The Bugatti 100P record plane


It's turtles all the way down
Senior Member
6 November 2010
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Spotted in Early Aircraft Projects:
J.J.Horst said:

Almost everything on de Monge can now be found in the book about the Bugatti 100P, which has a complete chapter on all of the de Monge designs!
Publisher's site/webshop:
Just received my copy direct from Lanasta. Having only had a quick page through, it looks great and quite thorough. I look forward to digging in to it soon. It includes color and black & white photos, diagrams, blueprints, etc. The coverage of other Bugatti and de Monge works (planes, engines, etc) is substantial as well.
Got mine too...signed by Author too which was a nice addition. ;D Very nice book at first glance.
I just received my copy and a first run-through looks very satisfying. As an airframe design engineer, there is lots of good "nuts & bolts" stuff here, but even laymen can get a lot out of the book.

The book essentially has four sections, covering, in order, the 100P itself (with a lot of vintage photos that I've never seen before), Ettore Bugatti (with particular emphasis on his aero engines and the aircraft that they powered), Louis de Monge (looking at all of the other interesting aircraft he had a hand in), and the current project to build a flying reproduction in Oklahoma.

The book has an appendix listing specifications for the engines and aircraft described therein, a list of existing engines and aircraft in museums worldwide, and references & acknowledgements, but no index, which is a weakness. I also noted a table on page 20 where some of the line entries had not been translated from Dutch into English, but that is not a big deal. So far the English I have seen has been pretty good gramatically.

I think that this is the last word on this interesting aircraft and its creators and should be on the shelf of anyone really interested in aircraft design.
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