The P.39 option


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
15 July 2007
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P.39 BAC Preston (EE) work on a Mirage IIIV derived design for NMBR.3 and potentially AW.406.

Twin RB.153 turbofans, classic Mirage delta wing, nose down pitch caused by use of flaps on approach countered by twin RB.162 lift jets.
Despur HSA being the more attractive aircraft this Anglo-French design could exert a powerful appeal to share costs and utilise proven aerodynamics. Making risks much lower.

Assuming that Anglo-French cooperation drives this forward, arguments against by RN will fail under the pressure to press on, and cancellation much more difficult in a joint venture.

Presumably the AN would want this too for Clemenceau class.
While AdA order could be large with all French components.
Slight prob with this is that Mirage IIIVs were very expensive and difficult to fly safely. They looked very cool though, see my comment on the Breguet 941 thread.
I toyed with similar ideas a loooong time ago... Mirage III-V was unworkable because it needed 8*RB.162. Luckily enough the RB.189 was coming fast, and you would need only 4 of them. Next step: tilt the turbofan exhaust downwards, and screw two more RB.189 on the rear.
End result ? Convair 200. With delta and canards.

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