The Hush-Kit Book of Warplanes

Hi, that indeed looks very good! It is being written at the moment and accepting pre-orders. Seen Screenshot 2020-11-18 at 14.48.37.png the artworks they're showing from the book? Look amazing and featuring lots of unbuilt aircraft.
This book seems to be on sale or at least one copy is in a bookshop in the middle of Bicester. It retails at 35 Pounds.
I was able to peruse it thoroughly. It contains a lot of material. But I opted instead for Volume 2 of Scott Lowther's Supersonic Bombers series instead as it was cheaper and better.

I have a number of moans about the Hush Kit Book of Warplanes. Chief amongst them is the odd shape of the book compared with most established books. The pictures are beautiful but there does seem to be a lot of padding. Much of the material can be found easily online.

However, if you love good illustrations of aircraft and like the old Bill Gunston books this one is for you.

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