The forum - as it was on 11th May 2006

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
Reaction score

Interesting snapshot. Well done Overscan, see what you've spawned!

Thanks to everyone who participates and shares here - it is a great resource and very helpful to me.

Enjoy the Day! Mark

Didn't know the forum at that time... but going through all the 2006 and 2007 general topics recently to split them sort of gave an opportunity to catch up a bit...

Thank you so much to overscan, Orionblamblam, Mark Nankivil, Justo Miranda, Jemiba, circle-5, Triton, pometablava, blackkite, hesham and all the other great people who have contributed to this site in ways that I never thought would be possible. So much knowledge shared in only 7 years is remarkable!!!
Stargazer2006 said:
Thank you so much to overscan, Orionblamblam, Mark Nankivil, Justo Miranda, Jemiba, circle-5, Triton, pometablava, blackkite, hesham and all the other great people who have contributed to this site in ways that I never thought would be possible. So much knowledge shared in only 7 years is remarkable!!!

Strongly seconded.

I'm really happy to be a part of this amazing group of people. I honestly don't know what I would do without you all. Not only have you helped me greatly with my research, but you have made the experience FUN!

I only wish I could've had a better start. My early years here were quite rough. ::)


Thanks, Paul, for the link. It's nice to see how the site looked at the very beginning, and how far it has come since then.
You were young, we've all been there, though not very recently in some cases B)
I concur on the thanks. I can tell you I have enjoyed this forum immensely and learned so much from all of the researchers, experts, and just plain geeks like myself.

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