The ELIK Project.


ACCESS: Secret
6 October 2019
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The satellite is being designed by the same company that introduced ROFAR radars for aircrafts.

"RTI will create a THz range locator
Two enterprises of the RTI group: JSC Radiotechnical Institute named after Academician A.L. Mintsa (JSC RTI) and JSC NPK NIIDAR (NIIDAR) will conduct a joint experiment to evaluate the characteristics of the terahertz (THz) locator. This decision was made at a scientific seminar held in September.

Next year, NIIDAR and RTI JSC will conduct the first joint experiment using a THz locator and a high-performance experimental flight test complex ELIK. The experiment will consist in the detection of people and various biomaterials (for example, oil), as well as remote sensing of the Earth through the use of THz technology.

THz technologies have extremely broad prospects for application in various civilian and military spheres, among them we can distinguish such as: high-precision location systems (LS) operating in a complex electromagnetic environment; radio electronic systems (RES); high speed communication lines; medical equipment; security systems and others. Conducting an experiment in the framework of the ELIK project will allow combining the scientific potential of two enterprises to develop technologies for creating signal structures for a THz locator and processing radar data. The creation of a THz locator will open up the possibility of accumulating information for a database on the reflectivity of objects in the THz range.

“We plan to focus joint efforts and resources on the implementation of a specific and demanded by potential customers project on the use of THz radiation in security systems. In this regard, much work remains to be done on the use of competencies and the scientific backlog of not only RTI JSC, but also MARGU, ”said A.N. Leukhin, Deputy General Director for Research
If the experiment is successful, the ELIK complex, which currently operates in the centimeter and decimeter ranges, will be supplemented by the millimeter wavelength range. This will allow the formation of radar images with a larger placement capacity of less than 10 cm."

Will provide updates on project from their website.

RTI will qualitatively increase the volume of processed data from space due to neural networks


In the "Radio Engineering Institute. Academician A.L. Mints ”(hereinafter referred to as RTI JSC), which is part of the RTI Group of Companies, under the chairmanship of A.N. Leukhina, a meeting was held on the use of RTI developments in the interests of creating space-based radar-tracking systems for the Earth.

From the "Radio Engineering Institute named after A.L. Mintsa ”took part in the meeting: Director General A. Osipov, Deputy Director General for Science A. Leukhin, Advisor to the Director General N. Mikhailov and a group of designers - Savchenko V.P., Savkin Yu.P., Evdokimov V.V. and others, as well as representatives of JSC "SPC" Elvis ", JSC" Corporation "VNIIEM" and JSC "TsNIImash" and JSC "AEROKON".

In the opening remarks A. Leukhin outlined the competencies of RTI JSC in terms of the formation of radar information products. He demonstrated the results of a flight experiment with a mock-up of the X-band airborne radar system (hereinafter - BRLK), as well as the operation of the Automatic Recognition tool, which uses neural network methods. This tool will be used to process Earth remote sensing information.
The proposed X-band radar system for small spacecraft includes a five-section deployable digital active phased array antenna (hereinafter - CAFAR) and a signal control and processing unit. The key, to ensure the specified weight and size characteristics of the radar control system, is the design of the CAFAR section in the form of a modular unit with a 32-channel transceiver module board. The innovation is the network structure of the 160-channel CAFAR, each digital channel of which is based on an integrated circuit developed by JSC “SPC“ ELVIS ”.

“The adopted technical solutions provide a significant improvement in the overall dimensions of the ballistic missile system and allow the use of MIMO technologies (English Multiple Input Multiple Output) to increase information content. Our unique ballistic missile radar system in Russia will solve remote sensing problems with orbits 400-500 km high with a level of end-to-end characteristics that exceed the characteristics of an analogue - a radar with a synthesized aperture by ICEYE, ”said A.N. Leukhin, Deputy General Director of JSC RTI.

The creation of a dummy in the framework of the ELIK project in 2019 for the development of MIMO technologies will significantly increase the information content of the dashboard without additional modifications to its hardware.

