*THIS* is why I have to charge for books...


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5 April 2006
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A number of people have asked me where I get the info I get. Many sources. Usually, not cheap sources. And sometimes, blisteringly expensive sources. Behold my latest "oh crap, what have I done" purchase:


I do believe I'll have to subdivide and try to recoup costs, or I'll be on emergency rations for *months* (probably not a bad idea, but still...)
Ouch! Thats a lot of money!

Going to take a lot of US Bomber preview pdfs to recover that...

Still, a great bit of aviation history there. Scan them all and then sell them on! ;D
overscan said:
Ouch! Thats a lot of money!

Yes, it is....


Going to take a lot of US Bomber preview pdfs to recover that...

About 225 of them. Shudder.

Scan them all and then sell them on! ;D

If by "send" you mean "sell," you bet.

Holy crap, this is gonna hurt. Damn you Bidder 3!!! :mad:
Very interesting. Makes you wonder where the contents of Kelly Johnson's garage ended up.
Look at the bid history. Can someone explain me, why the same bidder is increasing his bid, when nobody else suggested the higher offer?

For example bidder 3 did four separate offers from US 350,99 to US 650,99 instead of putting only one. When I see the timing on the right, probably its some automated process.
Matej said:
Look at the bid history. Can someone explain me, why the same bidder is increasing his bid, when nobody else suggested the higher offer?

For example bidder 3 did four separate offers from US 350,99 to US 650,99 instead of putting only one. When I see the timing on the right, probably its some automated process.

That doesn't make sense though. That would mean had Scott not out bid him the original bidder would have ended up paying much more than he needed to simply because he had the automation keep jacking up the price.
Matej said:
Can someone explain me, why the same bidder is increasing his bid, when nobody else suggested the higher offer?

I've wondered about that myself. Best I can guess is that Bidder 3 got the high bid, then got nervous and bid even higher to make sure he stayed the high bidder. I just happened to get really lucky... I wound up outbidding him by 0.04% on my last-second bid.

Got a message from the selling today telling me it's going to ship today via Priiority mail... so Tuesday or so I should have it. I will report on what I got, when I get it.

Good grief, that's a bit pricey!

I've just changed jobs and my pay date has changed so cash is tight right now but I'll see how things go and if I can wangle it I'll sign up for one of those Bomber Projects Preview PDF's!

Not much help after such an expensive purchase but as the TESCO adds say:

"Every little helps!"


Orionblamblam said:
Got a message from the selling today telling me it's going to ship today via Priiority mail... so Tuesday or so I should have it. I will report on what I got, when I get it.

Priority mail? If a purchase of this size doesn't warrant the expense of FedEx next day, what does?

I do have to wonder about the "provenance" of the drawings you just purchased? Can the seller give you a source of origin, or perhaps even an entertaining anecdote about the chain of custody?
TinWing said:
Can the seller give you a source of origin, or perhaps even an entertaining anecdote about the chain of custody?

Got it from an estate sale. The Convair engineer in question died, I suppose, and his family sold off his stuff. The Ebay seller probably bought this for five bucks. Nice high rate of return, that's for sure....
Got it from an estate sale. The Convair engineer in question died, I suppose, and his family sold off his stuff. The Ebay seller probably bought this for five bucks. Nice high rate of return, that's for sure....


Understand the predicament, some months ago I was quite tempted to pay upwards of US$1,000 for an album detailing the construction of the Saunders Roe Princess Flying Boat. Somehow it all ended when the dealer was not willing to break up the payment into 4 parts to ease my financial payment. By the way, I understand there is a group of guys running the CONVAIR Engineering Archives.
amsci99 said:
some months ago I was quite tempted to pay upwards of US$1,000 for an album detailing the construction of the Saunders Roe Princess Flying Boat.

Wanna see a nuclear Princess? :p

If so, check out the "Big Fat" thread I just posted.

I understand there is a group of guys running the CONVAIR Engineering Archives.

Is this separate from the SDAM?
Orionblamblam said:
amsci99 said:
some months ago I was quite tempted to pay upwards of US$1,000 for an album detailing the construction of the Saunders Roe Princess Flying Boat.

Wanna see a nuclear Princess? :p

If so, check out the "Big Fat" thread I just posted.

I would like one of your 'CONVAIR packages' , so count me in.

I understand there is a group of guys running the CONVAIR Engineering Archives.

Is this separate from the SDAM?

I am not sure, I got to hear about them from this thread,


Have never contacted them.
sferrin said:
Very interesting. Makes you wonder where the contents of Kelly Johnson's garage ended up.

You'd know where a lot of it is if you thought about it for a second or two ;D
SOC said:
sferrin said:
Very interesting. Makes you wonder where the contents of Kelly Johnson's garage ended up.

You'd know where a lot of it is if you thought about it for a second or two ;D

At your house? ;)

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