The Real Flying Saucers.


Senior Member
3 June 2011
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Nice website with lots of info.

Of course the root website is kindof a kook page (with some interesting graphics though) :-[
sferrin said:
Of course the root website is kindof a kook page...

"Kind of?" It's about as kooky as it gets. Claims of Nazi psychic chicks pretty much immediatley stomps credibility. See:

The guy behind the site, Bob Arndt, pretty much dominates the Usenet group rec.aviation.military, and swipes the work of other people to fill his website. I've had online run-ins with him... IMO, he's grade-A bonkers.
...but this girl on a front page is pretty, you must admit it).

Oh, seems now that Sukhoi T-60S as well was Nazis reverse technology...

I call it good WC reading - unless you didn't take it seriously.
Orionblamblam said:
sferrin said:
Of course the root website is kindof a kook page...

"Kind of?" It's about as kooky as it gets. Claims of Nazi psychic chicks pretty much immediatley stomps credibility. See:

The guy behind the site, Bob Arndt, pretty much dominates the Usenet group rec.aviation.military, and swipes the work of other people to fill his website. I've had online run-ins with him... IMO, he's grade-A bonkers.

LOL didn't realize it was his site until AFTER I'd posted the link to the saucer-specific page. I've seen his ravings on Haven't been to r.a.m. in years. Thought the images on the page I listed were interesting though. (ha-ha, just for kicks I did a USENET search, looks like I've had run-ins with him a few times over the years on r.a.m.)
sferrin said:
LOL didn't realize it was his site until AFTER I'd posted the link to the saucer-specific page.
And I certainly hoped for more than a link to Nazi-Rob's site when I saw a new thread titled "The Real Flying Saucers." ;D! Sorry, couldn't resist ::) - I believe you if you say yoiu didn't realize the full scope of the site. And other than most other stuff on the site, "Silver Bug" was at least a real project.

looks like I've had run-ins with him a few times over the years on r.a.m.)
Who hasn't?! ;D
Interesting photo named 'me4.jpg' here shoud probably be a <digital> photo of Bob in his mental form of Dr.Immelman Stahl. Of course, Nazis did invent digital cameras and flash cards, if you didn't know.

that is the kook, nuts, page i ever seen ;D ;D ;D

and that German Bob Arndt use

Immelman its a Family Name not First Name ;D
Dampfstrahl Antrieb Flugscheibe, makes no sens

Sie haben in Deutschunterricht eine 6. ungenügend, herr Arndt
In Lesson German, you got a F, Time to unpimp the Webpage
(corny gag on VW Advertising spot ;) )
Bob Arndt use everything he get in Mouse Click for his page of weirdness
if is Real or not, dosend matter
is a wonder he dint found this page jet :p

but on the other side his page is Harmless
ones i look in internet for German WW2 project and found a Forum
on fist look interesting but second look is was pure Neo Nazi Forum...
Michel Van said:
Sie haben in Deutschunterricht eine 6. ungenügend, herr Arndt
In Lesson German, you got a F, Time to unpimp the Webpage

but on the other side his page is Harmless
ones i look in internet for German WW2 project and found a Forum
on fist look interesting but second look is was pure Neo Nazi Forum...

That's a common enough problem. Hell, long before the internet (in my high school days), I found reference to a book on German WWII projects, but couldn't actually find the book itself. But I found the address of the publisher and wrote them a nice letter askign about availability of the book. Some months later, a reply showed up in the mailbox. In it, the publisher railed about the Vast Jewish Conspiracy that was suppressing the publication of his books and other such nonsense. Turns out the publishing house was Ernst Zundels place... a Nazi symnpathizing Holocaust denier... and a source for much of the nonsensical dribble on Arnst's webpage.

Due to that, the FBI became aware of me at that time. Ooops.
flateric said:
...but this girl on a front page is pretty, you must admit it).

Oh, yes indeedy. One wonders where he swiped that image from... and what the model in the photo might have to say about it.

Oh, seems now that Sukhoi T-60S as well was Nazis reverse technology...

Well, *obviously.*
i had something Same

I buy very cheap Book
the german edition of "The Mare´s Nest " by David Irving

later i discover who he is ...
ı actually read the Irving Book as a serious references . He might be anything he wishes , but is there anything wrong with the book ?
r16 said:
ı actually read the Irving Book as a serious references . He might be anything he wishes , but is there anything wrong with the book ?

no that is serious references but the guy not

Irving Book made name as a historian in 1960s
but later been widely discredited in 1980s
because on his noted Holocaust denial and misrepresentation of historical sources.
oh man
after reading here

i feel sorrow for Scott and gething angry on rob Arndt

knew that he is nutcase and copycat, but that he sink so low
wen a Aerospace expert contradicts him...

you got a F, Herr Arndt!
Michel Van said:
i feel sorrow for Scott and gething angry on rob Arndt

Meh. Having some essentially anonym ous internet loon call me names was the sort of thing that got me riled up 15 years ago, back when the internet was New And Exciting; now it's just... meh.
XP67_Moonbat said:
Guys like Rob Arndt are what happens when idiots and the Internet come together.

Yeah, and there seem to be zillions of such mismatches these days...
Ugly exchange! I agree.
I didn't read it all.

However one thing made me curious.

That request about the old USAF recruiting TV ad, that allegedly showed an SR-71
and then some hypersonic futuristic cone shaped vehicle, or something, after the
SR-71 image.

I do recall some friends of mine, back then, seeing it and thinking it was interesting
and telling me about it. I kept hoping that one of my old mail list friends
would maybe grab it while recording something on-air, and then I'd get to see it.
Or maybe I'd accidently record it myself.

Anyway, I did try to find it for awhile, with no luck.
I never saw it.

Does anyone recall it?

Anyone have a copy of it? Can't hurt to try!
Stargazer2006 said:
XP67_Moonbat said:
Guys like Rob Arndt are what happens when idiots and the Internet come together.

Yeah, and there seem to be zillions of such mismatches these days...

yes, tell me about it. But what can you do, right?
am i the only one who thinks robert dale arndt and mike sparks are one in the same.

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