"The Fighter Enterprise" Lockheed division?


To post or not to post, that is the question
20 February 2021
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Watching the other day an old video featuring the LM's Saber Warrior() what caught my attention was not the aicaft itself, but the CGI spaceplane transitioning to the logo shown at the end just as these last words are spoken: ..."the Saber Warrior is just one example of the many concepts being developed by the Fighter Enterprise, capitalizing on innovation and creativity"...
So apparently this Fighter Enterprise would be a subdivision of Lockheed Martin similar to Skunkworks??. I tried googling, but aside from a cap on Ebay(https://www.ebay.com/itm/172598921353), there is nothing else to be found. Anyone can shed more info on this Fighter Enterprise mystery, and the "many concepts being developed"?


Screenshot 2022-08-03 at 21-45-10 The Fighter Enterprise Cap-Adjustable Slider-metal clip Fits...png Untitled.png
I believe The Fighter Enterprise was a marketing and branding initiative launched by Lockheed Martin in the late 90's. This was about the time of a reorganization from Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems to Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. The Fighter Enterprise brand captured their concurrent production of the F-16, development of the JSF, later the F-35, and the F-22. That graphic was used as the theme in presentations, documents and promotional items. Of course this is memory from some 25 years ago, so could be wildly inaccurate.

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