The Rejectionist Repository

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2 February 2022
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My attempt to "Brasilianize" the Mapinduzi logo.

1 December 1939.png

A badly done NO Barbarossa timeline.

A Greater/Longer Afghanistan. Considering Taliban aspirations I wouldn't be surprise if it becomes a reality ONE day.

A collapsed Ethiopia someone did for me in alternatehistory,com.

ITALY (a bit better) (1).png ITALY (a bit better) 2.png
Another flag I requested on . This was a couple of good years BEFORE the current POTENTIAL GOVERNMENT.
It might show up in my Roter Rhein timeline.​


Two Mediterranean Union flag I requested on

So I think this was a Slavic-Caucasian Empire I made that looks like crap.

saf var 2.png

A Greater SA flag that didn't had apartheid. Another version can be find in the next posts.

Senza nome (6).jpg
Winston-Tito Split faux document I made.
Kinda different cold war.

A graphic I made for one of my timelines I made.

Africa Help.png
Don't remember what was the logic behind this alternate Africa I did.



  • sudan-egypt2.png
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Some of these things were done after I requested them, others were done by me (you can recognize my shitty "style" since they look like amateurs).
I'm not sure this is the right forum for posting this kind of thing.
Dear @overscan (PaulMM) , I apologize for taking your time and of my very off-topic thread which are unrelated so far to theme and subjects of discussion of the forum. I do intend to post images that are relevant to the topics of secretprojects such as planes and similiar or other vehicles, but unfortunatly for me I have the capacity for editing and creating images of someone born in the Silent Generation, so anything I will try to make will take much time, longer than any of the artists here can. I will try to post as often as I can alternate-history related vehicles here that are not flags or similiar as often as I will be able to and ask you if it would be possible not to close the thread for being (at the moment) extraneous to the forum.

Related to the part of posting planes and such, I wish to ask you some questions if possible, since there are some things that are unclear to me.

Thank you in advance.
@overscan (PaulMM) I think it would be more appropriate to move to the bar this thread of mine. Would that be ok? Also, I have been using Midjourney AI bot in Discord and I was wondering if I could share the results that are related to the forum's topic (fighter jets and pilots are primarily what I put) in the Art section.
I now used Midjourney AI as well now :

1) AI Rendition with the prompt of Brazilian multirole fighter jet :



2) AI Rendition with the prompt of Brazilian Jet Pilot with helment / science fiction :



I think these are much appropriate to the forum ... if I am not mistaken.
"I think these are much appropriate to the forum ... if I am not mistaken."

About the kind of contents:
in my personal vision this is still a bit far from the forum spirit. This is a conceptual art totally unrelated with unbuilt real aircraft projects.

About this particular images:
to be fair, if that's what an AI renders when asked for a "Brazilian multirole fighter jet" then I guess that more practice is still needed to get an acceptable result.
"I think these are much appropriate to the forum ... if I am not mistaken."

About the kind of contents:
in my personal vision this is still a bit far from the forum spirit. This is a conceptual art totally unrelated with unbuilt real aircraft projects.

About this particular images:
to be fair, if that's what an AI renders when asked for a "Brazilian multirole fighter jet" then I guess that more practice is still needed to get an acceptable result.
@Antonio That's more than fair criticism.

Could I ask you a favor ? Since what I posted so far is VERY off topic and you are a moderator...would you mind moving this to the The Bar section? I tried asking others but no results so far.
You're wellcome

I'm a follower on some Reddit channels and I've noted the presence of AI generated art from the last weeks. When rendering very particular subjects like vehicles, the results are (in my opinion) very unsatisfactory but the last pictures you posted here although looking messy, full of imperfections and unreal, have a disturbing "atmosfear" in many senses. This is interesting to me.
This is a flag I requested from :


Now something I actually have managed to in "only" five hours, it is my personal redesign for a flag of Trieste, a city that not only I love, but it is almost a hidden jewel of a city that should deserve a cult following :


You're wellcome

I'm a follower on some Reddit channels and I've noted the presence of AI generated art from the last weeks. When rendering very particular subjects like vehicles, the results are (in my opinion) very unsatisfactory but the last pictures you posted here although looking messy, full of imperfections and unreal, have a disturbing "atmosfear" in many senses. This is interesting to me.