Employees of the Radio Engineering Institute named after Academician A.L. Mints are developing spaceborne on-board radar systems (BRLK), which have a number of unique characteristics and have no world analogues. These complexes will allow you to observe static and moving objects on the planet around the clock and in any weather. These developments may become part of the new space constellation of the Earth. In the next ten years, Russia plans to put into orbit more than 30 civilian spacecraft for remote sensing of our planet.
RADAR LOOK AT THE PLANET At the moment, the entire group of civilian spacecraft in Russia is equipped with optical means for observing the Earth. Using the most modern equipment, you can take detailed pictures of the planet. For example, recall the maps of Yandex or Google, which allow you to look at the Earth from space. But now all Russian satellites are equipped only with optics. This equipment can not be removed at night and in bad weather. Space-based airborne radar systems having synthesized antenna aperture radars are devoid of these disadvantages. - Radar systems allow you to observe the Earth in the radio range in any weather and time of day. Night or dense clouds are not a hindrance to the locator. Radar systems allow you to create a 3D model of the Earth’s surface,
change the height of the building, monitor the subsidence of the soil (starting from a level of 1 mm), fix plant diseases and perform many other useful functions - even look under the ground in order to find useful
digging, - says the Deputy Director General for Science of the Radio Engineering Institute (RTI). A.L. Mints Anatoly Leukhin. - I note that airborne radar systems do not replace optics, but significantly complement it. Anatoly Leukhin says that the first satellites with synthesized aperture antenna radars (SAR) in the 1980s launched the USSR and the USA. Now its own radar America, China, Canada, Italy, Argentina and many other countries have bases, but Russia does not have ... It so happened that previously launched satellites had already exhausted their resources, and a few new ones were launched, but for various reasons they did not reach the set characteristics. “Russia has no technological lag,” said Anatoly Leukhin. - Our country has the necessary personnel, technologies, solutions. In the near future we will return the lost positions. We will have a whole group of satellites equipped with RSA radar.
UNIQUE DEVELOPMENTS OF RTI In 2018, the Institute successfully conducted flight tests of spaceborne on-board radar systems that are equipped with active phased antenna arrays of the centimeter and decimeter wavelength ranges. This development was created at the expense of the institute itself. - The growth of the market for services related to remote sensing of the Earth, determines the relevance of the tasks of creating and efficient use of space-based radar surveillance equipment. Our experts are working to increase the information content of radar systems. Today, a complex of work is underway on the dual-frequency radar of the centimeter and decimeter wavelength ranges, which has no analogues in the world, ”says RTI Director General. A. L. Mintz Alexander Osipov. - The institute has the necessary scientific and technical, software-algorithmic and technological for
matters for creating on a single structure the latest radar systems for spacecraft. Information technology enhancement technologies occupy an important place in the MRL, which was created at the institute: the use of innovative designs of sounding signals, the method of expanding the shooting band, innovative methods for detecting moving objects, super-resolution algorithms, methods for processing and integrating radar data. - The basic principles of radar are well known to scientists around the world. It is very difficult to come up with qualitatively new solutions in this area, but we succeeded. With the help of a supercomputer, we have developed algorithms for deep mathematical analysis that can detect moving targets. This is a very difficult task that no one has been able to solve before us, ”says Anatoly Leukhin. - The fact is that when we look at the Earth with a locator, we see not only rivers, oceans and cities, but also a huge amount of interference. Because of them, it’s sometimes very difficult to see even moving objects. The ability to monitor moving objects is an essential step in the development of radar. This technology can be widely used both for military and civilian purposes. For example, to create tracking systems
Niya aircraft from space. This will bring the level of flight safety around the planet to a whole new level. RTI conducts tests of its space-based ballistic missile systems in flight experiments at the created experimental flight test complex. Anatoly Leukhin claims that the data obtained confirm the efficiency and effectiveness of the technology created at the institute. The next step is the creation and launch into space of a full-fledged spacecraft equipped with the latest radar, which was developed in RTI. The Institute is ready to cooperate with the Ministry of Defense of Russia and various civilian customers.
WHO WILL BE A NEW SPACE ATTENDANT Besides creating a space-based radar based radar on an initiative basis, RTI is involved in the development of satellites that could very soon be in near-Earth orbit. From 2013 to 2016, RTI was commissioned by the Roshydromet federal service and the Roskosmos space activity corporation to create the Meteor3M meteorological satellite. The satellite was developed by the research and production corporation “Space monitoring systems, information management and electromechanical com
Plexi "named after A.G. Iosifyana (VNIIEM). RTI created for the spacecraft BRLK with a synthesized aperture of the antenna. “The research and development work was carried out at the institute, during which a fully working layout was created that included all the elements of signal formation and processing,” recalls Anatoly Leukhin. - Unfortunately, the launch did not take place. Nevertheless, Roshydromet does not abandon the idea of creating a satellite. In 2019–2020, the federal service is expected to announce the exact launch date for Meteor-M No. 3 oceanographic spacecraft.
With its help, many tasks will be solved, including operational monitoring of the state of the aquatic environment, ensuring the safety of navigation, as well as fundamental research on the ice cover of the planet. It has not yet been announced who will create space-based ballistic missile systems for Meteor-M. RTI has every chance of getting this order. Roshydromet wants the radar not only to recognize objects, but also to determine the speed of their movement. The most advanced and affordable development in this area is the institute. A.L. Mintz. - We strive to reduce costs and lead times.
BRLK boots, without losing quality, - says Anatoly Leukhin. - We manage to do this by using a standard structure with unified control equipment, signal generation and processing. Currently, RTI JSC on space topics is collaborating with Pulsar. The institute is engaged in algorithmic and mathematical signal processing of the radar “Pulsara”. “Our cooperation was successful and this year we expect its continuation,” said Anatoly Leukhin. The main goal of the RTI is to participate in as many Russian projects as possible to create satellites with space-based radar systems. The timing of many projects is shifting, and some of them are only under discussion. RTI is actively working on its own developments. - Algorithmic and mathematical problems on a supercomputer are solved by a separate RTI unit at Mari State University (YoshkarOla). The hardware of our radar systems is created directly in the RTI. We carry out test flights in the suburbs. Our other divisions are involved in the work. In the coming years, our country will actively launch satellites equipped with radars. It is not surprising that many institutions are striving to develop their space-based ballistic radar. Our goal is to occupy a leading position in the field. We have everything we need for this - resources, unique developments and an excellent team.
There was one more news source that I no longer can find in their website that state the satellite can track low altitude targets. But just more information I wanted to add.


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