Three Million Dollar Motorhome

Surely pure envy by me and of course, there's no accounting for taste, but the front of that car, with that
windshield, somewhat reminds to the back of a dustbin lorry .... :-\
I see things like this and wonder what the future holds. One way or another, the era of "Middle East Oil Wealth" will come to an end, either because oil gets replaced (by, say, nukes), or the local supply runs out. Either way, the cash will stop flowing in; the shieks who recieved the vast bulk of the income from oil spent it on ridiculous gibberish like these RVs rather than building the local infrastructure to survive the post-oil world. So there will be these gold-plated monstrocities left abandoned around the Arabian peninsula, the gold sand-blasted off them with sand dunes stacking up against them, picked clean by starving scavengers...
Orionblamblam said:
I see things like this and wonder what the future holds. One way or another, the era of "Middle East Oil Wealth" will come to an end, either because oil gets replaced (by, say, nukes), or the local supply runs out. Either way, the cash will stop flowing in; the shieks who recieved the vast bulk of the income from oil spent it on ridiculous gibberish like these RVs rather than building the local infrastructure to survive the post-oil world. So there will be these gold-plated monstrocities left abandoned around the Arabian peninsula, the gold sand-blasted off them with sand dunes stacking up against them, picked clean by starving scavengers...

Perfect OBB they should call it the Ozymandias :)
The oil sheiks haven't spent all their money on ostentatious luxury goods, they've also invested their oil revenues in western investment banks and have purchased companies and property in the United States and in other countries. Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal runs the Kingdom Holding company investing in companies such as Citigroup and News Corporation. They don't seem to be interested in creating factories and manufacturing jobs in their own country.

After the end of oil, I presume that these families will live off these investments. I presume that the common people will have to do the jobs currently performed by foreign guest workers.
I never understood the concept of camping in your bedroom. So whether it is $20K or $2000K, all RVs are a social aberation to me. If you want to camp, then prove you can rough it.
Oh boo hoo. Some people want to go places without having to rough it.
Triton said:
After the end of oil, I presume that these families will live off these investments.

Until, during the general economic chaos, their investments are seized and nationalized by the host countries...

I presume that the common people will have to do the jobs currently performed by foreign guest workers.

That'll go over well. But post-oil, will there be enough of an economy to support the native population even with low-end service jobs? Those with cash will split. I have the feeling that Dubai will quickly look like Detroit, or a very special episode of "Life After People." How long will it take the howling sandstorms to convert one of these gold plated Recreational Ozymandimobiles into a strewnfield of scrap? To sandblast all the Burj Dubais windows?

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