@Antonio well, what I am putting down (the plan is to be) is a science fiction horror story set between Trieste, (potentially) Thessaloniki and Brazil. So the idea when I used certain prompts to the AI was that.

Only the part in Trieste is hard to write because I wanted to have the main character be a jet fighter turned military interrogator, kinda like this character but I have no clue (yet!) how to write down training (or skip this part entirely!) , take off, dogfights/aerial jet fights, and landing; this last part as well IS tricky :
I would love to set one scene over the skies of Trieste (to get a partial idea of how the city is here the Google results ) and the city's homonymous gulf ( as well as the Greek city of Thessaloniki
I was wondering also if you had any insight on the feasibility (and how) of a spaceplane or sixth-generation jet fighter (or later generations)landing and taking off from the 12,280 m² surface of Trieste’s Piazza Unità d'Italia (English: Unity of Italy Square,à_d'Italia ) and if you think that in the near future ( like end of the 2020s to 2040s/2060s) or when will sixth generation fighters or spaceplanes be widely implemented it would be realistic to have air forces’ jet planes to be easy to control and air forces easy to train(without the use of artificial intelligence and whatnot), as well if it would be realistic in your opinion for someone (my main character) who initially wanted to become an English teacher to be then be a “guerrilla” military aviation-trained pilot to military interrogator ; I am trying to write a non-American-aligned perspective point of view, because I haven’t found military fiction (so far!) written from a non-American aligned side perspective.

Well this wall-text took forever to write.
socialnational or nationalbolshevik flag.png

So, this a flag I created for an Italian guerrilla faction for my story. It partly follows my premise of Roter Rhein , Krasnyy Reyn - What If The Axis Members Called It Quits In Early 1943? where far opposite political sides join forces to defeat a bigger threat but also they are... bit mental. Basically if the uncanny valley was a flag or ideology.


My attempt on making a fake newspaper for my timeline from an Italian perspective. Secolo D'Italia really exists but it has become a website. I used Secolo D'Italia because it was the easiest one to use and alter. Yeah that is a photoshop of Castro AND EISENHOWER meeting smilingly.

This was an intial idea of what Roter Rhein should have been. Very amateur stuff.

The East Asian Treaty Organization : the premise was a mostly Communist Europe and Capitalist Asia.

Senza nome (4).png
TV version of the above map.

Another amateur attempt, this time of an United Scandinavia.

alternate2 .png
This above is inspired by an alternate history short story on Alternate Presidents where Trudeau senior becomes a bit autocratic.

Untitled (3) (2).jpg
A non-communist Russia and USA after the defeat of Germany


A flag for a secular and/or republican Afghanistan. I did it MUCH before the Fall of Kabul.


I also used to represent a Buddhist Afghanistan.


Something I had requested on alternatehistory. There used to be a gun on the left.

eURASIAN commonwealth.png
A dystopian but unrealistic world where after 1991 national bolshevism was taken too serioulsy even outside of Russia.

Screen Shot 2020-05-07 at 6.30.00 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-05-07 at 8.09.15 PM.png

Two requests I requested on They will be featured sooner or later in Roter Rhein.


Rene Guenon posters I made.​
Amateur map of Greater Armenia​
Part of the idea of Roter Rhein came also after I made this map using the screenshot map option of HOI4 with mods.
An incomplete alternate WW1.
Shitty simple flag I made and took forever to do despite being simple.
SL6-fullslab (1) (1).jpg
An idea for a successful new post-Soviet Russia
Solomonic Italy or like Italian East Africa alternative.

