg...

Soon You'll Be Able to Make Your Own Movie With AI

In short, you can currently create stills using AI. Using those stills, you can currently create *short* video sequences. Using brief text prompts, AI can create entire stories. Going from this to full 2 hour movies is virtually inevitable.

The author points out that really *good* movies require a whole lot of skill and talent that AI aren't likely to be able to match soon. But guess what: that doesn't matter. There are a lot of movies and TV shows out there that are objectively bad... terrible dialog, terrible writing, plot holes galore, Mary Sues, wish fulfillment, power fantasies, etc. And while most of these craptacular cringefests are generally disliked... for each one there's *someboy* out there who finds them terribly entertaining. When AI gets to the point where *you* can make the movie *you* want, and it watches you do it, figures out what it is that you like, and then cranks out tons more content tailored specifically to your tastes... what does it matter if it's "good?" If you are the only person on the planet who likes it, it doesn't matter; you're probably the only person on the planet who'll even see it. Everyone else will see their own specially tailored stuff.

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