"The Future Is Now!" — Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025]

Is this meant to be a joke? I quit watching at about 2:21, when the person first ran into something she didn't understand and of course asked "what are they covering up?".
This right here is top-grade conspiracy theory nuttery at its nuttiest.

Some people are a little "off." Some people are crackpots. Some people are fully insane. And then there's this woman.

You have to give it to the interviewer…he has great control to keep a straight face.
More from the same kook:


Actually, just doing a quick Google search on Deborah Tavares shows how much of a nut she is…scarily though, there are apparently many believers.
...I´m pretty sure Kim Jong Un will convene a meeting with his foreign policy advisor.


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Hey, I've got a pointless idea. The video is an example of incredible levels of paranoid crazy. And realistically, there's simply no reasonable way to deal with that; someone that nuts cannot be reached by facts and reason. Just about the only thing that can be done is some light mockery, then try to move on with life.

This being the internet, some of the best mockery is available by way of meme images. So... who wants to have a meme-off here? Post images that display the your level of disdain/disgust/confusion generated by this crackpot. Perhaps there might be one or two that so perfectly nail it that they can become a standard response when someone posts something about, say, Die Glocke or other forms of aerospace horsehockey.

Here, I'll start:


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PaulMM (Overscan) said:
She started crazy. The internet helps her locate more "evidence".

Ready access to reams of data is a boon to both the honest and the liar, the sane and the insane.

Some anticrank mindbleach:

Orionblamblam said:
This right here is top-grade conspiracy theory nuttery at its nuttiest.

Some people are a little "off." Some people are crackpots. Some people are fully insane. And then there's this woman.

The Apollo 20 conspiracy is off the charts nutty, complete with photos and videos, moon glass cathedrals, cigar shaped craft, dark skinned voluptuous looking females. Where do people get time to make this stuff?
kcran567 said:
Where do people get time to make this stuff?

There has never been an era so dire that at least a few people didn't have the time to make up wacky susperstitious nonsense. Heck, I believe a case can be made that when things are at their worst, when every last bit of effort is required just to stay alive... that's when the makin' stuff up gets cranked up to 11. War, storm, earthquake, drought, flood, famine, plague... people need to explain what's going on.

And so when science and capitalism came along and actually started explaining things with facts and providing material comfort and free time, the actual physical *need* for just any old explanation was removed... but the long built-in programming that permitted and required most people to just dream up nonsense to explain what they couldn't explain was still there.
i say it polite, it seems that Deborah Tavares suffers from reading disability.

Her hysterical claim .of Jupiter size planet close around our sun and it on way to us. was on June 23, 2013.
Around this time NASA made announcement that Kepler found a Jupiter size planet close around Sun like star.
what was confirmed by many astromomers

now if Tavares cannot understand a simple press release by NASA, a complex Power Point Presentation in PDF, can surpass her mental capacity…

kcran567 said:
Where do people get time to make this stuff?
the question is not time, is what Stuff they take?

I could be wrong, but I believe the small sound clip of Tavares speaking of that planet is a fake, a collage of several sentences she spoke to make her sound like even more of a loonie. Otherwise she'd be filmed saying so. Also if you listen carefully, the sentences sound too neat and calibrated. Not the natural way to speak.
Skyblazer said:
I could be wrong, but I believe the small sound clip of Tavares speaking of that planet is a fake, a collage of several sentences she spoke to make her sound like even more of a loonie.

Some people don't need help in that department. In any event, she appears to be simply reading text from the now-defunct link that she mentioned.

If you dare, check out her other videos. She has rather a lot of them, touching on virtually every whackadoodlism currently popular among the woo-woo set. Free time galore, it seems.

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