To the End of the Solar System:The Story of the Nuclear Rocket By James A. Dewar

Mat Parry

ACCESS: Secret
25 January 2011
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I'm really fascinated by the topic of this book however I'm not prepared to pay the amounts that it's being sold for. Are there any alternatives or do I really have to borrow my father in-law's kindle.... (this may be politically untennable)?

Catalytic said:
I'm really fascinated by the topic of this book however I'm not prepared to pay the amounts that it's being sold for.

On Amazon, new copies are going for the low, low price of $300. Which is odd... I bought a copy a year ago from the gift shop at the Virginia Air & Space Center for $20+.

The book is ok, but it's not a $300 book. You might call the VASC and see if they still have a copy. If so, buy 'em all, I guess.

Or maybe just go to the Apogee website and order directly for $26:
Thanks OBB, ordered from Apogee, even with delivery to the UK it's ~ a tenth of the amazon price (a puzzle, and indeed an opportunity that this book is so expensive on Amazon).
He has another book, The Nuclear Rocket: Making Our Planet Green, Peaceful and Prosperous", which goes on Amazon for $14.85 ISBN 189495999X
Presumably the cost of listing it is very small, and the payback when an idiot parts with $300 for a $24 dollar book is worth the initial cost (if any - you may pay only on a sale).

After all, Amazon allows you to reach millions of people, odds are some of them are idiots.
Very true. And yet, I bought a copy of Lockheed Horizons signed by Ben Rich for 10 bucks plus postage from an Amazon vendor. I'm not an autograph collector, but it was a nice surprise.

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