Taiwanese SAM developments

Up to 70 km is interesting claim, if correct. It might suggest some sort of combination of main engine vectored thrust coupled with mid body thrusters. At least if we are talking about a single missile type for both aircraft and hugher flying targets.
It's stated elsewhere too.

29th April 2023 – (Taipei) The Taiwanese Air Force has completed evaluations for an advanced version of the Sky Bow III missile, and plans for mass production have begun. Under the Strong Bow Project, the National Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) developed two advanced types of the Sky Bow III missile, according to Liberty Times. The first type, which passed evaluations, can intercept targets at an altitude of 70 kilometers. Meanwhile, the second type, which is still undergoing tests, can soar up to heights of 100 km.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3H1nV3XGnc

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