Suebi-Visigothic-Andalusian Iberia

I think I either made this thinking of an Indepedent but still somewhat Germanic-ish Sorbia / Lusatia or I found it in the internet.
I find such speculation at this time highly unsavory, to put it mildly.
Idle speculation on how to "successfully" divy up the former Soviet Union in a revisionist geoporn fantasy, given the ongoings in Ukraine.
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Idle speculation on how to "successfully" divy up the former Soviet Union in a revisionist geoporn fantasy, given the ongoings in Ukraine.
I mean, it is ALTERNATE HISTORY and I had made it MUCH BEFORE the current development. I didn't make it in a day. I uploaded just because it's one of the things I had done myself beyond imagining it. There is no political revisionism behind it.
However, criticism is always appreciated by me.
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Very well then, what is your exact definition of "a successful new post-Soviet Russia" and its relationships with all the other surrounding postulated so-called Commonwealths, given certain apparent trends and thought patterns?
Very well then, what is your exact definition of "a successful new post-Soviet Russia" and its relationships with all the other surrounding postulated so-called Commonwealths, given certain apparent trends and thought patterns?
  1. Going through the same referendums that went thru in our world and no interference from inside or outside the USSR
  2. Recognition of each other identity
  3. Federal system, but preferably a system a-la modern UK or if even going further, Holy Roman Empire
  4. High level of self governing internal autonomy
  5. Each other independent economy
  6. Unanymous consesus for foreign policy among the member nations
  7. Checks and balances so that no member nation can overrule others
  8. Each member nation having a separate army, navy and so on.
But probably this is more wishful thinking.
I think if you assume that the "Commonwealth of Russia" is the only one with nukes, you can kiss that political wet dream goodbye.
Another map that I requested that later was partly inspiration for Roter Rhein as well.


A map I made for Roter Rhein

Another thing I made for Roter Rhein. Basically this a SUPER-NATO, named PACCATO.


A flag for an United Syria (Iraq-Jordan plus Syria proper) united by the SSNP and the Hashemite dynasty.

An underdeveloped idea for a post-Kaiserreich WW inspired mod.

This is a flag for a Free Territory of Trieste, Ljubiana, Dalmatia run by the United Nations.

Immagine (1) (1).jpg
kaliyuga (1).jpg

Maps I made in the first lockdown. I had a very pessimistic outlook in the first days.

space flag bra.png

A logo I did inspired by Varig Airlines for a Brazilian Aerospace Force.


An '80s / VHS style science fiction map I made about my mother's homeland. Some of name changes were made into Tupi-Guarani, one of Brazil contact languages.

Map for a fictional Italian civil war.
Other stuff done by Midjourney which might interest you @Antonio



This the most "horror" picture of the bunch...the first thought it came to my mind was the effect of Agent Orange on Vietnamese combatants and civilians.

The idea was of a leftist-nationalist or national bolshevik or social nationalist or national revolutionary with monarchist undertone in Brazil, but it seems the AI got the ideas from Bolivarian Venezuela more than Brazil, granted the landscape is similar to Brazil.


A Brazilian Imperial city according to Midjourney AI.
The AI best attempt so far to represent a jet pilot (in this case a girl/young woman). It came to my attention again recently that we MIGHT have plenty of female pilots in the Brazilian Air Force. Sources :


View: also apparently it's one of the firsts?

Probably the best thing Midjourney AI bot did with the exception of the left eye. HPL. (1).png

First version of an insignia of pan-Latin-American Task Force, inspired by the concept of the various SCP Foundation teams.
Have you figured out yet how Listenbourg (see e.g. would fit into your overall scheme of things? After all, a country that looks a bit like the head of King Charles III getting punched by the fist of the Iberian Peninsula (no disrespect) certainly shows some creative potential...
I prefer creativity based on real scientific possibilities, Listenbourg is geologically impossible, but if that country existed it would have the worst climate in the world with more than two hundred days of rain a year.
In case it wasn't obvious right away, my question above was asked with my tongue firmly placed in one of my cheecks. Since it's intended as a spoof to fool the geographically ignorant anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about it...
Have you figured out yet how Listenbourg (see e.g. would fit into your overall scheme of things? After all, a country that looks a bit like the head of King Charles III getting punched by the fist of the Iberian Peninsula (no disrespect) certainly shows some creative potential...
Have you figured out yet how Listenbourg (see e.g. would fit into your overall scheme of things? After all, a country that looks a bit like the head of King Charles III getting punched by the fist of the Iberian Peninsula (no disrespect) certainly shows some creative potential...
I prefer creativity based on real scientific possibilities, Listenbourg is geologically impossible, but if that country existed it would have the worst climate in the world with more than two hundred days of rain a year.
In case it wasn't obvious right away, my question above was asked with my tongue firmly placed in one of my cheecks. Since it's intended as a spoof to fool the geographically ignorant anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about it...
@martinbayer @Justo Miranda how this posts of your are here I have no idea...
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