The Adamoli-Cattani advanced fighter (1919): built but never flown


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25 June 2009
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A very interesting article on one of the so-called "Italian Secret Projects", originally from Air-Britain Digest, Autumn 1996:


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Thanks Star! The wing is impressive.
Here a 3d view , the source is "Lost Eagles" vol 2 from Roman Vasiliev alias Kampfflieger. That was a free pdf online a while ago.


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I suspect there is a reason the Adamoli-Cattani didn't fly. When Cattani himself said that he was skeptical of the lateral control surfaces and doubted the plane would have worked in the air, that kind of says it all.
Lucamax seems I maid a little mistake ???

Here you have the 2 pdfs available: eagles&x=0&y=0

If you register you can download the volume one pdf. I think you need to send an email to the owner to free it but Chris Gutzmer the owner is very friendly and helpful. As you can see they sell the second volume.

The Adamoli-Cattani 3d view if from the second volume.
"Nothing more, than this side view is known about this derivative of the Adamoli-Cattani fighter"

... from Google translator. ;)
That's right my dear Jemiba,

and its shape differs from original fighter,which was also mentioned in the site; - i have find more information about it !! :)
Ok, but we meant that variant with the ducted prop and the tent like shape
of the cockpit . ;)
Nevertheless, it is made clear on that site, why it was dropped.
Looking into the site it states that although static tests were carried out on the Adamoli-Cattani fighter, no actual flight tests took place. However remembering from my time at Aerospace Publinshing, an entry for the type in the A-Z of aircraft types section in our partwork magazines combined with an entry in 'The Complete Book of Fighters' by Bill Green and Gordon Swanborough, both state that the type flew, albeit underpowered due to the use of a Le Rhone engine which only produced 160hp instead of the advertised 200hp, thus leading to the cessation of any further test flights. I wonder which are the correct facts?
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1928 L'Aeronautica article


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