;D Thanks A LOT for the twin-boom Mg.20-21-26 that I did not know at all! (and I love the push-pull flying wing too! a very very rare layout)
Then I was searching for dates of these designs, and I asked Google. It told me nothing about the 3 twin-boomers but http://dbj2mcl.maquettes-planeurs.ch/planeurs-biblio/biblio-fiche_0int.php?code=50%20&%20orig=0 told me Mg.19 (first flight) is 1952, Mg.23 (first flight) is 1955, well shouldn’t this topic be located in the postwar forum? No, because the first presented project is Mg.10 and the site above says Mg.10 1935, Mg.15 1937, all right.
Well, as my favourites (being the subject of my books) are twin-boomers designed in 1939-45, I wonder were the Mg.20 & 21 & 26 designed before 1946? even if the Mg.19 and 23 were not built immediately (because of the war then misery after war)?