Tank Battle at Checkpoint Charlie in 1961

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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The confrontation between US and Soviet tanks at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin in 1961 was one of the tensest moments of the Cold War.
Although the tanks are too modern and the scenery a bit ropey this wargame sim on YouTube shows why it was a good thing the battle at Charlie never happened.
View: https://youtu.be/1IdIYwnRTnQ
I can see nothing of any use in that. Seriously.
I accept its a ropey sim but would you care to enlarge your comment. Are you suggesting the firefight if it had happened would not have been a catastrophe. It might well have lasted longer or maybe shorter but the outcome was chilling either way.
What I am saying is simply that a simulator of any kind does not inform of the outcome , Either military action or casualty handling exercise. No idea what the point of posting it was.

I understand people like simulators but that is better posted on the pages of a simulator fan site.

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