The most advanced space craft of the recent time


ACCESS: Confidential
5 January 2021
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What was the most advanced space craft of the recent time that surprised you the most? As you can see technology nowadays is a fast developing thing and a lot of stuff have been invented for the recent time that can make a scientific breakthrough. What was the most special for you?
Difficult to say really, I am split between the US Mars Rovers or Pluto New Horizons.
I would mention the Parker Solar Probe. Simply for getting closer to the sun than any other spacecraft so far and considering how hard it is to get that close. The space craft which is capable to take samples from the outer corona of the Sun really makes you amazed by it, because of the high temperature it can endure.
I actually support uncrewed missions. They are more secure ( people don`t risk their lives ) and in most cases, uncrewed missions much cheaper and simpler to make.
When asked what the best car he ever made was, Enzo Ferrari replied, 'The one I have not yet built'. Computer hardware and software designers like to say that if it works, it's obsolete. Spacecraft are never cutting-edge in absolute terms because they takes years to get funding, the designers prefer proven components that have been used already, then they take years to build, and years more to fly to their destinations. With that in mind, I'd pick the ones that performed the best in fulfilling their missions. Cassini-Huygens is certainly on my list, as are the Mars rovers for their completeness and the crazy skycrane actually working (once so far, anyway). New Horizons certainly because of its challenges and built-in limitations due to budget.

Definitely disqualified is the James Webb telescope despite its innovative design because of catastrophic mismanagement. I'm sure it will generate great science once it's in place, but I would have cancelled it years ago pour encourager les autres.
When asked what the best car he ever made was, Enzo Ferrari replied, 'The one I have not yet built'. Computer hardware and software designers like to say that if it works, it's obsolete. Spacecraft are never cutting-edge in absolute terms because they takes years to get funding, the designers prefer proven components that have been used already, then they take years to build, and years more to fly to their destinations. With that in mind, I'd pick the ones that performed the best in fulfilling their missions. Cassini-Huygens is certainly on my list, as are the Mars rovers for their completeness and the crazy skycrane actually working (once so far, anyway). New Horizons certainly because of its challenges and built-in limitations due to budget.

Definitely disqualified is the James Webb telescope despite its innovative design because of catastrophic mismanagement. I'm sure it will generate great science once it's in place, but I would have cancelled it years ago pour encourager les autres.
That`s a good point, I really liked it
The last space vehicle that impressed me was a spacecraft by the Scottish space company and it`s called Skylark Nano Yeah, it`s not so capable as a modern space vehicle by prominent space companies but still, it accomplishes its missions well.
the India Mars probe Mangalyaan based on simple communication satellite and still working

The two cube sats that follow InSight to it way to mars
Or china Tianwen-1 that use simelar cube sat

and Voyager 2 probe
launch 1977, flew across Solarsystem
still functions while it RTG running on empty

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